CSigner Class Reference

#include <asymmetric.h>

Link against: fstokenshared.lib

class CSigner : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CSigner

    Detailed Description

    Abstract base class for all public key signers.

    The template parameter, CSignature, should be a class that encapsulates the concept of a digital signature. Derived signature classes must own their respective signatures (and hence be CBase derived). There are no other restrictions on the formation of the signature classes.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    CSigner ( void )


    Member Function Documentation

    SignL ( const TDesC8 & )

    CSignature *SignL(const TDesC8 &aInput)const [pure virtual]

    Digitally signs the specified input message

    ECryptoPanicInputTooLarge If aInput is larger than MaxInputLength(), which is likely to happen if the caller has passed in something that has not been hashed.
    aInputThe raw data to sign, typically a hash of the actual message

    Returns: A pointer to a new CSignature object