ProEngFactory Class Reference

#include <mw/ProEngFactory.h>

Link against: ProfileEngine.lib

class ProEngFactory

Detailed Description

Factory for Profiles Engine Wrapper. You can create new instances of Profiles Engines, Notification Handlers and Alert Tone Seekers by using this factory. Example:
  // Create a new instance of Profiles Engine:
  MProEngEngine* engine =

  // Create a new instance of Notification Handler:
  MProEngNotifyHandler* notifyHandler =

  // Create a new instance of Alert Tone Seeker:
  MProEngAlertToneSeeker* toneSeeker =
Series 60 3.1

Member Function Documentation

NewAlertToneSeekerL ( )

IMPORT_C MProEngAlertToneSeeker *NewAlertToneSeekerL()[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Alert Tone Seeker.
Series 60 3.1

Returns: New instance of Alert Tone Seeker. Ownership is transferred to the client application.

NewEngineL ( )

IMPORT_C MProEngEngine *NewEngineL()[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Engine.
Series 60 3.1

Returns: New instance of Profiles Engine. Ownership is transferred to the client application.

NewEngineL ( RFs & )

IMPORT_C MProEngEngine *NewEngineL(RFs &aFs)[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Engine.
Series 60 3.1
aFsA reference to an open file server session. aFs must remain connected for the lifetime of the returned object.

Returns: New instance of Profiles Engine. Ownership is transferred to the client application.

NewEngineLC ( )

IMPORT_C MProEngEngine *NewEngineLC()[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Engine. The created object is pushed into the cleanup stack.
Series 60 3.1

Returns: New instance of Profiles Engine. Ownership is transferred to the client application.

NewEngineLC ( RFs & )

IMPORT_C MProEngEngine *NewEngineLC(RFs &aFs)[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Engine. The created object is pushed into the cleanup stack.
Series 60 3.1
aFsA reference to an open file server session. aFs must remain connected for the lifetime of the returned object.

Returns: New instance of Profiles Engine. Ownership is transferred to the client application.

NewNotifyHandlerL ( )

IMPORT_C MProEngNotifyHandler *NewNotifyHandlerL()[static]
Create a new instance of Profiles Notification Handler.
Series 60 3.1

Returns: New instance of Notification Handler. Ownership is transferred to the client application.