inflate — Attempts to decompress data until either the input buffer is empty or the output buffer is full.
#include <zlib.h>
int inflate(z_streamp stream, int flush);
On success, inflate()
shall return Z_OK if decompression
progress has been
or Z_STREAM_END if all of the input
has been decompressed and there was sufficient space in the output
buffer to store the uncompressed result.
On error, inflate() shall return a value to
the error.
Note: If inflate() returns Z_OK and has set
to zero, the function should be called again with the same value for flush, and with updatednext_out
until inflate() returns with either Z_OK or Z_STREAM_END and a non-zeroavail_out
On success, inflate()
shall set the adler
to the Adler-32
checksum of
the output produced so far (i.e. total_out
The inflate()
function shall attempt to
data until either the input buffer is empty or the output buffer is
The stream references a
z_stream structure. Before the first call
inflate(), this structure
should have been initialized by a call to inflateInit2_().
Note: inflateInit2_() is only in the binary standard; source level applications should initialize stream via a call to inflateInit() or inflateInit2().
The inflate() function shall perform one or both of the following actions:
Decompress input data from next_in
and update next_in
, avail_in
and total_in
to reflect the data that
has been decompressed.
Fill the output buffer referenced by next_out
and update next_out
, and total_out
to reflect the
decompressed data that has been placed there. If flush
is not Z_NO_FLUSH
, and avail_out
indicates that there is
still space in
output buffer, this action shall always occur (see below for further
The inflate()
function shall return when
reaches zero (indicating that
all the input
data has been compressed), or avail_out
zero (indicating that the output buffer is full).
On success, the inflate()
function shall
set the
field of the stream
to the Adler-32 checksum of all the input data compressed
so far (represented by total_in
To decompress data until either the input buffer is empty or the
output buffer is full:
#include <stdio.h> |
The parameter flush
when uncompressed bytes
are added to the output buffer in next_out
If flush is Z_NO_FLUSH
may return with some data pending output, and not yet added to the
output buffer.
If flush
inflate() shall flush all pending output to
, and update
and avail_out
If flush
is set to Z_BLOCK
inflate() shall stop adding data to the
buffer if and when the next compressed block boundary is reached.
If flush
is set to Z_FINISH
all of the compressed input shall be decompressed and added to
the output. If there is insufficient output space (i.e. the compressed
input data uncompresses to more than avail_out
bytes), then inflate() shall fail and return
On error, inflate()
shall return a value
as described below, and may set the msg
field of stream to point to a string
describing the error:
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