TBufPtr8 Class Reference
class TBufPtr8 : public TPtr8 |
Inherited Functions |
| TDes8::Append(TChar) |
| TDes8::Append(const TDesC16 &) |
| TDes8::Append(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Append(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendFill(TChar,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,...) |
| TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,TDes8Overflow *,...) |
| TDes8::AppendFormatList(const TDesC8 &,VA_LIST,TDes8Overflow *) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *,TInt,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TInt64) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TReal,const TRealFormat &) |
| TDes8::AppendNum(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidth(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidthUC(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::AppendNumUC(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::Capitalize() |
| TDes8::Collapse() |
| TDes8::Collate() |
| TDes8::Copy(const TDesC16 &) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *) |
| TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::CopyC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyCP(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyF(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyLC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::CopyUC(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Delete(TInt,TInt) |
| TDes8::DoAppendNum(TUint64,TRadix,TUint,TInt) |
| TDes8::DoPadAppendNum(TInt,TInt,const TUint8 *) |
| TDes8::Expand() |
| TDes8::Fill(TChar) |
| TDes8::Fill(TChar,TInt) |
| TDes8::FillZ() |
| TDes8::FillZ(TInt) |
| TDes8::Fold() |
| TDes8::Format(TRefByValue< const TDesC8 >,...) |
| TDes8::FormatList(const TDesC8 &,VA_LIST) |
| TDes8::Insert(TInt,const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Justify(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TAlign,TChar) |
| TDes8::LeftTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::LowerCase() |
| TDes8::MaxLength()const |
| TDes8::MaxSize()const |
| TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt,TInt)const |
| TDes8::Num(TInt64) |
| TDes8::Num(TReal,const TRealFormat &) |
| TDes8::Num(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::NumFixedWidth(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::NumFixedWidthUC(TUint,TRadix,TInt) |
| TDes8::NumUC(TUint64,TRadix) |
| TDes8::PtrZ() |
| TDes8::Repeat(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::Repeat(const TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TDes8::Replace(TInt,TInt,const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::RightTPtr(TInt)const |
| TDes8::SetLength(TInt) |
| TDes8::SetMax() |
| TDes8::Swap(TDes8 &) |
| TDes8::TDes8() |
| TDes8::TDes8(TInt,TInt,TInt) |
| TDes8::Trim() |
| TDes8::TrimAll() |
| TDes8::TrimLeft() |
| TDes8::TrimRight() |
| TDes8::UpperCase() |
| TDes8::WPtr()const |
| TDes8::Zero() |
| TDes8::ZeroTerminate() |
| TDes8::operator+=(const TDesC8 &) |
| TDes8::operator=(const TDes8 &) |
| TDes8::operator[](TInt) |
| TDes8::operator[](TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Alloc()const |
| TDesC8::AllocL()const |
| TDesC8::AllocLC()const |
| TDesC8::AtC(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Compare(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::CompareC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::CompareF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::DoSetLength(TInt) |
| TDesC8::Find(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::Find(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::FindC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::FindC(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::FindF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::FindF(const TUint8 *,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Left(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Length()const |
| TDesC8::Locate(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateF(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateReverse(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::LocateReverseF(TChar)const |
| TDesC8::Match(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::MatchC(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::MatchF(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::Mid(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Mid(TInt,TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Ptr()const |
| TDesC8::Right(TInt)const |
| TDesC8::Size()const |
| TDesC8::TDesC8() |
| TDesC8::TDesC8(TInt,TInt) |
| TDesC8::Type()const |
| TDesC8::operator!=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator<(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator<=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator==(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator>(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TDesC8::operator>=(const TDesC8 &)const |
| TPtr8::Set(TUint8 *,TInt,TInt) |
| TPtr8::Set(const TPtr8 &) |
| TPtr8::TPtr8(TUint8 *,TInt) |
| TPtr8::TPtr8(TUint8 *,TInt,TInt) |
| TPtr8::operator=(const TDesC8 &) |
| TPtr8::operator=(const TPtr8 &) |
| TPtr8::operator=(const TUint8 *) |
Detailed Description
Utility class to allow forward iteration through the data contained in an 8 bit descriptor.
See also: TPtr8 TPtrC8 TDes8 TDesC8
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Set ( const TDes8 & )
void | Set | ( | const TDes8 & | aDes | ) | [inline] |
Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor.
Parameter | Description | aDes | A reference to the descriptor containing the relevant data. |
Set ( const TPtrC8 & )
void | Set | ( | const TPtrC8 & | aDes | ) | [inline] |
Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor, but restricts pointer access to the size of the const argument descriptor.
Parameter | Description | aDes | A reference to the descriptor containing the relevant data. |
SetLengthOnly ( const TDes8 & )
void | SetLengthOnly | ( | const TDes8 & | aDes | ) | [inline] |
Produces a shallow copy of the argument descriptor, but also restricts pointer access to the current actual size of the argument descriptor.
Parameter | Description | aDes | A reference to the descriptor containing the relevant data. |
Shift ( TInt )
void | Shift | ( | TInt | aOffset | ) | [inline] |
Seeks the current data pointer aOffset bytes from the current position.
Parameter | Description | aOffset | The number of bytes by which to seek. |