CAknListBoxFilterItems Class Reference

#include <mw/AknUtils.h>

class CAknListBoxFilterItems : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CAknListBoxFilterItems

    Detailed Description

    Listbox item filtering. This class is designed to be stored inside a listbox model and the model should call this in its NumberOfItems() and ItemText() implementation. The model must be given to this class and it must have MatchableTextArray() implemented correctly. HandleOfferKeyEvent() should be called from the same offer key event implementation which forwards the keys to listbox and search field

    If you have both markable list and find at the same time, you should call ResetFiltering() before executing the command for marked items. This ensures that the ListBox's SelectionIndexes() returns all items instead of only those items that are visible. Selected *items can be found under CAknListBoxFilterItems::SelectionIndexes().

    S60 0.9

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    CAknListBoxFilterItems ( CEikListBox *, CAknSearchField *, MListBoxModel *, CListBoxView * )

    IMPORT_CCAknListBoxFilterItems(CEikListBox *aListBox,
    CAknSearchField *aSearchField,
    MListBoxModel *aModel,
    CListBoxView *aView

    Base class default constructor.

    aListBoxListbox to be filtered,
    aSearchFieldListbox search field.
    aModelListbox model,
    aViewA list box view that displays the list items which are currently visible in a list box.

    ~CAknListBoxFilterItems ( )


    Destructor. Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

    Member Function Documentation

    ConstructL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidConstructL()

    This is for setting empty list text.

    DefaultMatchableItemFromItem ( TPtrC )

    IMPORT_C TPtrCDefaultMatchableItemFromItem(TPtrCaText)

    For building MdcaPoint() of the model's MatchableTextArray. This method builds the default value for MatchableTextArray.

    aTextPointer descriptor.

    Returns: Modified text.

    DeferredSendFullKeyEventToFepL ( const TKeyEvent & )

    voidDeferredSendFullKeyEventToFepL(const TKeyEvent &aEvent)
    An improved version of DeferredSendKeyEventToFepL. It sends a TKeyEvent rather than just key code. Thus the correct key event can be send to FEP on QWERTY keyboard.
    S60 5.0
    aEventEvent send to FEP.

    DeferredSendKeyEventToFepL ( TUint )

    IMPORT_C voidDeferredSendKeyEventToFepL(TUintaValue)

    Sends key events to FEP. This is used to resend key event to FEP if AknFind's HandleOfferKeyEventL() gets the key while search field has no focus. If search field has a focus, the key events go directly to the editor and this is not called.

    aValueThe character code for an EEventKey.

    FilteredItemIndex ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C TIntFilteredItemIndex(TIntaVisibleItemIndex)const

    This is used to fetch the content of a list item after filter has been used.

    aVisibleItemIndexThe index of visible item.

    Returns: Index to the original item array.

    FilteredNumberOfItems ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntFilteredNumberOfItems()const

    This is used to ask how many list items are available after filter has been used. Counts visible list items.

    Returns: Number of items visible.

    FindBox ( )

    IMPORT_C CCoeControl *FindBox()const

    This function just returns pointer to the search field.

    Returns: Pointer to the search field.

    HandleControlEventL ( CCoeControl *, TCoeEvent )

    IMPORT_C voidHandleControlEventL(CCoeControl *aControl,

    Editor sends messages to this object as control events.

    aControlThe control that sent the event.
    aEventTypeThe event type.

    HandleItemArrayChangeL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidHandleItemArrayChangeL()

    When you change the list item array you should call this method.

    HandleOfferkeyEventL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidHandleOfferkeyEventL()

    Applications should call this in OfferKeyEventL() which gives keys to listbox and search field.

    IdleCallBack ( TAny * )

    TInt IdleCallBack(TAny *aFilterItems)[static]

    This gets called from DeferredSendKeyEventToFepL(). This does the actual sending of a key event. Does not support more than one event at the time.

    aFilterItemsPointer to the CAknListBoxFilterItems object.

    Returns: Always returns 0.

    NonFilteredNumberOfItems ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntNonFilteredNumberOfItems()const

    Returns number of original list items.

    Returns: Number of all items.

    ResetFilteringL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidResetFilteringL()

    This function is to be called when filter is cleared.

    SelectionIndexes ( )

    IMPORT_C CArrayFix< TInt > *SelectionIndexes()

    This one gives all indices, not just the ones that are visible.

    Returns: Pointer to the array that has all indices.

    SetListBox ( CEikListBox * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetListBox(CEikListBox *aListBox)
    Attaches or detaches list used by the filtering.
    S60 2.0
    aListBoxPointer to listbox or NULL.

    SetModel ( MListBoxModel * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetModel(MListBoxModel *aModel)
    Attaches or detaches list model used by the filtering.
    S60 2.0
    aModela pointer to list model or NULL.

    SetObserver ( MCoeControlObserver * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetObserver(MCoeControlObserver *aObserver)

    Sets the observer.

    aObserverPointer to the observer.

    SetParentControl ( CCoeControl * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetParentControl(CCoeControl *aControl)

    AknFind uses this to inform us who is the parent control owning the listbox and search field. This control should be window-owning control and it will be used to resize the listbox when changes to the filtering happens.

    aControlPointer to the control.

    SetPopup ( )

    IMPORT_C voidSetPopup()

    AknFind uses this to inform us that we have popup find. Applications shouldn't call this.

    SetSearchField ( CAknSearchField * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetSearchField(CAknSearchField *aSearchField)
    Attaches or detaches find pane used by the filtering.
    S60 2.0
    aSearchFieldPointer to findbox or NULL.

    SetView ( CListBoxView * )

    IMPORT_C voidSetView(CListBoxView *aView)
    Attaches or detaches list view used by the filtering.
    S60 2.0
    aViewa pointer to list view or NULL.

    UpdateCachedDataL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidUpdateCachedDataL()

    This function will update filter items state from the search field and listbox. Also updates selection indexes.

    UpdateSelectionIndexL ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidUpdateSelectionIndexL(TIntaVisibleIndex)

    This will synchronise the selected index from the listbox. If you use SelectionIndexes(), call this before it. This is heavy operation and goes through all list items.

    aVisibleIndexIndex to be updated.

    UpdateSelectionIndexesL ( )

    IMPORT_C voidUpdateSelectionIndexesL()

    This will synchronise the selection indices from the listbox. If you use SelectionIndexes(), call this before it. This is heavy operation and goes through all list items.

    VisibleItemIndex ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C TIntVisibleItemIndex(TIntaOriginalIndex)const

    Finds the list item on the screen when the item array index is given.

    aOriginalIndexItem index.

    Returns: Matching index from original array. Returns -1 if the Index is not visible.