akneditstateindicator.h File Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 1

Link against: avkon.lib

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#include <coemop.h>

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Data Structures

class   MAknEditingStateIndicator
  An abstact class of which virtual methods implementation should be provided for FEP component. More...


enum   TAknEditingState {
  EStateNone, ET9Upper, ET9Lower, ET9Shifted,
  ENumeric, EMultitapUpper, EMultitapLower, EMultitapShifted,
  ET9Arabic, ET9Hebrew, EMultitapArabic, EMultitapHebrew,
  EArabicIndicNumeric, EMultitapThai, ET9Thai, EQwertyShift,
  ET9FarsiAndUrdu, EMultitapFarsiAndUrdu, EIndicatorStatePinyin = 20, EIndicatorStateZhuyin,
  EIndicatorStateStroke, EIndicatorStateZhuyinFind, EIndicatorStateStrokeFind, EIndicatorStateStrokeTrad,
  EIndicatorStateCangJie, EIndicatorStatePinyinPhrase, EIndicatorStateZhuyinPhrase, EIndicatorStateStrokePhrase,
  EIndicatorStateStrokeTradPhrase, EIndicatorStateHiraganaKanji = 40, EIndicatorStateHiragana, EIndicatorStateHalfKatakana,
  EIndicatorStateFullKatakana, EIndicatorStateFullLatinUpper, EIndicatorStateFullLatinLower, EIndicatorStateFullLatinText,
  EIndicatorStateFullNumeric, EIndicatorStateJapanesePredictive, ET9UpperVietnamese = 60, ET9LowerVietnamese,
  ET9ShiftedVietnamese, EMultitapUpperVietnamese, EMultitapLowerVietnamese, EMultitapShiftedVietnamese,
  EIndicatorStateMultitapHindi = 80, EIndicatorStatePredictiveHindi, EDevanagariIndicNumeric, EIndicatorStateHindiPhoneticUpper,
  EIndicatorStateHindiPhoneticLower, EIndicatorStateMultitapMarathi, EIndicatorStatePredictiveMarathi, EAutoCompleteUpper = 100,
  EAutoCompleteLower, EAutoCompleteShifted, EAutoCompleteHindi, EAutoCompleteArabic,
  EAutoCompleteHebrew, EAutoCompleteFarsiAndUrdu, EAutoCompleteThai, EAutoCompleteUpperVietnamese,
  EAutoCompleteLowerVietnamese, EAutoCompleteShiftedVietnamese


TTypeUid::Ptr  SupplyMopObject (TTypeUid aId, MAknEditingStateIndicator *aIndicator)
  This function should be called from MopSupplyObject() of those components that supply MAknEditingStateIndicator interface for FEP.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TAknEditingState
EStateNone  No input mode.
ET9Upper  Predictive upper case input mode.
ET9Lower  Predictive lower case input mode.
ET9Shifted  Predictive shifted input mode.
ENumeric  Numeric input mode.
EMultitapUpper  Multitap upper case input mode.
EMultitapLower  Multitap lower case input mode.
EMultitapShifted  Multitap shifted input mode.
ET9Arabic  Predictive Arabic input mode.
ET9Hebrew  Predictive Hebrew input mode.
EMultitapArabic  Multitap Arabic input mode.
EMultitapHebrew  Multitap Hebrew input mode.
EArabicIndicNumeric  Arabic-Indic numeric input mode.
EMultitapThai  Multitap Thai input mode.
ET9Thai  Predictive Thai input mode.
EQwertyShift  QWERTY shifted input mode.
ET9FarsiAndUrdu  Predictive Farsi and Urdu input mode.
EMultitapFarsiAndUrdu  Multitap Farsi and Urdu input mode.
EIndicatorStatePinyin  Pinyin input mode.
EIndicatorStateZhuyin  Zhuyin inout mode.
EIndicatorStateStroke  Stroke input mode.
EIndicatorStateZhuyinFind  Zhuyin find input mode.
EIndicatorStateStrokeFind  Stroke find input mode.
EIndicatorStateStrokeTrad  Stroke trad input mode.
EIndicatorStateCangJie  Cang Jie input mode.
EIndicatorStatePinyinPhrase  Pinyin phrase pinput mode.
EIndicatorStateZhuyinPhrase  Zhuyin phrase inout mode.
EIndicatorStateStrokePhrase  Stroke phrase input mode.
EIndicatorStateStrokeTradPhrase  Stroke phrase trad input mode.
EIndicatorStateHiraganaKanji  Kanji and Hiragana input mode.
EIndicatorStateHiragana  Hiragana input mode.
EIndicatorStateHalfKatakana  Half-width Katakana input mode.
EIndicatorStateFullKatakana  Full-width Katakana input mode.
EIndicatorStateFullLatinUpper  Full-width LatinUpper input mode.
EIndicatorStateFullLatinLower  Full-width LatinLower input mode.
EIndicatorStateFullLatinText  Full-width LatinText input mode.
EIndicatorStateFullNumeric  Numeric input mode.
EIndicatorStateJapanesePredictive  japanese predictive mode
ET9UpperVietnamese  Predictive Vietnamese upper case input mode.
ET9LowerVietnamese  Predictive Vietnamese lower case input mode.
ET9ShiftedVietnamese  Predictive Vietnamese shifted input mode.
EMultitapUpperVietnamese  Multitap Vietnamese upper case input mode.
EMultitapLowerVietnamese  Multitap Vietnamese lower case input mode.
EMultitapShiftedVietnamese  Multitap Vietnamese shifted input mode.
EIndicatorStateMultitapHindi  Multitap Hindi input mode.
EIndicatorStatePredictiveHindi  Predictive Hindi input mode.
EIndicatorStateHindiPhoneticUpper  Devangari Indic numeric input mode.
EIndicatorStateMultitapMarathi  Multitap Marathi input mode.
EIndicatorStatePredictiveMarathi  Predictive Marathi input mode.
EAutoCompleteUpper  Auto Word Completion upper case input mode.
EAutoCompleteLower  Auto Word Completion lower case input mode.
EAutoCompleteShifted  Auto Word Completion shifted input mode.
EAutoCompleteHindi  Auto Word Completion Hindi input mode.
EAutoCompleteArabic  Auto Word Completion Arabic input mode.
EAutoCompleteHebrew  Auto Word Completion Hebrew input mode.
EAutoCompleteFarsiAndUrdu  Auto Word Completion Farsi - Urdu input mode.
EAutoCompleteThai  Auto Word Completion Thai input mode.
EAutoCompleteUpperVietnamese  Auto Word Completion Vietnamese upper case input mode.
EAutoCompleteLowerVietnamese  Auto Word Completion Vietnamese lower case input mode.
EAutoCompleteShiftedVietnamese  Auto Word Completion Vietnamese shifted input mode.

Function Documentation

TTypeUid::Ptr SupplyMopObject TTypeUid  aId,
MAknEditingStateIndicator aIndicator

This function should be called from MopSupplyObject() of those components that supply MAknEditingStateIndicator interface for FEP.

Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.

This function is used to allow controls to ask their owners for access to other objects that they own.

Other than in the case where NULL is returned, the object returned must be of the same object type - that is, the ETypeId member of the object pointed to by the pointer returned by this function must be equal to the iUid member of aId.

aId  An encapsulated object type ID.
Encapsulated pointer to the provided object. Note that the encapsulated pointer may be NULL.

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