CPostProcessorInfo Class Reference

#include "devvideoplay.h"

Link against: devvideo.lib

class CPostProcessorInfo : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CPostProcessorInfo

    Detailed Description

    This class contains information about the post-processing functionality that a single post-processor or decoder hardware device has. Although it mainly contains static data, it is defined as a complete CBase-derived class since the data is relatively complex and proper memory management is necessary.

    The objects are created by the post-processor or decoder devices, and used by the MSL video client code.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ~CPostProcessorInfo ( )



    Member Function Documentation

    Accelerated ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolAccelerated()const

    Returns whether the hardware device is hardware-accelerated. Hardware-accelerated post-processors can run on an application DSP or dedicated hardware.

    Returns: "ETrue if the device is hardware-accelerated."

    AddSupportedScreenL ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidAddSupportedScreenL(TIntaScreenNo)
    Adds the screen number into the list of screens supported by the post processor.
    "KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list of supported screens. KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework."

    AntiAliasedScaling ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolAntiAliasedScaling()const

    Returns whether the hardware device supports anti-aliasing filtering for scaling.

    Returns: "True if anti-aliasing filtering is supported."

    GetSupportedScreensL ( RArray< TInt > & )

    IMPORT_C voidGetSupportedScreensL(RArray< TInt > &aSupportedScreens)const
    Lists the screens supported by the post processor.
    "KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework. KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list."
    aSupportedScreens"An array to retrieve the list of supported screens. This method resets the array before adding elements to it. The array must be created and destroyed by the caller."

    Identifier ( )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC &Identifier()const

    Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer-specific identifier. The combination of the manufacturer and identifier uniquely identifies the device.

    Returns: "The identifier as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."

    ImplementationSpecificInfo ( )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC8 &ImplementationSpecificInfo()const

    Returns implementation-specific information about the post-processor.

    Returns: "Implementation- specific information about the post-processor. The data format is implementation-specific, and defined separately by the post-processor supplier. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."

    Manufacturer ( )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC &Manufacturer()const

    Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer.

    Returns: "The manufacturer name as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."

    NewL ( TUid, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TVersion, const TArray< TUncompressedVideoFormat > &, const TArray< TUint32 > &, TBool, TBool, const TYuvToRgbCapabilities &, TUint32, TBool, const TArray< TScaleFactor > &, TBool, const TDesC8 & )

    IMPORT_C CPostProcessorInfo *NewL(TUidaUid,
    const TDesC &aManufacturer,
    const TDesC &aIdentifier,
    const TArray< TUncompressedVideoFormat > &aSupportedFormats,
    const TArray< TUint32 > &aSupportedCombinations,
    const TYuvToRgbCapabilities &aYuvToRgbCapabilities,
    const TArray< TScaleFactor > &aSupportedScaleFactors,
    const TDesC8 &aImplementationSpecificInfo =  KNullDesC8

    Creates and returns a new CPostProcessorInfo object.

    "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
    aUid"The UID of the post-processor."
    aManufacturer"The manufacturer of the post-processor hw device."
    aIdentifier"The post-processor hw device manufacturer-specific identifier."
    aVersion"The post-processor version."
    aSupportedFormats"The source formats supported by the post-processor."
    aSupportedCombinations"The supported post-processing combinations. An array of values created by the bitwise OR-ing of values from TPrePostProcessType." @param "aAccelerated" "Whether the post processor is hardware-accelerated. Accelerated post-processors can run on an application DSP or dedicated hardware." @param "aSupportsDirectDisplay" "Whether the hw device supports output directly to the screen." @param "aYuvToRgbCapabilities" "The post-processor YUV to RGB conversion capabilities." @param "aSupportedRotations" "A bitwise OR of values of TRotationType to indicate the supported rotation types." @param "aSupportArbitraryScaling" "Whether the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling." @param "aSupportedScaleFactors" "A list of the discrete scaling factors supported. If the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling, this list should be left zero-length." @param "aAntiAliasedScaling" "Whether anti-aliasing filtering for scaling is supported." @param "aImplementationSpecificInfo" "Implementation-specific information."

    Returns: "A new CPostProcessorInfo object."

    SetSupportsContentProtected ( const TBool )

    IMPORT_C voidSetSupportsContentProtected(const TBoolaSetting)

    Sets a flag indicating whether the PostProcessor supports per picture content protection. E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.

    aSetting"Set to TRUE to indicate PostProcessor supports content protection. TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected

    SupportedCombinations ( )

    IMPORT_C const RArray< TUint32 > &SupportedCombinations()const

    Lists all supported post-processing combinations.

    Returns: "A RArray table or post-processing combinations. Each value is a bitwise OR of values from TPrePostProcessType. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."

    SupportedFormats ( )

    IMPORT_C const RArray< TUncompressedVideoFormat > &SupportedFormats()const

    Lists the source formats supported by the post-processor.

    Returns: "A RArray table of supported video formats (TUncompressedVideoFormat). The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."

    SupportedRotations ( )

    IMPORT_C TUint32SupportedRotations()const

    Returns the rotation types the post-processor supports.

    Returns: "The supported rotation types as a bitwise OR of TRotationType values. If the post-processor does not support rotation, the return value is zero."

    SupportedScaleFactors ( )

    IMPORT_C const RArray< TScaleFactor > &SupportedScaleFactors()const

    Returns the scaling factors the post-processor supports. If the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling the list is empty - use SupportsArbitraryScaling() first.

    Returns: "A RArray list of supported scale factors (TScaleFactor). The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed. If the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling or no scaling at all, the list is empty."

    SupportsArbitraryScaling ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsArbitraryScaling()const

    Returns whether the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling. If arbitrary scaling is not supported, a limited selection of scaling factors may still be available, use SupportedScaleFactors() to retrieve those.

    Returns: "ETrue if the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling, EFalse if not."

    SupportsCombination ( TUint32 )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsCombination(TUint32aCombination)const

    Checks if the post-processor supports the given post-processing combination.

    aCombination"Post-processing combination, a bitwise OR of values from TPrePostProcessType."

    Returns: "ETrue if the post-processing combination is supported, EFalse if not."

    SupportsContentProtected ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsContentProtected()const

    Returns whether the PostProcessor supports per picture content protection. E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.

    Returns: "True if the PostProcessor supports Content Protection." TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected

    SupportsDirectDisplay ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsDirectDisplay()const

    Returns whether the hardware device supports output directly to the screen. Output to memory buffers is always supported.

    Returns: "ETrue if the post-processor supports direct screen output."

    SupportsFormat ( const TUncompressedVideoFormat & )

    IMPORT_C TBoolSupportsFormat(const TUncompressedVideoFormat &aFormat)const

    Checks if the post-processor supports the given format as a source format.

    aFormat"The format to check. The reference is not used after the method returns."

    Returns: "ETrue if the post-processor supports the given format, EFalse if not."

    Uid ( )

    IMPORT_C TUidUid()const

    Returns the post-processor UID.

    Returns: "Post-processor UID"

    Version ( )

    IMPORT_C TVersionVersion()const

    Returns the post-processor version.

    Returns: "Post-processor version."

    YuvToRgbCapabilities ( )

    IMPORT_C const TYuvToRgbCapabilities &YuvToRgbCapabilities()const

    Returns the post-processor YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities.

    Returns: "The conversion capabilities as a TYuvToRgbCapabilities structure. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed. If the post-processor does not support YUV to RGB conversion, the contents are undefined."