Symbian OS Library


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Building test packages

Once you have created a test suite hierarchy, defined it using XML files and built your tests into a repository, you have the option of creating a test package. A test package combines the XML structure and the data in the built repository into one file, .tpkg.

This means that everything needed for running a test is stored in this package file, enabling you to run the test independently.

This feature is also useful for distributing your built tests to others, so they can run them straightaway, without having to build them first.

The built package file is stored under the specified test suite folder in your repository, using the same name as the test suite + the extension .tpkg, i.e. testsuite1.tpkg.

Command line syntax

The command line syntax for building a test package is similar to that of building test suites. However, instead of using the build command, a command called package is used, as shown below:

> testdriver package -p <platform> -b <build> -s suite [-a architecture] [--tp <package>]

The following commands and options are used.


This is mandatory, and is used to specify the platform. Options are arm4, armi, thumb, wins, winscw.


This is mandatory, used to specify the build type. Options are udeb and urel.


This is mandatory, and is used to specify the suite which is to be built into a package. An example of the -s option is: -s testsuite1.testsuite2.


This is optional, used to specify the application specific software product (ASSP) architecture. If not specified no specific architecture will be built for.


This is optional, used to specify the name and full path of the test package. It must include an absolute path. If not specified, the test package will take the same name as the test suite, and be located in the test repository at the suite level.


This is optional, and is used for displaying help information.


The example command line to build Test Suite 4 is:

> testdriver package -p arm4 -b urel -s testsuite1.testsuite4

This would build the contents of TestSuite4, for ARM4 UREL, and the name of the test package would be testsuite4.tpkg, located in the test repository.


See also