Symbian OS Library


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How to view the contents of a multi-bitmap file

  1. Open a command prompt (MSDOS box) at the location in which the multibitmap is stored.

  2. Invoke the Bitmap Converter on the command line, specifying the /v switch, and the name of the multibitmap to be viewed. An example is given below.

See also

Bitmap Converter syntax bmconv.exe



The following command line shows how to use the /v switch to view information about the bitmaps stored in a multibitmap file. Continuing the example begun in How to construct a multibitmap:

bmconv /v bmexmpl.mbm

This results in a screen output:

BMCONV version 100.
bmexpl.mbm is a File store containing 3 bitmaps

Bitmap 1 information:
Pixel size 48 x 48
Twips size 0 x 0
4 Bpp Monochrome
Bytewise RLE compression 45%

Bitmap 2 information:
Pixel size 33 x 33
Twips size 49 x 49
1 Bpp Monochrome
Bytewise RLE compression 59%

Bitmap 3 information:
Pixel size 216 x 158
Twips size 323 x 236
16 Bpp Colour
16 bit RLE compression 5%

