CSdpAttrValueDEA Class Reference
Link against: sdpdatabase.lib
class CSdpAttrValueDEA : public CSdpAttrValueList |
Inherited Functions |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CSdpAttrValue::Bool()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::CSdpAttrValue() |
| CSdpAttrValue::Des()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::DoesIntFit()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CSdpAttrValue::Int()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::UUID()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::Uint()const |
| CSdpAttrValue::Uint128(TUint64 &,TUint64 &)const |
| CSdpAttrValue::Uint64(TUint64 &)const |
| CSdpAttrValue::~CSdpAttrValue() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::AcceptVisitorL(MSdpAttributeValueVisitor &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::AppendValueL(CSdpAttrValue *) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildBooleanL(TBool) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildDEAL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildDESL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildEncodedL(const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildIntL(const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildNilL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildStringL(const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildURLL(const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUUIDL(const TUUID &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUintL(const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::BuildUnknownL(TUint8,TUint8,const TDesC8 &) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::CSdpAttrValueList(MSdpElementBuilder *) |
| CSdpAttrValueList::ConstructL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::DataSize()const |
| CSdpAttrValueList::EndListL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::StartListL() |
| CSdpAttrValueList::~CSdpAttrValueList() |
Detailed Description
A Data element alternative (DEA) value of an attribute: this is an attribute whose value is a sequence of data elements from which one data element is to be selected
Most of the functionality is supplied by the base class CSdpAttrValueList.
Member Function Documentation
NewDEAL ( MSdpElementBuilder * )
Parameter | Description | aBuilder | Parent for list. Set to NULL if the list is not nested in another list. |
Returns: A new CSdpAttrValueDEA object
Type ( )
Returns: Attribute type. Always ETypeDEA.