MMMFGetTimestamps Class Reference

#include <mmf/server/devsoundstandardcustominterfaces.h>

class MMMFGetTimestamps

Detailed Description

This class provides an interface to configure and retrive time stamps.

Member Function Documentation

MmgtGetSystemTimestampForBuffer ( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &, TTime & )

TInt MmgtGetSystemTimestampForBuffer(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aBufferPosition,
TTime &aTimestamp
)const [pure virtual]

This method returns the system timestamp corresponding to the CMMFDataBuffer with the given position within the recording stream. This timestamp is the system time at which the buffers timestamp, as returned by CMMFBuffer::TimeToPlay, was valid. This method can only be used if the recording timestamps were enabled before recording started using the SetRecordSystemTimestampsEnabled method.

aBufferPositionThe timestamp from the buffer, as returned by CMMFBuffer::TimeToPlay.
aTimestampReturns the corresponding system time, in universal time.

Returns: A System error code. KErrNotSupported if recording is not ongoing; KErrNotReady if DevSound is not initialized, or TimeStamps have not been enabled; KErrNotFound if the timestamp given does not correspond to a recent record buffer.

MmgtSetRecordSystemTimestampsEnabled ( TBool )

TInt MmgtSetRecordSystemTimestampsEnabled(TBoolaEnable)[pure virtual]

Enable or disable support for system timestamps during recording, used for Audio / Video sync. This method can only be called after recording has been initialised, but before recording has started. Once recording is underway, the setting cannot be changed.

aEnableETrue to enable recording timestamps, EFalse to disable it.

Returns: KErrNotReady if DevSound has not yet been initialised, KErrNotSupported if DevSound is not in recording mode or KErrInUse if recording is already underway.