apsettingshandlercommons.h File Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed
API deprecated in: S60 3rd Ed FP 2

Link against: apsettingshandlerui.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



Other Information

If the user does not change any settings in the UI, does not modify database content in any way, than none. However, it is up to the user and caller has no affect on user interaction, so WriteDeviceData is needed.

#include <ApEngineConsts.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


enum   TTextID { EApSettingsSelStatusPaneText = 0x00, EApSettingsSelListEmptyText, EPopupPromptText }
  These enums are used to identify the 'overridable' text items in CApSettingsHandler. More...
enum   TTransactionResult { EOwnTransaction, EUsingAlreadyStarted, EFailedWithLocked }
  < Transaction results More...
enum   TApUiExitReason { EExitNone, EExit, EShutDown }
enum   TSelectionListType { EApSettingsSelListIsPopUp, EApSettingsSelListIsListPane, EApSettingsSelListIsPopUpWithNone }
  < Defines the list type to be used More...
enum   TSelectionMenuType { EApSettingsSelMenuNormal, EApSettingsSelMenuSelectOnly, EApSettingsSelMenuSelectNormal }
  < Defines the Options menu type to be used More...
enum   TApSettingsHandlerUiPanicCodes {
  EMenuCommandUnknown, EInvalidDbType, EInvalidBitmapType, EInvalidBearerType,
  EInvalidIspRequest, ENullPointer, EUnknownCase, EInvalidTextType,
  < Defines the Panic codes More...


  _LIT (KEmpty,"")
  _LIT (KTestFileName,"C:\\Data\\ApSetUiTest\\TestState.txt")
void  Panic (TApSettingsHandlerUiPanicCodes aPanic)
TInt  AskQueryL (TInt aResId, TDesC *aVar=NULL)
  Ask a query.
TInt  ShowNoteL (TInt aResId, TDesC *aVar=NULL)
  Shows a note.


const TInt  KApSelectionCanceled = -350
const TInt  KTxtNotOverriden = -351
const TInt  KErrInvalidTextId = -355
const TInt  KTTextIdMin = EApSettingsSelStatusPaneText
const TInt  KTTextIdMax = EPopupPromptText
const TInt  KMaxNumOfLockedDbRetries = 3
const TInt  KApUiEventNone = 0x00000000
  Ui return code flags. Nothign happend.
const TInt  KApUiEventSelected = 0x00000001
  Item was selected.
const TInt  KApUiEventCreatedBlank = 0x00000002
  New item created from blank.
const TInt  KApUiEventCreatedUsedOld = 0x00000004
  New item created from an existing one.
const TInt  KApUiEventEdited = 0x00000008
  Item edited.
const TInt  KApUiEventDeleted = 0x00000010
  Item deleted.
const TInt  KApUiEventExitRequested = 0x00000020
  User choosed Exit.
const TInt  KApUiEventShutDownRequested = 0x00000040
  System shutdown.
const TUint32  KApUiEventInternal = 0x80000000
  Internal flag.
const TUint32  KApNoneUID = 0x00000000

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TApSettingsHandlerUiPanicCodes

< Defines the Panic codes

EMenuCommandUnknown  Unknonw menu command.
EInvalidDbType  Invalid database type.
EInvalidBitmapType  Invalid bitmap type.
EInvalidBearerType  Invalid bearer type.
EInvalidIspRequest  Invalid ISP request.
ENullPointer  Null pointer passed.
EUnknownCase  Unknown 'case'.
EInvalidTextType  Invalid text type.
EInvalidState  Invalid state.
enum TApUiExitReason
enum TSelectionListType

< Defines the list type to be used

enum TSelectionMenuType

< Defines the Options menu type to be used

enum TTextID

These enums are used to identify the 'overridable' text items in CApSettingsHandler.

EPopupPromptText  Only this last one is used & implemented.
enum TTransactionResult

< Transaction results

EOwnTransaction  Own transaction started.
EUsingAlreadyStarted  Used already started one.
EFailedWithLocked  Transaction start failed with KErrLocked.

Function Documentation

_LIT KTestFileName  ,
_LIT KEmpty  ,
TInt AskQueryL TInt  aResId,
TDesC *  aVar = NULL

Ask a query.

aResId  Resource id
aVar  variable part of the query, if any
The result of the query
void Panic TApSettingsHandlerUiPanicCodes  aPanic  ) 


aPanic  Panic code
TInt ShowNoteL TInt  aResId,
TDesC *  aVar = NULL

Shows a note.

aResId  Resource id
aVar  variable part of the note, if any
The result of the note

Variable Documentation

const TUint32 KApNoneUID = 0x00000000
const TInt KApSelectionCanceled = -350
const TInt KApUiEventCreatedBlank = 0x00000002

New item created from blank.

const TInt KApUiEventCreatedUsedOld = 0x00000004

New item created from an existing one.

const TInt KApUiEventDeleted = 0x00000010

Item deleted.

const TInt KApUiEventEdited = 0x00000008

Item edited.

const TInt KApUiEventExitRequested = 0x00000020

User choosed Exit.

const TUint32 KApUiEventInternal = 0x80000000

Internal flag.

const TInt KApUiEventNone = 0x00000000

Ui return code flags. Nothign happend.

They indicate what has happened inside the module. They can be combined. The most important one is KApUiEventSelected and it indicates that the user selected an access point (in case of selection...)

const TInt KApUiEventSelected = 0x00000001

Item was selected.

const TInt KApUiEventShutDownRequested = 0x00000040

System shutdown.

const TInt KErrInvalidTextId = -355
const TInt KMaxNumOfLockedDbRetries = 3
const TInt KTTextIdMax = EPopupPromptText
const TInt KTTextIdMin = EApSettingsSelStatusPaneText
const TInt KTxtNotOverriden = -351

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