MLogClientChangeObserver Class Reference

#include <logclientchangeobserver.h>

class MLogClientChangeObserver
Public Member Functions
pure virtual voidHandleLogClientChangeEventL(TUid, TInt, TInt, TInt)

Detailed Description

This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view.

Member Function Documentation

HandleLogClientChangeEventL ( TUid, TInt, TInt, TInt )

)[pure virtual]

Handle a global change within the logs database

This method is called when a generic event occurs within the log database. Such events are not specific to a view (see MLogViewChangeObserver for view specific events).

A list of change types and their associated parameters follows:

KLogClientChangeEventLogCleared - no parameters. This event occurs when the log database is cleared. KLogClientChangeEventRefreshView - no parameters. This event occurs when the client needs to refresh their view. For example, this occurs after the log database has been restored from a backup.

aChangeTypeThe uid corresponding to the type of event which occurred.
aChangeParam1A context-specific change paramater which can be interpreted based on the change type.
aChangeParam2A context-specific change paramater which can be interpreted based on the change type.
aChangeParam3A context-specific change paramater which can be interpreted based on the change type.