CryptoSpi::CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics Class Reference

#include <cryptospi/cryptocharacteristics.h>

Link against: cryptospi.lib

class CryptoSpi::CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics : public CryptoSpi::CCharacteristics

Inherits from

Detailed Description

The class holds the asymmetric cipher characteristics. which is used for internalization.

Member Attribute Documentation


TInt iKeySupportMode

The supported key mode bit map. e.g. extern key, internal key or both


TUint iMaximumKeyLength

The maximum key length in bits


RArray< TInt32 >iSupportedPaddingModes

The list of supported padding modes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

~CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics ( )



Member Function Documentation

InternalizeL ( RReadStream & )

voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)[virtual]

Reimplemented from CryptoSpi::CCharacteristics::InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

Internalize this object from the supplied stream.

aStreamStream to read CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics from.

IsPaddingModeSupported ( TUid )

TBool IsPaddingModeSupported(TUidaPaddingMode)const

Determines whether a padding mode (e.g. PKCS7) is supported by the plug-in by searching through iSupportedPaddingModes for the UID value corresponding to the aPaddingMode parameter.

aPaddingModeThe UID of the padding mode to test.

Returns: ETrue if the padding mode is supported; otherwise, EFalse is returned.

NewL ( )

Create a new instance of CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics.

Returns: the pointer of the asymmetric cipher characteristic

NewLC ( )

Create a new instance of CAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics. Leave it on the cleanup stack.

Returns: the pointer of the asymmetric cipher characteristic