CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg Class Reference

#include <mw/rconnmon.h>

class CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg

    Detailed Description

    Class to contain a package of a pointer array of CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffer objects.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg ( const RConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPtrArray &, TUint )

    CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg(const RConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPtrArray &aRef,

    Constructor. Constructs the package of an array of pointers to CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffer objects on the heap.

    aRefArray of pointers to CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffer objects.
    aBufSizeSize of the buffer, intended to contain the package.

    CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg ( TUint )


    Constructor. Constructs an empty package on the heap.

    aBufSizeSize of the buffer, intended to contain the package.

    ~CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPckg ( )



    Member Function Documentation

    Buf ( )

    IMPORT_C HBufC8 *Buf()const

    Obtains a pointer to the package buffer.

    Returns: Pointer to the package buffer.

    Count ( )

    IMPORT_C TUintCount()const

    Obtains the number of trasferred WLANs. This will be less than total count if there was not enough memory in buffer to include all found WLANs.

    Returns: Transfered count in buffer (iBuf[1]).

    Total ( )

    IMPORT_C TUintTotal()const

    Obtains the total number of found WLANs.

    Returns: Total count (iBuf[0]).

    UnpackToL ( RConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPtrArray & )

    IMPORT_C voidUnpackToL(RConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffersPtrArray &aRef)const

    Unpacks the package to a pointer array of CConnMonWlanProbeRawBuffer objects.

    aRefArray that will contain the pointers to unpacked objects.