gzerror — Returns a string describing the last error occurred, associated with the open compressed file stream referred to by file.
The gzerror()
function shall return a
string that
describes the last error associated with the given
file compressed file stream.
This string shall have the format
"%s: %s", with the name of the file, followed
by a colon,
a space, and the description of the error. If the compressed file
was opened by a call to gzdopen(), the
format of the
filename is unspecified.
Rationale: Although in all current implementations of libz file descriptors are named "<fd:%d>", the code suggests that this is for debugging purposes only, and may change in a future release.
It is unspecified if the string returned
is determined by the
category in the
current locale.
The gzerror()
function shall return a
string describing
the last error to have occurred associated with the open compressed
file stream
referred to by file.
It shall also set the location referenced by
errnum to an integer value that
further identifies the
#include <stdio.h>
None defined.
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