CApAccessPointItem Class Reference

#include <mw/ApAccessPointItem.h>

Link against: APEngine.lib

class CApAccessPointItem : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CApAccessPointItem
    Public Member Functions
    virtual ~CApAccessPointItem()
    IMPORT_C TApBearerTypeBearerTypeL()
    IMPORT_C const TDesC &ConnectionName()
    IMPORT_C voidCopyFromL(const CApAccessPointItem &)
    IMPORT_C TBoolHasSameIspAndBearerL(CApAccessPointItem &)
    IMPORT_C TBoolIsReadOnly()
    TBool IsVpnAp()
    IMPORT_C CApAccessPointItem *NewLC()
    IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TApMember, TBool &)
    IMPORT_C const HBufC *ReadConstLongTextL(const TApMember)
    IMPORT_C HBufC *ReadLongTextL(const TApMember)
    IMPORT_C voidReadTextL(const TApMember, TDes8 &)
    IMPORT_C voidReadTextL(const TApMember, TDes16 &)
    IMPORT_C TUint32ReadTextLengthL(const TApMember)
    IMPORT_C TIntReadUint(const TApMember, TUint32 &)
    IMPORT_C TBoolSanityCheckOk()
    IMPORT_C voidSetBearerTypeL(TApBearerType)
    IMPORT_C voidSetNamesL(const TDesC16 &)
    IMPORT_C const TDesC &WapBearer()
    IMPORT_C TUint32WapUid()
    IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TApMember, const TBool &)
    IMPORT_C TIntWriteLongTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC &)
    IMPORT_C TIntWriteTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC8 &)
    IMPORT_C TIntWriteTextL(const TApMember, const TDesC16 &)
    IMPORT_C TIntWriteUint(const TApMember, const TUint32 &)
    IMPORT_C TBooloperator!=(const CApAccessPointItem &)
    IMPORT_C TBooloperator==(const CApAccessPointItem &)
    Protected Member Functions
    IMPORT_C voidConstructL()
    Inherited Functions
    CBase::Delete(CBase *)
    CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

    Detailed Description

    CApAccessPointItem is used to exchange data between engine and client. It holds the information for an access point including WAP, IAP, ISP (if present & applies). This class uses the same approach as CommDB to read and write data: it has functions for each data type implemented. To read or write the data, we have to know the data type and the enum name of the 'column'. The column values has the names of the database columns with the 'EAp' prefix. The reason for this (not using the database column descriptors) is performance. It is much faster to compare enum values than literals.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    CApAccessPointItem ( )


    C++ default constructor.


    ~CApAccessPointItem ( )




    Member Function Documentation

    BearerTypeL ( )

    IMPORT_C TApBearerTypeBearerTypeL()

    This function returns the bearer type for the current access point Deprecated

    Returns: The current bearer type for the access point

    ConnectionName ( )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC &ConnectionName()const

    This function returns the name of the connection Ownership is not passed. Deprecated

    Returns: The name of the connection

    ConstructL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected]

    Second-phase constructor.


    CopyFromL ( const CApAccessPointItem & )

    IMPORT_C voidCopyFromL(const CApAccessPointItem &aCopyFrom)

    Copies the data from another CApAccessPointItem. Substitute for the "assignment operator". It requires allocation thus can leave. Wap Access Point Uid is not copied.


    HasSameIspAndBearerL ( CApAccessPointItem & )

    IMPORT_C TBoolHasSameIspAndBearerL(CApAccessPointItem &aItem)

    This function compares this and the passed CApAccessPointItem whether they have the same ISP and bearer Returns true if the APs have the same phone number Deprecated

    aItema CApAccessPointItem to compare with

    Returns: whether the APs have the same isp and bearer

    IsReadOnly ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolIsReadOnly()const

    This function returns whether the access point is read-only or not. Deprecated

    Returns: Whether the current access point is read-only or not.

    IsVpnAp ( )

    TBool IsVpnAp()const

    Returnes whether the given access point is a VPN ap or not.

    NewLC ( )

    IMPORT_C CApAccessPointItem *NewLC()[static]

    Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure, places instance on cleanup stack. Instance is initialised to default values. The created instance is suitable for passing to CApDataHandler's functions, contains all necessary information. Deprecated

    Returns: The constructed CApAccessPointItem.

    ReadBool ( const TApMember, TBool & )

    IMPORT_C TIntReadBool(const TApMemberaColumn,
    TBool &aValue

    This function reads up a boolean value from the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.
    aValueA reference to a boolean to hold the value

    Returns: Error code.

    ReadConstLongTextL ( const TApMember )

    IMPORT_C const HBufC *ReadConstLongTextL(const TApMemberaColumn)

    This function reads up a long text value from the specified column. The ownership is not passed to the caller. It means that the caller should not delete the received value. If the caller must take the ownership for any reason, must make a copy and use that and delete the copy when no longer needed. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.

    Returns: A const HBufC* to the value.

    ReadLongTextL ( const TApMember )

    IMPORT_C HBufC *ReadLongTextL(const TApMemberaColumn)

    NOTE: This function is deprecated. Use ReadConstLongTextL! This function reads up a long text value from the specified column. The ownership is not passed to the caller. It means that the caller should not delete the received value. If the caller must take the ownership for any reason, must make a copy and use that and delete the copy when no longer needed. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.

    Returns: A HBufC* to the value.

    ReadTextL ( const TApMember, TDes8 & )

    IMPORT_C voidReadTextL(const TApMemberaColumn,
    TDes8 &aValue

    This function reads up an 8-bit text value from the specified column. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.
    aValueReference to an 8-bit descriptor to hold the value

    Returns: no return value

    ReadTextL ( const TApMember, TDes16 & )

    IMPORT_C voidReadTextL(const TApMemberaColumn,
    TDes16 &aValue

    This function reads up a 16-bit text value from the specified column. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.
    aValueReference to a 16-bit descriptor to hold the value

    Returns: no return value

    ReadTextLengthL ( const TApMember )

    IMPORT_C TUint32ReadTextLengthL(const TApMemberaColumn)

    This function reads the length of the text in the specified column. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.

    Returns: The length of the text in that column.

    ReadUint ( const TApMember, TUint32 & )

    IMPORT_C TIntReadUint(const TApMemberaColumn,
    TUint32 &aValue

    This function reads up a TUint32 value from the specified column. In case the given value was not written to the database, it will return KErrValueUnspecified. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to read.
    aValueA reference to a TUint32 to hold the value

    Returns: Error code.

    SanityCheckOk ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSanityCheckOk()

    This function checks the integrity of the CApAccessPointItem. Currently checks: IF WAP_IP_BEARER, WAP_ISP_TYPE conforms to IAP_SERVICE_TYPE Deprecated

    Returns: Boolean indicating whether the sanity check has passed(ETrue) or not(EFalse)

    SetBearerTypeL ( TApBearerType )

    IMPORT_C voidSetBearerTypeL(TApBearerTypeaBearer)

    This function sets the bearer type for the current access point Deprecated

    aBearerTApBearerType enum indicating the desired bearer type.

    Returns: No return value.

    SetNamesL ( const TDesC16 & )

    IMPORT_C voidSetNamesL(const TDesC16 &aValue)

    This function writes a 16-bit text value to the 'name' fields of the access point. This includes: WAP_ACCESS_POINT, IAP, Dial/in/out/Gprs In/Out table's COMM_DB_NAME fields. These fields are (by TApMember): EApWapAccessPointName, EApIapName, EApIspName. It is useful if we need to use same names. Deprecated

    aValueA const reference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value.

    Returns: No return value.

    SetVpnAp ( TBool )


    Sets the current access point as VPN or as normal AP. Internal use only!

    aIsVpna TBool specifiyng that the current AP is VPN or not.

    WapBearer ( )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC &WapBearer()const

    This function returns the current WAP bearer for the access point Ownership is not passed. Deprecated

    Returns: The current WAP bearer for the access point

    WapUid ( )

    IMPORT_C TUint32WapUid()const

    This function returns the ID of the access point Deprecated

    Returns: The ID of this access point

    WriteBool ( const TApMember, const TBool & )

    IMPORT_C TIntWriteBool(const TApMemberaColumn,
    const TBool &aValue

    This function writes a boolean value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to write.
    aValueA const reference to a boolean value

    Returns: Error code.

    WriteLongTextL ( const TApMember, const TDesC & )

    IMPORT_C TIntWriteLongTextL(const TApMemberaColumn,
    const TDesC &aValue

    This function writes a long text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to write.
    aValueReference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value

    Returns: Error code.

    WriteTextL ( const TApMember, const TDesC8 & )

    IMPORT_C TIntWriteTextL(const TApMemberaColumn,
    const TDesC8 &aValue

    This function writes an 8-bit text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed. Possible leave codes are the system leave codes. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to write.
    aValueReference to an 8-bit text descriptor to the value

    Returns: Error code.

    WriteTextL ( const TApMember, const TDesC16 & )

    IMPORT_C TIntWriteTextL(const TApMemberaColumn,
    const TDesC16 &aValue

    This function writes a 16-bit text value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. This function can Leave if the copying of the text does not succeed. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to write.
    aValueReference to a 16-bit text descriptor to the value

    Returns: Error code.

    WriteUint ( const TApMember, const TUint32 & )

    IMPORT_C TIntWriteUint(const TApMemberaColumn,
    const TUint32 &aValue

    This function writes a TUint32 value to the specified column. If the specified column does not exist (that is, not part of the database structure), it will Panic in debug builds and it will return KErrInvalidColumn in release builds without Panicking. Panic is used in debug builds because it indicates a programming error. In release, it 'notifies' the caller about the error through the return value but enables system to continue operation. Deprecated

    aColumnEnum value indicating the column to write.
    aValueA const reference to a TUint32 value

    Returns: Error code.

    operator!= ( const CApAccessPointItem & )

    IMPORT_C TBooloperator!=(const CApAccessPointItem &aitem)const

    Inequality operator. Wap Access Point Uid is not counted.


    operator== ( const CApAccessPointItem & )

    IMPORT_C TBooloperator==(const CApAccessPointItem &aitem)const

    Equality operator. Wap Access Point Uid is not counted.
