UserPromptService::CDecisionFilter Class Reference

#include <ups/upstypes.h>

Link against: upsmanagement.lib

class UserPromptService::CDecisionFilter : public CBase

Inherits from

  • UserPromptService::CDecisionFilter
    Public Member Functions
    IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)
    IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &)
    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewL()
    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewL(const TSecureId &, const TUid &, const TUid &, const TSecureId &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint16 &)
    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewLC()
    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewLC(const TSecureId &, const TUid &, const TUid &, const TSecureId &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint16 &)
    IMPORT_C voidSetClientEntityL(const TDesC8 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetClientSid(const TSecureId &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetDescriptionL(const TDesC &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetEvaluatorId(const TUid &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetEvaluatorInfo(const TUint32 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetFingerprintL(const TDesC8 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetMajorPolicyVersion(const TUint16 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetRecordId(const TUint32 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetResult(const TUint8 &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetServerSid(const TSecureId &, const TComparisonOp)
    IMPORT_C voidSetServiceId(const TUid &, const TComparisonOp)
    Inherited Functions
    CBase::Delete(CBase *)
    CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

    Detailed Description

    Stores the filter key values that used to query the database. A filter object can be created in one phase by supplying all required parameters, or an empty filter is first created and then required filter keys are set separately.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ~CDecisionFilter ( )


    Destructor for the decision filter

    Member Function Documentation

    ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & )

    IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const

    Externalise this CDecisionFilter object to the specified stream.

    InternalizeL ( RReadStream & )

    IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)

    Internalise this CDecisionFilter object from the specified stream.

    NewL ( )

    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewL()[static]

    Creates an empty filter object. The function is used to define any number of filter keys. It leaves, if the creation of the filter object fails.

    Returns: A pointer to the newly allocated filter object, if creation is successful.

    NewL ( const TSecureId &, const TUid &, const TUid &, const TSecureId &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint16 & )

    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewL(const TSecureId &aClientSid,
    const TUid &aEvaluatorId,
    const TUid &aServiceId,
    const TSecureId &aServerSid,
    const TDesC8 &aFingerprint,
    const TDesC8 &aClientEntity,
    const TUint16 &aVersion

    Creates a filter object and assigns all filter keys. The function leaves, if creation of the filter object fails.

    aClientSidSecure Id of client application
    aEvaluatorIdUID for the policy evaluator DLL
    aServiceIdUID for service e.g. sms, mms, telephony, gprs
    aServerSidSecure Id for the system server that the decision applies to
    aFingerprintHash of the destination and/or opaque data.
    aClientEntityThe name of the entity within the client that requested the service.
    aVersionMajor version of policy file.

    Returns: A pointer to the newly allocated filter object, if creation is successful.

    NewLC ( )

    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewLC()[static]

    Creates an empty filter object. The function is used to define any number of filter keys. It leaves, if the creation of the filter object fails.

    Returns: A pointer to the newly allocated filter object, if creation is successful. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    NewLC ( const TSecureId &, const TUid &, const TUid &, const TSecureId &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint16 & )

    IMPORT_C CDecisionFilter *NewLC(const TSecureId &aClientSid,
    const TUid &aEvaluatorId,
    const TUid &aServiceId,
    const TSecureId &aServerSid,
    const TDesC8 &aFingerprint,
    const TDesC8 &aClientEntity,
    const TUint16 &aVersion

    Creates a filter object and assigns all filter keys. The function leaves, if creation of the filter object fails.

    aClientSidSecure Id of client application
    aEvaluatorIdUID for the policy evaluator DLL
    aServiceIdUID for service e.g. sms, mms, telephony, gprs
    aServerSidSecure Id for the system server that the decision applies to
    aFingerprintHash of the destination and/or opaque data.
    aClientEntityThe name of the entity within the client that requested the service.
    aVersionMajor version of policy file.

    Returns: A pointer to the newly allocated filter object, if creation is successful. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    SetClientEntityL ( const TDesC8 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetClientEntityL(const TDesC8 &aClientEntity,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the client entity. A buffer is allocated on the heap and aClientEntity copied into it. The function leaves, if the buffer allocation fails.

    aClientEntityThe name of the entity within the client. (Maximum length is 32 bytes)
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetClientSid ( const TSecureId &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetClientSid(const TSecureId &aSid,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the Secure ID of the client application.

    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetDescriptionL ( const TDesC &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetDescriptionL(const TDesC &aDescription,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the description field. A buffer is allocated on the heap and aDescription copied into it. The function leaves, if the buffer allocation fails.

    aDescriptionA copy of description and/or opaque. (Maximum length is 32 bytes)
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetEvaluatorId ( const TUid &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetEvaluatorId(const TUid &aUid,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the UID of the policy evaluator DLL.

    aUidUID for the policy evaluator DLL
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetEvaluatorInfo ( const TUint32 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetEvaluatorInfo(const TUint32 &aEvaluatorInfo,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the evaluator info field of the decision record which is searched.

    aEvaluatorInfoPolicy evaluator specific data
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetFingerprintL ( const TDesC8 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetFingerprintL(const TDesC8 &aFingerprint,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the fingerprint. A buffer is allocated on the heap and aFingerprint copied into it. The function leaves, if the buffer allocation fails.

    aFingerprintHash of the destination and/or opaque data. (Maximum length is 32 bytes)
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetMajorPolicyVersion ( const TUint16 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetMajorPolicyVersion(const TUint16 &aVersion,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the major version of the policy file.

    aVersionMajor policy version.
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetRecordId ( const TUint32 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetRecordId(const TUint32 &aId,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the unique Id number of the decision record which is searched.

    aIdA unique record Id.
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetResult ( const TUint8 &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetResult(const TUint8 &aResult,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the result field of the decision record which is searched.

    aResultWhether the request should be approved.
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetServerSid ( const TSecureId &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetServerSid(const TSecureId &aSid,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the Secure ID of the system server.

    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.

    SetServiceId ( const TUid &, const TComparisonOp )

    IMPORT_C voidSetServiceId(const TUid &aUid,
    const TComparisonOpaOp

    Sets the Secure ID of the service.

    aUidUID for the service
    aOpComparision operator which is used to create SQL statement.