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Timers And Timing Services Overview


Provides timers that asynchronously notify an application after an interval or at a specific time.


Architectural relationships

The User class in the System Static Functions API provides simple functions to suspend a thread for a given interval or until a specific time.



The API has three key concepts: simple timer, periodic timer, and heartbeat timer.

Simple timer

The simple timer produces an event at a given system time or after a given interval. It is provided by RTimer. This service is wrapped in an active object by CTimer.

Periodic timer

A periodic timer produces a sequence of events at a specified interval. The application is called through a callback (TCallBack) when they occur. It is provided by CPeriodic.

Heartbeat timer

A heartbeat timer is similar to a periodic timer. However, if the application is busy handling another event when the timer event occurs, a periodic timer simple delays delivering the event, while a heartbeat timer will inform the application that it has missed the event.

It is provided by CHeartbeat. Applications are alerted to timer events through implementing an interface MBeating.


See also

Asynchronous Services Overview

System Static Functions Overview