Enumerator | Value | Description |
EEikScrollBarDefaultBehaviour | 0x0000 |
EEikScrollBarNoNudgeButtons | 0x0001 |
Does not display nudge buttons.
EEikScrollBarHasPageButtons | 0x0002 |
Has buttons which move it a page at a time.
EEikScrollBarHasHomeEndButtons | 0x0004 |
Has buttons which move it its entire extent.
EEikScrollBarNoShaftOrThumb | 0x0008 |
Central area is empty.
EEikScrollBarShaftButNoThumb | 0x0010 |
Central area has no scroll thumb.
EButtonsAtStartOfShaft | 0x0040 |
Buttons are placed at the start of the bar.
EButtonsAtEndOfShaft | 0x0080 |
Buttons are placed at the end of the bar.
EButtonsEitherSideOfShaft | EButtonsAtStartOfShaft|EButtonsAtEndOfShaft |
Buttons are placed at either end of the bar (EButtonsAtStartOfShaft | EButtonsAtEndOfShaft).
ENoAutoDimming | 0x0100 |
Buttons do not automatically dim when scroll bar is at its maximum extent.