Form API: Using Form API

To use forms, the dialog resource (RESOURCE DIALOG) must be defined in the application resource file and a matching CAknForm-based class must be provided.

Example data structure TMyData is used to demonstrate the usage of most typical data fields in forms.

struct TMyData
public:     // data
    TBuf<256> iText;
    TBuf<256> iGlobalText;
    TBuf<256> iRichText;
    TInt iNumber;
    TInt iInteger;
    TReal iFloat;
    TInt iFix;
    TTime iDate;
    TTime iTime;
    TTimeIntervalSeconds iDuration;
    TBuf<4> iNumPwd;
    TBuf<8> iAlphaPwd;
    TInetAddr iIpAddr;
    MAknQueryValue* iPopupVal;
    TInt iPopupTextIndex;
    TInt iSliderVal;

The class CMyForm is used to display and edit the data.

class CMyForm : public CAknForm
public:     // construction
    CMyForm( TMyData& aData );
    virtual ~CMyForm();
public:     // from CAknForm
    void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
    void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
    TBool SaveFormDataL();
    void DoNotSaveFormDataL();
    void AddItemL() ;
    void PreLayoutDynInitL();
        ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType( TInt aControlType ) const;
    void LoadFormDataL() ;
private:    // data
    TMyData& iData;
    TInt iAddedItemId;

Defining the form resource

Since a form is a special dialog, its resource definition is within a DIALOG resource, that is, the dialog structure has the LLINK form as a member.

    LONG flags = 0;
    LTEXT title = "";
    LLINK pages = 0;
    LLINK buttons = 0;
    STRUCT items[];
    LLINK form = 0;

When considering forms, the important members of the DIALOG structure are:

See document S60 3.1 Dialogs API Specification for more information on other DIALOG structure members.

    WORD flags = 0;
    STRUCT items[];

The FORM structure member flags can be used to specify the style of the form. The default setting is single-line display, and the predefined values are as follows:

Flag Description
EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat Double-line display.
EEikFormHideEmptyFields Makes empty data fields invisible.
EEikFormShowBitmaps Displays a bitmap on a label.
EEikFormEditModeOnly Displays the form in edit mode only.
EEikFormShowEmptyFields Displays single-line display (default).

Form fields are described with the structure DLG_LINE in the member items of the FORM structure.

    WORD type;
    LTEXT prompt;
    WORD id = 0;
    LONG itemflags = 0;
    STRUCT control;
    LTEXT trailer = "";
    LTEXT bmpfile = ""; 
    WORD bmpid = 0xffff;
    WORD bmpmask;	
    LTEXT tooltip = "";

The important members of this structure are:

Single-page form

The following resource defines a form for viewing and editing TMyStruct data in a single page.

    flags = EEikDialogFlagNoBorder | EEikDialogFlagNoDrag  |
            EEikDialogFlagNoTitleBar | EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect |
            EEikDialogFlagCbaButtons | EEikDialogFlagWait;
    form = r_my_form;

    flags = EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat;
    items =
            type = EEikCtEdwin;
            prompt = "Text" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdTextEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = EDWIN
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags |
                maxlength = 256;
                width = 6;
            type = EEikCtGlobalTextEditor;
            prompt = "Global text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdGlobalTextEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = GTXTED
                width = 10;
                height = 17;
                textlimit = 256;
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags;
                max_view_height_in_lines = 2;
            type = EEikCtRichTextEditor;
            prompt = "Rich text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdRichTextEd; 
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = RTXTED
                width = 10;
                height = 17;
                textlimit = 256;
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags;
                max_view_height_in_lines = 3;
            type = EEikCtNumberEditor;
            prompt = "Number" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdNumberEd ;
            control = NUMBER_EDITOR
                min = 0;
                max = 999;

            type = EAknCtIntegerEdwin;
            prompt = "Integer edwin" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdIntegerEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = AVKON_INTEGER_EDWIN
                maxlength = 10;
                min = 0;
                max = 999;
            type = EEikCtFlPtEd;
            prompt = "Floating point" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdFloatEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = FLPTED
                maxlength = 10;
                min = 0;
                max = 999;
            prompt = "Fixed point" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdFixEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = FIXPTED
                min = 0;
                max = 99999;
                decimalplaces = 2;
            type = EEikCtDateEditor;
            prompt = "Date" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdDateEd ;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = DATE_EDITOR
                minDate = DATE { year = 1900; };
                maxDate= DATE { year = 2100; };
                flags = 0;
            type = EEikCtTimeEditor;
            prompt = "Time";
            id = EMyAppControlIdTimeEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = TIME_EDITOR
                minTime = TIME {};
                maxTime = TIME { second = 59; minute = 59; hour = 23; };
                flags = 0;
            type = EEikCtDurationEditor;
            prompt = "Duration";
            id = EMyAppControlIdDurationEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = DURATION_EDITOR
                minDuration = DURATION {};
                maxDuration = DURATION { seconds = 3599; };
                flags = 0;
            type = EAknCtNumericSecretEditor;
            prompt = "Secret number";
            id = EMyAppControlIdNumPwdEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = NUMSECRETED { num_code_chars = 4; };
            type = EEikCtSecretEd;
            prompt = "Secret text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdAlphaPwdEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = SECRETED { num_letters = 8; };
            type = EAknCtIpFieldEditor;
            prompt = "IP address";
            id = EMyAppControlIdIpAddrEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = IP_FIELD_EDITOR
                min_field_values = IP_FIELD
                    first_field = 0;
                    second_field = 0;
                    third_field = 0;
                    fou?th_field = 0;
                max_field_values = IP_FIELD
                    first_field = 255;
                    second_field = 255;
                    third_field = 255;
                    fourth_field = 255;
                flags = 0;
            type = EAknCtPopupField;
            prompt = "Popup field";
            id = EMyAppControlIdPopupField;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = POPUP_FIELD
                flags = EAknPopupFieldFlagAllowsUserDefinedEntry;
                width = 50;
                other = "Other";
                empty = "No items";
                invalid = "Invalid item";
            type = EAknCtPopupFieldText;
            prompt = "Popup field text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdPopupFieldText;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = POPUP_FIELD_TEXT
                textarray = r_my_list_popup_items;
                popupfield = POPUP_FIELD {};
                active = 0;
            type = EAknCtSlider;
            prompt = "Slider";
            id = EMyAppControlIdSlider;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = SLIDER
                layout = EAknFormSliderLayout2;
                minvalue = 0;
                maxvalue = 20;
                step = 2;
                valuetype = EAknSliderValueNone;
                minlabel = "few";
                maxlabel = "many";
                valuelabel = "Slider value";

RESOURCE ARRAY r_my_list_popup_items
    items =
        LBUF { txt = "Monday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Tuesday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Wednesday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Thursday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Friday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Saturday"; },
        LBUF { txt = "Sunday"; }

Multi-page form

Multi-page forms also use the DIALOG resource structure, but DIALOG structure member pages are needed as a reference to an ARRAY of PAGE. The PAGE structure is as follows:

    WORD id = 0;
    LTEXT text;
    LTEXT bmpfile = "";
    WORD bmpid = 0xffff;
    WORD bmpmask; 
    LLINK lines = 0;
    LLINK form = 0;
    WORD flags = 0;

The following members are concerned with forms in the PAGE structure:

The following resource defines a form for viewing and editing TMyStruct data in a multi-page dialog. The DLG_LINE structures are identical to the single-page example (except that the first page is decorated with icons).

RESOURCE DIALOG r_my_multipage_dialog
    flags = EEikDialogFlagNoBorder | EEikDialogFlagNoDrag  |
            EEikDialogFlagNoTitleBar | EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect |
            EEikDialogFlagCbaButtons  | EEikDialogFlagWait;
    pages = r_my_pages;

    items =
        PAGE { text = "text"; id = EMyAppPage1 ; form = r_my_form_1 ; },
        PAGE { text = "number"; id = EMyAppPage2 ; form = r_my_form_2 ; },
        PAGE { text = "misc"; id = EMyAppPage3 ; form = r_my_form_3 ; }

RESOURCE FORM r_my_form_1
    flags = EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat | EEikFormShowBitmaps;
    items =
            type = EEikCtEdwin;
            prompt = "Text" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdTextEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = EDWIN
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags |
                maxlength = 256;
                width = 6;
            bmpfile = AVKON_ICON_FILE;
            bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small;
            bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small_mask;
            type = EEikCtGlobalTextEditor;
            prompt = "Global text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdGlobalTextEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = GTXTED
                width = 10;
                height = 17;
                textlimit = 256;
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags;
                max_view_height_in_lines = 2;
            bmpfile = AVKON_ICON_FILE;
            bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small;
            bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small_mask;
            type = EEikCtRichTextEditor;
            prompt = "Rich text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdRichTextEd; 
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = RTXTED
                width = 10;
                height = 17;
                textlimit = 256;
                flags = KMultiLineExpandingEditorFlags;
                max_view_height_in_lines = 3;
            bmpfile = AVKON_ICON_FILE;
            bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small;
            bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small_mask;

RESOURCE FORM r_my_form_2
    flags = EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat;
    items =
            type = EEikCtNumberEditor;
            prompt = "Number" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdNumberEd ;
            control = NUMBER_EDITOR
                min = 0;
                max = 999;

            type = EAknCtIntegerEdwin;
            prompt = "Integer edwin" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdIntegerEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = AVKON_INTEGER_EDWIN
                maxlength = 10;
                min = 0;
                max = 999;
            type = EEikCtFlPtEd;
            prompt = "Floating point" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdFloatEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = FLPTED
                maxlength = 10;
                min = 0;
                max = 999;
            prompt = "Fixed point" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdFixEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = FIXPTED
                min = 0;
                max = 99999;
                decimalplaces = 2;
            type = EEikCtDateEditor;
            prompt = "Date" ;
            id = EMyAppControlIdDateEd ;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = DATE_EDITOR
                minDate = DATE { year = 1900; };
                maxDate= DATE { year = 2100; };
                flags = 0;
            type = EEikCtTimeEditor;
            prompt = "Time";
            id = EMyAppControlIdTimeEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = TIME_EDITOR
                minTime = TIME {};
                maxTime = TIME { second = 59; minute = 59; hour = 23; };
                flags = 0;
            type = EEikCtDurationEditor;
            prompt = "Duration";
            id = EMyAppControlIdDurationEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = DURATION_EDITOR
                minDuration = DURATION {};
                maxDuration = DURATION { seconds = 3599; };
                flags = 0;

RESOURCE FORM r_my_form_3
    flags = EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat;
    items =
            type = EAknCtNumericSecretEditor;
            prompt = "Secret number";
            id = EMyAppControlIdNumPwdEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = NUMSECRETED { num_code_chars = 4; };
            type = EEikCtSecretEd;
            prompt = "Secret text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdAlphaPwdEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = SECRETED { num_letters = 8; };
            type = EAknCtIpFieldEditor;
            prompt = "IP address";
            id = EMyAppControlIdIpAddrEd;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = IP_FIELD_EDITOR
                min_field_values = IP_FIELD
                    first_field = 0;
                    second_field = 0;
                    third_field = 0;
                    fourth_field = 0;
                max_field_values = IP_FIELD
                    first_field = 255;
                    second_field = 255;
                    third_field = 255;
                    fourth_field = 255;
                flags = 0;
            type = EAknCtPopupField;
            prompt = "Popup field";
            id = EMyAppControlIdPopupField;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = POPUP_FIELD
                flags = EAknPopupFieldFlagAllowsUserDefinedEntry;
                width = 50;
                other = "Other";
                empty = "No items";
                invalid = "Invalid item";
            type = EAknCtPopupFieldText;
            prompt = "Popup field text";
            id = EMyAppControlIdPopupFieldText;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = POPUP_FIELD_TEXT
                textarray = r_my_list_popup_items;
                popupfield = POPUP_FIELD {};
                active = 0;
            type = EAknCtSlider;
            prompt = "Slider";
            id = EMyAppControlIdSlider;
            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
            control = SLIDER
                layout = EAknFormSliderLayout2;
                minvalue = 0;
                maxvalue = 20;
                step = 2;
                valuetype = EAknSliderValueNone;
                minlabel = "few";
                maxlabel = "many";
                valuelabel = "Slider value";

Launching the form

The following example code initializes sample data before invoking the form.

// Create example dynamic list for the popup field.
CDesCArray* array = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
array->AppendL( _L("January") );
array->AppendL( _L("February") );
array->AppendL( _L("March") );
array->AppendL( _L("April") );
array->AppendL( _L("May") );
array->AppendL( _L("June") );
CAknQueryValueTextArray* textArray = CAknQueryValueTextArray::NewLC();
textArray->SetArray( *array );
CAknQueryValueText* queryVal = CAknQueryValueText::NewLC();
queryVal->SetArrayL( textArray );
queryVal->SetCurrentValueIndex( 0 );

// Initialize example form data.
TMyData myData;
myData.iText = _L("This is a text.");
myData.iGlobalText = _L("This is global text.");
myData.iRichText = _L("This is rich text.");
myData.iNumber = 5;
myData.iInteger = 5;
myData.iFloat = 1.234;
myData.iFix = 12345;
myData.iDuration = TTimeIntervalSeconds( 1000 );
myData.iNumPwd = _L("1234");
myData.iAlphaPwd = _L("passwd");
myData.iIpAddr = TInetAddr();
myData.iPopupVal = queryVal;
myData.iPopupTextIndex = 2;
myData.iSliderVal = 10;

// Launch the dialog to view/edit data
CAknForm* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CMyForm( myData );
CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
dlg->ConstructL( 0 ); // default menu items only
CleanupStack::Pop( dlg );
dlg->ExecuteLD( R_MY_DIALOG );
// myData now contains the edited values.

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( queryVal );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );

Initializing form data

PreLayoutDynInitL() can be overridden to initialize form controls.

void CMyForm::PreLayoutDynInitL()

void CMyForm::LoadFormDataL()
    CEikEdwin* textEd =
        (CEikEdwin*)Control( EMyAppControlIdTextEd );
    textEd->SetTextL( &iData.iText );
    CEikGlobalTextEditor* globalTextEd =
        (CEikGlobalTextEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdGlobalTextEd );
    globalTextEd->SetTextL( &iData.iGlobalText );
    CEikRichTextEditor* richTextEd =
        (CEikRichTextEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdRichTextEd );
    richTextEd->SetTextL( &iData.iRichText );
    CEikNumberEditor* numberEd =
        (CEikNumberEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdNumberEd );
    numberEd->SetNumber( iData.iNumber );
    CAknIntegerEdwin* integerEd =
        (CAknIntegerEdwin*)Control( EMyAppControlIdIntegerEd );
    integerEd->SetValueL( iData.iInteger );
    CEikFloatingPointEditor* floatEd =
        (CEikFloatingPointEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdFloatEd );
    floatEd->SetValueL( &iData.iFloat );
    CEikFixedPointEditor* fixEd =
        (CEikFixedPointEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdFixEd );
    fixEd->SetValueL( &iData.iFix );
    CEikDateEditor* dateEd =
        (CEikDateEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdDateEd );
    dateEd->SetDate( iData.iDate );
    CEikTimeEditor* timeEd =
        (CEikTimeEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdTimeEd );
    timeEd->SetTime( iData.iTime );
    CEikDurationEditor* durationEd =
        (CEikDurationEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdDurationEd );
    durationEd->SetDuration( iData.iDuration );
    CAknNumericSecretEditor* numPwdEd =
        (CAknNumericSecretEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdNumPwdEd );
    numPwdEd->SetText( iData.iNumPwd );
    CEikSecretEditor* alphaPwdEd =
        (CEikSecretEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdAlphaPwdEd );
    alphaPwdEd->SetText( iData.iAlphaPwd );
    CAknIpFieldEditor* ipAddrEd =
        (CAknIpFieldEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdIpAddrEd );
    ipAddrEd->SetAddress( iData.iIpAddr );
    iData.iPopupVal->SetCurrentValueIndex( 0 );
    CAknPopupField* popupField =
        (CAknPopupField*)Control( EMyAppControlIdPopupField );
    popupField->SetQueryValueL( iData.iPopupVal );
    CAknPopupFieldText* popupFieldText =
        (CAknPopupFieldText*)Control( EMyAppControlIdPopupFieldText );
    popupFieldText->SetCurrentValueIndex( iData.iPopupTextIndex );
    CAknSlider* slider =
        (CAknSlider*)Control( EMyAppControlIdSlider );
    slider->SetValueL( iData.iSliderVal );

Saving form data

Pressing the Back softkey in the edit state causes calls to QuerySaveChangesL() then SaveFormDataL() or DoNotSaveFormDataL(). The following example saves data from form controls to the data structure.

TBool CMyForm::SaveFormDataL()
    CEikEdwin* textEd =
        (CEikEdwin*)Control( EMyAppControlIdTextEd );
    textEd->GetText( iData.iText );
    CEikGlobalTextEditor* globalTextEd =
        (CEikGlobalTextEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdGlobalTextEd );
    globalTextEd->GetText( iData.iGlobalText );
    CEikRichTextEditor* richTextEd =
        (CEikRichTextEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdRichTextEd );
    richTextEd->GetText( iData.iRichText );
    CEikNumberEditor* numberEd =
        (CEikNumberEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdNumberEd );
    iData.iNumber = numberEd->Number();
    CAknIntegerEdwin* integerEd =
        (CAknIntegerEdwin*)Control( EMyAppControlIdIntegerEd );
    (void)integerEd->GetTextAsInteger( iData.iInteger );
    CEikFloatingPointEditor* floatEd =
        (CEikFloatingPointEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdFloatEd );
    (void)floatEd->GetValueAsReal( iData.iFloat );
    CEikFixedPointEditor* fixEd =
        (CEikFixedPointEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdFixEd );
    (void)fixEd->GetValueAsInteger( iData.iFix );
    CEikDateEditor* dateEd =
        (CEikDateEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdDateEd );
    iData.iDate = dateEd->Date();
    CEikTimeEditor* timeEd =
        (CEikTimeEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdTimeEd );
    iData.iTime = timeEd->Time();
    CEikDurationEditor* durationEd =
        (CEikDurationEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdDurationEd );
    iData.iDuration = durationEd->Duration();
    CAknNumericSecretEditor* numPwdEd =
        (CAknNumericSecretEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdNumPwdEd );
    numPwdEd->GetText( iData.iNumPwd );
    CEikSecretEditor* alphaPwdEd =
        (CEikSecretEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdAlphaPwdEd );
    alphaPwdEd->GetText( iData.iAlphaPwd );
    CAknIpFieldEditor* ipAddrEd =
        (CAknIpFieldEditor*)Control( EMyAppControlIdIpAddrEd );
    iData.iIpAddr = ipAddrEd->Address();
    iData.iPopupVal->SetCurrentValueIndex( 0 );
    CAknPopupField* popupField =
        (CAknPopupField*)Control( EMyAppControlIdPopupField );
    popupField->SetQueryValueL( iData.iPopupVal );
    CAknPopupFieldText* popupFieldText =
        (CAknPopupFieldText*)Control( EMyAppControlIdPopupFieldText );
    iData.iPopupTextIndex = popupFieldText->CurrentValueIndex();
    CAknSlider* slider =
        (CAknSlider*)Control( EMyAppControlIdSlider );
    iData.iSliderVal = slider->Value();
    return ETrue;

Forms can validate the entered data. SaveFormDataL() should return EFalse if validation failed, this indicates that the data has not been saved. In this case, the form remains in edit state.

Reverting changes

DoNotSaveFormDataL() is called if the user responds No in QuerySaveChangesL(). The form should restore the original data.

void CMyForm::DoNotSaveFormDataL()

Modifying the menu

CAknForm always uses menu pane R_AVKON_FORM_MENUPANE. This menu pane contains the following commands:

Command Description
EAknFormCmdEdit Switches to edit mode (if allowed).
EAknFormCmdAdd Adds field. Method AddFieldL() is called. Default implementation is empty.
EAknFormCmdSave Saves and switches to view mode. SaveFormDataL() is called. Default implementation is empty.
EAknFormCmdLabel Edits field label. Default implementation is provided.
EAknFormCmdDelete Deletes field. DeleteCurrentItemL() is called. Default implementation is empty.
EAknFormMaxDefault End marker for the enumeration.

CAknForm handles these commands and their associated menu items.

DynInitMenuPaneL() allows modifying the menu. The following example appends the items of a custom menu pane to the form menu:

RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_my_extra_menu
    items =
        MENU_ITEM { command = EMyCommand; txt = "Dynamic menu item"; }
void CMyForm::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
    CAknForm::DynInitMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
    if ( aResourceId == R_AVKON_FORM_MENUPANE )
            ( R_MY_EXTRA_MENU, EAknFormMaxDefault - 1, ETrue );

The same effect can achieved by passing the ID of a MENU_BAR resource to CAknForm::ConstructL(). Menu items from R_MY_MENUBAR will be appended to R_AVKON_FORM_MENUPANE:

RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_my_menubar
        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_my_extra_menu; txt=""; }
// Launch the dialog to view/edit data
CAknForm* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CMyForm( myData );
CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
dlg->ConstructL( R_MY_MENUBAR );
CleanupStack::Pop( dlg );
dlg->ExecuteLD( R_MY_DIALOG );
// myData now contains edited values.

Processing commands

ProcessCommandL() can be overridden to handle custom commands. Built-in form commands are handled by CAknForm.

void CMyForm::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
    // Form default commands.
    CAknForm::ProcessCommandL( aCommandId );
    // Custom commands.
    switch ( aCommandId )
        case EMyCommand:
            User::InfoPrint( _L("my command") );

Managing fields

In edit mode, fields can be added or deleted dynamically. CAknForm::AddItemL() and CAknForm::DeleteCurrentItemL() provide default implementation for handling the commands EAknFormCmdAdd and EAknFormCmdDelete, respectively.

The following sample adds an editor control.

void CMyForm::AddItemL()
    _LIT( caption, "Added text" );
    TInt pageId = ActivePageId();
    TInt id = iAddedItemId++; // All controls must have unique id.
    TInt type = EEikCtEdwin;
    TAny* unused=0;
    CEikEdwin* edwin = (CEikEdwin*)CreateLineByTypeL
        ( caption, pageId, id, type, unused );
        ( EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable, 10, 100, 1 );
    Line( id )->ActivateL();
    SetChangesPending( ETrue );
    UpdatePageL( ETrue );

Note that all controls in the dialog must have a unique ID. The sample code uses its iAddedItemId member to ensure that IDs are unique, but does not store the IDs of the dynamically created controls. Real-life implementations need the IDs to access field data later.

enum TMyControlIds
    EMyAppControlIdTextEd = 100,
    EMyAppControlIdFirstAdded   // Dynamically added items
CMyForm::CMyForm( TMyData& aData ) : iData( aData ), iAddedItemId( EMyAppControlIdFirstAdded ) // Need unique control ids. { }

Adding fields dynamically is also useful if the form is used to manipulate data which has a variable structure. In this case, the FORM structure can be left empty in the resource definition, and PreLayoutDynInitL() can be used to add appropriate fields as necessary.

Adding custom field

Custom controls can be added to dialogs by overriding CreateCustomControlL(), as described in document S60 3.1 Dialogs API Specification.

In order to support laying out the custom control in forms, the method ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType() must be provided. This method determines the layout class of the custom control.

CMyForm::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType( TInt aControlType ) const
    if ( aControlType == EAknCtIpFieldEditor )
        // Help layout of custom control.
        return MEikDialogPageObserver::EMfneDerived;
    return CAknForm::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType( aControlType );

Error handling

Form API uses standard Symbian OS error reporting mechanism and standard error codes.

Memory overhead

Memory consumption of dialogs depends on the contained controls.

Limitations of the API


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