MSenContentHandlerClient Class Reference

#include <mw/MSenContentHandlerClient.h>

Link against: SenXML.dll

class MSenContentHandlerClient
Public Member Functions
virtual TInt Characters(const TDesC8 &, const , const )
pure virtual TInt EndDocument()
virtual TInt EndElement(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
virtual TInt EndPrefixMappingL(const TDesC8 &)
virtual TInt Error(TInt)
virtual TAny *GetExtendedInterface(const )
virtual TInt OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8 &)
virtual TInt ProcessingInstructions(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
virtual TInt SkippedEntity(const TDesC8 &)
pure virtual TInt StartDocument()
virtual TInt StartElement(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const RAttributeArray &)
virtual TInt StartPrefixMappingL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

Detailed Description

Interface for SAX Parser Callback events. If an application (client) needs to be informed of basic parsing events, it implements this interface and registers an instance with the SAX parser using the SetContentHandler() method. The parser uses the instance to report basic document-related events like the start and end of elements.*

Series60 3.0

Member Function Documentation

Characters ( const TDesC8 &, const , const )

TInt Characters(const TDesC8 &,
const TInt,
const TInt
)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of character data inside an element. Called when OnContentL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

EndDocument ( )

TInt EndDocument()[pure virtual]

Receive notification of the end of a document. Called when OnEndDocumentL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNone or some of the system-wide Symbian error codes.

EndElement ( const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 & )

TInt EndElement(const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &
)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of the end of an element. Called when OnEndElementL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

EndPrefixMappingL ( const TDesC8 & )

TInt EndPrefixMappingL(const TDesC8 &)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of prefix mapping end. Called when OnEndPrefixMappingL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

Error ( TInt )

TInt Error(TInt)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of error situation during parsing. Called when OnError callback is received from Symbian XML framework. Complete list of error codes is listed under <Xml\XmlFrameworkErrors.h>

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

GetExtendedInterface ( const )

TAny *GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32)[inline, virtual]

Method obtains the interface matching the specified UID.

Returns: NULL if no interface matching the UID is found or method is not overridden in the implementing class. Otherwise, the this pointer cast to that interface.

OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL ( const TDesC8 & )

TInt OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8 &)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. Called when OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

ProcessingInstructions ( const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 & )

TInt ProcessingInstructions(const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &
)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of a processing instruction Called when OnProcessingInstructionL callback is received from Symbian XML framework. This method is currently not in use - inlined.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

SkippedEntity ( const TDesC8 & )

TInt SkippedEntity(const TDesC8 &)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of a skipped entity. Called when OnSkippedEntityL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

StartDocument ( )

TInt StartDocument()[pure virtual]

Receive notification of the beginning of a document. Called when OnStartDocumentL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNone or some of the system-wide Symbian error codes.

StartElement ( const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const RAttributeArray & )

TInt StartElement(const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &,
const RAttributeArray &
)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of the beginning of an element. Called when OnStartElementL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.

StartPrefixMappingL ( const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 & )

TInt StartPrefixMappingL(const TDesC8 &,
const TDesC8 &
)[inline, virtual]

Receive notification of prefix mapping start. Called when OnStartPrefixMappingL callback is received from Symbian XML framework.

Returns: KErrNotSupported If the class implementing this interface doesn't override this. KErrNone or other system-wide Symbian error codes.