Library contents

The S60 3rd Edition C++ Developer's Library comprises:



Guide to S60 3rd Edition C++ Developer's Library

Provides an overview of the library and navigating it


Provides an introduction to the S60 platform and lists the new and changed features.

Getting started

Provides information for C++ developers new to the S60 platform, including creating your first application.


Provides information on testing applications developed for the S60 platform.


Provides information on various aspects of software security.

Application Framework

S60 UI




Browsing and downloading

Personal Information Management (PIM)


The developer's guides are divided into areas of C++/S60 technology. Each guide includes an overview section. Where relevant, links are provided to other documentation on other websites.

C++ coding conventions

Internationalization and localization

Provides additional information on developing S60 applications with Symbian C++.

S60 C++ API reference

Provides information on the APIs offered by the S60 platform and using them in applications.

Symbian Developer's Library v9.3

Provides reference guides and documentation for Symbian OS v9.3.

Open C documentation

Provides information on using the Open C and standard C++ libraries in the S60 platform.