_pthreadtypes.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct   pthread_once


typedef pthread *  pthread_t
typedef pthread_attr *  pthread_attr_t
typedef pthread_mutex *  pthread_mutex_t
typedef pthread_mutex_attr *  pthread_mutexattr_t
typedef pthread_cond *  pthread_cond_t
typedef pthread_cond_attr *  pthread_condattr_t
typedef int  pthread_key_t
typedef pthread_once  pthread_once_t
typedef pthread_rwlock *  pthread_rwlock_t
typedef pthread_rwlockattr *  pthread_rwlockattr_t
typedef pthread_barrier *  pthread_barrier_t
typedef pthread_barrierattr *  pthread_barrierattr_t
typedef pthread_spinlock *  pthread_spinlock_t
typedef void *  pthread_addr_t
typedef void *(*  pthread_startroutine_t )(void *)

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* pthread_addr_t
typedef struct pthread_attr* pthread_attr_t
typedef struct pthread_barrier* pthread_barrier_t
typedef struct pthread_barrierattr* pthread_barrierattr_t
typedef struct pthread_cond* pthread_cond_t
typedef struct pthread_cond_attr* pthread_condattr_t
typedef int pthread_key_t
typedef struct pthread_mutex* pthread_mutex_t
typedef struct pthread_mutex_attr* pthread_mutexattr_t
typedef struct pthread_once pthread_once_t
typedef struct pthread_rwlock* pthread_rwlock_t
typedef struct pthread_rwlockattr* pthread_rwlockattr_t
typedef struct pthread_spinlock* pthread_spinlock_t
typedef void*(* pthread_startroutine_t)(void *)
typedef struct pthread* pthread_t

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