Symbian OS Library


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CDB commands

CDB provides the following commands:

  1. help

  2. add

  3. releaseinfo

  4. checkconfig

  5. extractrelease

  6. comparerelease

  7. version


This is the most basic command and used to get help on a CDB command.

 cdb help <command>



Use add command to add the code to the database.

cdb add <configuration> <[-m|-b|-t] config item>+ [-d]

where, <configuration> is the configuration to which the code should be added and the <config item>+ is one or more configuration items, each of which may be preceeded by an option.

  1. -m or --mmp forces the item to be considered as a .mmp file.

  2. -b or --bld forces the item to be considered as abld.inf file.

  3. -t or --txt forces the item to be considered as a .txt file.

  4. -d or --delay specifies that the extraction should be delayed until a later call to cdb extract



Use releaseinfo command to get the information about the release that is currently in the database.

> cdb releaseinfo

releaseinfo command returns the name of the submitted configuration, the OS version number and the build to which this configuration is associated.



Use checkconfig command to display the configuration information.

> cdb checkconfig

This command does not take any options.



Use exractrelease to extract a SINGLE release to the database. This reads in all files in epoc32\include\... to the database and assigns the configuration name to the extracted files.

> cdb extractrelease <config> [-a <api_doc>]

where, <config> is the configuration name of the extracted data. exractrelease provides the following options:

  1. -a <api_doc> is the full path to the API classification document. This option provides the access information that is, if the API is Symbian Internal, PublishedAll or PublishedPartner, and status information that is, if the API is released, deprecated or unspecified.

  2. -i <plugins_dir> is the plug-ins directory containing the plug-ins to be used for API classification. For example, the command for plug-ins in c:\example\: would be -i c:\example\.

  3. -s <plugin_des> is the name of the plug-in to be used for API classification. For example, the command to use example.jar plug-in, would be -s example.



Use comparerelease to check the compatibility of the code in the current database or across the databases.

cdb comparerelease <baseconfig> -a <alt db> <derivedconfig> [-r <report>] [-x <xsl_doc>] [-f <apilevel>]

where, <baseconfig> is the configuration that establishes the compatibility standard and <derivedconfig> is the configuration that is to be tested for compatbility with the <baseconfig>.

comparerelease command provides the following options:

  1. -a <alt db> is the complete path to the second database against which comparisons will be made.

  2. -r <report> is the report prefix to use for generated reports

  3. -x <xsl_doc> is the name of the xslt document to use to transform the XML to HTML.

  4. -f <apilevel> is the lowest API classification which will be reported, for example, publishedAll.



Use version to get the current CDB version being used.