This is a quick guide to all the commands and command line options available when using TestDriver.
The command line syntax for configuring TestDriver is:
> testdriver config [option] <value>
The following arguments and options are used.
This is used to display the current configurations.
This is used to set the EPOC drive, for example; testdriver config -e h:\ sets the EPOC drive to h:\.
This is used to set the root path to your XML structure, for example; testdriver config -x h:\development\personal\CompVisitor\XML
This is used to set the root path to the repository, for example;
testdriver config -r d:\repos .
This is used to set the root path for the test results and test logs.
This is used to set the rooth path for the source data.
The command line syntax for building a test suite is:
> testdriver build -p <platform> -b <build> -s suite [-a architecture]
The following commands and options are used.
This is mandatory, used to specify the platform.
Options are arm4 , armi , thumb , wins , winscw .
This is mandatory, used to specify the build type.
Options are udeb and urel .
This is mandatory, used to specify the suite which is to be built.
An example of the -s option is: -s testsuite1.testsuite2 .
This is optional, used to specify the application specific software product (ASSP) architecture.
If not specified no specific architecture will be built for.
This is optional, displays help information.
The command line syntax for building a test package is similar to that of building test suites. However, instead of using
the build command, a command called package
is used, as shown below:
> testdriver package -p <platform> -b <build> -s suite [-a architecture] [--tp <package>]
The command line syntax for running a test suite is:
> testdriver run [-p <platform> -b <build>] -s <suite> [-t transport] [-a architecture] [-l logging] [-c collection path]
The command line syntax for running a test package is:
> testdriver run --tp <package> [-t transport] [-a architecture] [-l logging] [-c collection path]
The following arguments and options are used.
This is mandatory, used to specify the platform.
Options are arm4 , armv4 , armv5 , wins , winscw .
This is mandatory, used to specify the build type.
Options are udeb and urel .
This is mandatory if running test suite, and is used to specify the suite which is to be built.
An example of using the -s option is: -s testsuite1.testsuite4 .
This is mandatory when running a test package, and is used to specify the test package which is to be run, including the
full directory path and the file name.
An example of using the --tp option is: --tp \\<drive_name>\packages\CtsPackage.tpkg .
This is optional, used to specify the mode of transport for communicating with the device.
Options are serialX , tcp , usbX or btX , where X is the com port number. The default option is set to serial1 .
This is optional, used for defining the application specific software product (ASSP) architecture if required.
An example command line to build the suite is:
> testdriver run -p arm4 -b urel -s testsuite1.testsuite3
This is optional and used for collecting test results via the communication port (rdebug ) or from a .log file (console ).
This is optional, and is used for specifying your own location for storing test logs and test results, other than the default
results repository used by the TestDriver.
This is optional, and displays help information.