CCommsDatabaseBase Class Reference

#include <commdb.h>

Link against: commdb.lib

class CCommsDatabaseBase : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CCommsDatabaseBase
    Protected Attributes
    RDbNamedDatabase iDatabase
    CCommsDatabaseImpl *iImpl
    TBool iImplNotCreated
    TBool iInInternalTransaction
    RArray< TCommDbPublishSubscribeNotification >iNotifications
    RDbNotifier iNotifier
    TInt iNotifierOpenError
    TBool iShowHiddenRecords
    Public Member Functions
    virtual ~CCommsDatabaseBase()
    IMPORT_C TIntBeginTransaction()
    IMPORT_C voidCancelRequestNotification()
    IMPORT_C TIntCheckReadCapability(const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
    IMPORT_C TIntCheckWriteCapability(const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
    IMPORT_C TIntCommitTransaction()
    IMPORT_C TBoolInTransaction()
    IMPORT_C TIntInitializeFilestore()
    IMPORT_C TBoolIsDatabaseWriteLockedL()
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenTableLC(const TDesC &)
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewLC(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingBoolLC(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TBool)
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &)
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &)
    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingUintLC(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TUint32)
    IMPORT_C TIntRequestNotification(TRequestStatus &)
    IMPORT_C voidResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL(TDesC &, TDes &, TParseMode, TUint32, TUint32)
    IMPORT_C voidResolvePhoneNumberL(TDesC &, TDes &, TParseMode, TUint32, TUint32)
    IMPORT_C voidRollbackTransaction()
    IMPORT_C voidShowHiddenRecords()
    IMPORT_C TVersionVersion()
    Protected Member Functions
    TInt CheckDBCapability(RDbs::TPolicyType, const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 *)
    TInt CommitInternalTransaction()
    voidConvertToUid(const TDesC &, TUint32, TCommDbPublishSubscribeNotification &)
    pure virtual voidCreateDatabaseL()
    RDbNamedDatabase *Database()
    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenIAPTableViewL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenTableViewL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingTextL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TBool)
    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingTextL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, TBool)
    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingUintL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TUint32, TBool)
    TUint32 GetNewNumber(TUid)
    TInt NotifyAllChanges()
    voidNotifyChangeL(const TDesC &, TUint32)
    voidPopulateChargeCardL(TUint32, TChargeCard &)
    voidPopulateDialLocationL(TUint32, TDialLocation &)
    Inherited Functions
    CBase::Delete(CBase *)
    CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
    CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

    Detailed Description

    Base class for CCommsDatabase.

    This class is never instantiated, but its member functions are used through the derived class.

    Responsible for Transactions, Notifications, Write protection, Hidden records, Phone number resolution and Creating views. Stores the database, the session, transaction and notifier information.

    CCommsDatabaseBase is an abstract base class as the CreateDatabaseL() and Open() methods are pure virtual.

    Member Attribute Documentation


    RDbNamedDatabase iDatabase[protected]


    CCommsDatabaseImpl *iImpl[protected]


    TBool iImplNotCreated[protected]


    TBool iInInternalTransaction[protected]


    RArray< TCommDbPublishSubscribeNotification >iNotifications[protected]


    RDbNotifier iNotifier[protected]


    TInt iNotifierOpenError[protected]


    TBool iShowHiddenRecords[protected]

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    CCommsDatabaseBase ( )


    Default constructor for internal use only.

    ~CCommsDatabaseBase ( )


    Member Function Documentation

    BeginInternalTransactionL ( )


    Lock the database for internal use - begin a transaction if we can!

    BeginTransaction ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntBeginTransaction()

    Marks the start of a transaction and gets a shared read-lock on the database. Other clients of the database can concurrently acquire a shared read-lock but no client can gain an exclusive write-lock until this transaction (and any transaction started by other clients) completes as a result of a call to either CommitTransaction() or RollbackTransaction().

    A transaction consists of one or more record updates and/or insertions and/or deletions. The process of making changes to records within a view is part of CCommsDbTableView behaviour.

    See also: CCommsDbTableView::InsertRecord(), CCommsDbTableView::UpdateRecord(), CCommsDbTableView::DeleteRecord(), CCommsDbTableView::PutRecordChanges() and CCommsDbTableView::CancelRecordChanges().

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.

    Returns: KErrNone if the database has been successfully locked; the transaction can start. KErrLocked if another client already has an exclusive write-lock on the database.

    CancelRequestNotification ( )

    IMPORT_C voidCancelRequestNotification()

    Cancels an outstanding request for notification of changes to the communications database.

    An outstanding request completes with KErrCancel.

    CheckDBCapability ( RDbs::TPolicyType, const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 * )

    TInt CheckDBCapability(RDbs::TPolicyTypeaType,
    const TDesC &aField,
    const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

    Check that a given client has the capabilites required to perform the given operation on the given field

    aTypeSpecifies the requested operation (read or write)
    aFieldSpecifies the field to perform the operation on
    aMessageContains the capabilites of the client

    Returns: KErrNone on success, one of the system-wide error codes otherwise

    CheckReadCapability ( const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 * )

    IMPORT_C TIntCheckReadCapability(const TDesC &aField,
    const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

    Check the capabilites required to read a field from the database

    aFieldthe name of the field to be read
    aMessageMessage indicating the capabilites to be checked

    Returns: KErrNone on success, one of the system-wide error codes otherwise

    CheckWriteCapability ( const TDesC &, const RMessagePtr2 * )

    IMPORT_C TIntCheckWriteCapability(const TDesC &aField,
    const RMessagePtr2 *aMessage

    Check the capabilites required to write a field to the database

    aFieldthe name of the field to be written
    aMessageMessage indicating the capabilites to be checked

    Returns: KErrNone on success, one of the system-wide error codes otherwise

    CommitInternalTransaction ( )

    TInt CommitInternalTransaction()[protected]

    Unlocks the database from internal use - end a transaction. If the commit fails then do the rollback.

    Returns: KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

    CommitTransaction ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntCommitTransaction()

    Marks the end of a transaction and commits any changes made since the start of the transaction. The client's shared read-lock is removed if no write operations were performed, or the exclusive write-lock is removed if write operations were performed.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.

    Returns: KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

    ConvertToUid ( const TDesC &, TUint32, TCommDbPublishSubscribeNotification & )

    voidConvertToUid(const TDesC &aSetting,
    TCommDbPublishSubscribeNotification &aNotification

    Checks for the type of the setting passed and sets the value in the Commdb publish subscribe notification appropriately.

    Nothing to do. Everything is done in CommsDat from v9.1

    aSettingSetting to get
    aValSetting value.
    aNotificationA reference to TCommDbSystemAgentNotification

    CreateDatabaseL ( )

    voidCreateDatabaseL()[protected, pure virtual]

    Database ( )

    RDbNamedDatabase *Database()[protected, inline]

    Returns the interface for creating and opening a database identified by name and format.

    Returns: A pointer to the interface for creating and opening a database identified by name and format.

    DatabaseUpdateHasOccurred ( )


    Sets the flag to signal that a successful update has occurred

    DoClose ( )


    Close the database and close the notifier and the server

    DoOpenIAPTableViewL ( const TDesC &, const TDesC & )

    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenIAPTableViewL(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aSqlQuery

    DeprecatedThis method is deprecated from 9.1 and always returns/leaves with KErrNotSupported instead of describing past operation/parameters.

    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aSqlQueryA reference to a descriptor containing the SQL query text

    Returns: Pointer to CCommsDbTableView

    DoOpenTableViewL ( const TDesC &, const TDesC & )

    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenTableViewL(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aSqlQuery

    DeprecatedThis method is deprecated from 9.1 and always returns/leaves with KErrNotSupported instead of describing past operation/parameters.

    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aSqlQueryA reference to a descriptor containing the SQL query text

    Returns: Pointer to CCommsDbTableView

    DoOpenViewMatchingTextL ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TBool )

    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingTextL(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,
    const TDesC8 &aValueToMatch,

    Opens a view on the table aTableName containing all records where aColumnToMatch contains aValueToMatch

    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a column in table aTableName.
    aValueToMatchreference to an unsigned integer passed by the caller.

    Returns: Pointer to CCommsDbTableView

    DoOpenViewMatchingTextL ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC16 &, TBool )

    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingTextL(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,
    const TDesC16 &aValueToMatch,

    Opens a view on the table aTableName containing all records where aColumnToMatch contains aValueToMatch

    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a column in table aTableName.
    aValueToMatchreference to an unsigned integer passed by the caller.

    Returns: Pointer to CCommsDbTableView

    DoOpenViewMatchingUintL ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TUint32, TBool )

    CCommsDbTableView *DoOpenViewMatchingUintL(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,

    Opens a view on the table aTableName containing all records where aColumnToMatch contains aValueToMatch

    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a column in table aTableName.
    aValueToMatchreference to an unsigned integer passed by the caller.

    Returns: Pointer to CCommsDbTableView

    GetNewNumber ( TUid )

    TUint32 GetNewNumber(TUidaUid)[protected]

    Generates a new number for the given UID

    Nothing to do. Everything is done in CommsDat from v9.1

    aUidUID for which the new number is to be generated

    Returns: The new number generated

    InTransaction ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolInTransaction()

    Tests whether a transaction is in progress, i.e. whether a call to BeginTransaction() has been called.

    Returns: ETrue if a transaction is in progress (BeginTransaction() has been called but not CommitTransaction() or RollbackTransaction()); EFalse otherwise.

    InitializeFilestore ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntInitializeFilestore()[static]

    DeprecatedThis method is deprecated from 9.1 and always returns/leaves with KErrNotSupported instead of describing past operation/parameters.

    IsDatabaseWriteLockedL ( )

    IMPORT_C TBoolIsDatabaseWriteLockedL()

    Tests if the database is write locked.

    Tries to open a transaction from another client.


    Calling InTransaction() is not enough because if the transaction is automatic rather than explicit, this will still return EFalse.

    Returns: ETrue if the database is write locked, EFalse if not.

    NotifyAllChanges ( )

    TInt NotifyAllChanges()[protected]

    Does the notification for all the changes that are stored in the member variable iNotifications.

    Nothing to do. Everything is done in CommsDat from v9.1

    Returns: KErrNone if successful; KErrPermissionDenied if the caller process failed the Write Policy; KErrNotFound if a property was not found

    NotifyChangeL ( const TDesC &, TUint32 )

    voidNotifyChangeL(const TDesC &aSetting,

    Does the notification when the transaction is committed

    Nothing to do. Everything is done in CommsDat from v9.1

    aSettingSetting to get
    aValSetting value.

    OpenTableLC ( const TDesC & )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenTableLC(const TDesC &aTableName)

    Fills the container with all records from table and returns a pointer to view class. The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords() member function of this object.

    If the process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the table in the communications database to be opened.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    OpenViewLC ( const TDesC &, const TDesC & )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewLC(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aSqlQuery

    DeprecatedThis method is deprecated from 9.1 and always returns/leaves with KErrNotSupported instead of describing past operation/parameters.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aSqlQueryA reference to a descriptor containing the SQL query text.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    OpenViewMatchingBoolLC ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TBool )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingBoolLC(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,

    Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching boolean value, and returns a pointer to that view. The view includes all those records where the column, identified by aColumnToMatch, matches the boolean value aValueToMatch.

    The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords() member function.

    If the open process is successful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the table of interest in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.
    aValueToMatchThe value to be matched with the content of column aColumnToMatch.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    OpenViewMatchingTextLC ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 & )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,
    const TDesC8 &aValueToMatch

    Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 8 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view.

    The view includes all those records where the column, identified by aColumnToMatch, matches the narrow text supplied in the descriptor aValueToMatch.

    The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords() member function of this object.

    If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.
    aValueToMatchThe narrow (ASCII) text to be matched with the content of column aColumnToMatch.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    OpenViewMatchingTextLC ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC16 & )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingTextLC(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,
    const TDesC16 &aValueToMatch

    Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching 16 bit text type, and returns a pointer to that view. The view includes all those records where the column, identified by aColumnToMatch, matches the wide text supplied in the descriptor aValueToMatch.

    The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords() member function of this object.

    If the open process is successful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of a table in the communications database.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.
    aValueToMatchThe wide (UNICODE) text to be matched with the content of column aColumnToMatch.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    OpenViewMatchingUintLC ( const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TUint32 )

    IMPORT_C CCommsDbTableView *OpenViewMatchingUintLC(const TDesC &aTableName,
    const TDesC &aColumnToMatch,

    Opens a view onto a specified table based on a matching unsigned integer value, and returns a pointer to that view. The view includes all those records where the column, identified by aColumnToMatch, matches the unsigned integer value aValueToMatch.

    The view excludes hidden records, unless access to them has previously been explicitly requested by calling the ShowHiddenRecords() member function of this object.

    If the open process is succesful, the function constructs and returns a pointer to a CCommsDbTableView object which encapsulates the information on that view. The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.

    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.
    aTableNameA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the table in the communications database on which a view is to be opened.
    aColumnToMatchA reference to a descriptor containing the name of the column to be used in the selection process.
    aValueToMatchThe value to be matched with the content of column aColumnToMatch.

    Returns: A pointer to the view object.

    PopulateChargeCardL ( TUint32, TChargeCard & )

    TChargeCard &aChargeCard

    Populates aChargeCard with charge card account and PIN details and network operator specific dialling rules for local, national and international calls by getting the details from the database based on aId.

    aIdUnique Id associated with the record in the database.
    aChargeCardOn return, contains the charge card account and PIN details and network operator specific dialling rules for local, national and international calls

    PopulateDialLocationL ( TUint32, TDialLocation & )

    TDialLocation &aLocation

    populates aLocation with configuration details related to the current location of the telephone equipment getting the details from the database based on aId.

    aIdUnique Id associated with the record in the database.
    aLocationOn return, contains the configuration details related to the current location of the telephone equipment

    RequestNotification ( TRequestStatus & )

    IMPORT_C TIntRequestNotification(TRequestStatus &aStatus)

    Requests notification when any change is made to the database, whether by this client or any other.

    (If the notifier is not successfully opened the function simply returns an error code and none of the following applies).

    When any change is made to the database the outstanding notification request completes and TRequestStatus contains a value indicating what type of change has occurred. The value is one of the enumerators of the RDbNotifier::TEvent enumeration.

    Alternatively, if an outstanding notification request is cancelled by a call to this CCommsDatabase's CancelRequestNotification() member function, then the request completes with aStatus set to KErrCancel.

    An outstanding notification request is also cancelled if the connection to the DBMS is severed through a call to DoClose().

    This is an asynchonous request.

    aStatusA reference to the request status object. If the request is cancelled, this is set to KErrCancel. If the request completes normally, this is set to one of the enumerators of the RDbNotifier::TEvent enumeration.

    Returns: Any error from opening the notifier: KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

    ResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL ( TDesC &, TDes &, TParseMode, TUint32, TUint32 )

    IMPORT_C voidResolvePhoneNumberFromDatabaseL(TDesC &aNumber,
    TDes &aDialString,

    Resolves a given telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard. A connection must already exist to the database.

    The function does not resolve for mobile phones; aNumber is just copied to aDialString.

    KErrNotFound if the specified location and chargecard records cannot be found; KErrOverflow if aDialString is not long enough to hold the resolved number.
    aNumberA reference to the descriptor containing the number to be parsed.
    aDialStringOn return, a reference to a descriptor which contains the parsed number.
    aDialParseModeIndicates whether the parsed string is intended for dialling or for display.
    aLocationIdID of the location record.
    aChargecardIdID of the chargecard ID to be used for resolution.

    ResolvePhoneNumberL ( TDesC &, TDes &, TParseMode, TUint32, TUint32 )

    IMPORT_C voidResolvePhoneNumberL(TDesC &aNumber,
    TDes &aDialString,

    Resolves a given telephone number based on a specified dialling location and chargecard. The function does not require a connection to the database server, but will form one itself.

    The function does not resolve for mobile phones; aNumber is just copied to aDialString.

    KErrNotFound if the specified location and chargecard records cannot be found; KErrOverflow if aDialString is not long enough to hold the resolved number.
    aNumberThe number to be parsed.
    aDialStringOn return, contains the parsed number.
    aDialParseModeIndicates whether the parsed string is intended for dialling or for display.
    aLocationIdID of the dialling location record to be used for resolution.
    aChargecardIdID of the chargecard ID to be used for resolution.

    RollbackInternalTransaction ( )


    Rollback the database after internal use - end a transaction

    RollbackTransaction ( )

    IMPORT_C voidRollbackTransaction()
    Marks the end of a transaction and abandons any changes made since the start of the transaction. The database is, in effect, rolled back to the state it was in at the beginning of the transaction. The client's shared read-lock is removed if no write operations were performed, or the exclusive write-lock is removed if write operations were performed.
    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.

    ShowHiddenRecords ( )

    IMPORT_C voidShowHiddenRecords()

    Ensures that hidden records are included in the search criteria when creating views using the member functions:




    Dependent on table, see the guide page referenced below.

    Version ( )

    IMPORT_C TVersionVersion()const

    Gets the version from CommsDat.

    Returns: The object containing the version information.