browseruisdkcrkeys.h File Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 3

Link against: browserengine.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



NetworkServices capability is required for any operation that results in loading content from the network. For example, calling LoadUrlL() with a url parameter that refers to a network location requires NetworkServices capability if the content is not available from the cache or if the specified cache mode prevents loading the cached version.

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const TUid  KCRUidBrowserUiLV = {0x101F861B}
const TUid  KCRUidBrowser = {0x10008D39}
const TUint32  KBrowserMediaVolumeControl = 0x0000001C
const TUint32  KBrowserCSSFetch = 0x00000003
const TUint32  KBrowserTextWrapEnabled = 0x00000004
const TUint32  KBrowserSecurityUI = 0x00000008
const TUint32  KBrowserDefaultCharset = 0x00000009
const TUint32  KBrowserDefaultAccessPoint = 0x0000000E
const TUint32  KBrowserConfirmDTMFSending = 0x00000017
const TUint32  KBrowserIMEINotification = 0x00000018
const TUint32  KBrowserSendReferrerHeader = 0x00000019
const TUint32  KBrowserEngineFlags = 0x00000001
const TUint32  KBrowserSelfDownloadContentTypes = 0x0000001D
const TUint32  KBrowserAccessPointSelectionMode = 0x0000001E
const TUint32  KBrowserDrivePrefListForDownloadedContent = 0x00000021
const TUint32  KBrowserUsBuild = 0x00000023
const TUint32  KBrowserConfirmedDTMFOnce = 0x00000024
const TUint32  KBrowserNGImagesEnabled = 0x00000025
  OSS Browser Keys.
const TUint32  KBrowserNGFontSize = 0x00000026
const TUint32  KBrowserNGEncoding = 0x00000027
const TUint32  KBrowserNGCookiesEnabled = 0x0000002B
const TUint32  KBrowserNGECMAScriptSupport = 0x0000002C
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShowSecurityWarnings = 0x0000002D
const TUint32  KBrowserNGPageOverview = 0x0000002E
const TUint32  KBrowserNGMimeTypes = 0x00000032
const TUint32  KBrowserNGBackList = 0x00000033
const TUint32  KBrowserNGAutoRefresh = 0x00000034
const TUint32  KBrowserNGUtf8Encoding = 0x00000036
const TUint32  KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdating = 0x00000037
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncHomePg = 0x0000003A
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncBkMark = 0x0000003B
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncFindKeyWord = 0x0000003C
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncPrePage = 0x0000003D
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncSwitchWin = 0x0000003E
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncMiniImage = 0x0000003F
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncGoAddr = 0x00000040
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncZoomIn = 0x00000041
const TUint32  KBrowserNGShortCutFuncZoomOut = 0x00000042
const TUint32  KBrowserNGSmartLink = 0x00000046
const TUint32  KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdatingAccessPoint = 0x00000043
const TUint32  KBrowserNGRotateDisplay = 0x00000044
const TUint32  KBrowserNGOpenDownloads = 0x00000045
const TUint32  KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdatingWhileRoaming = 0x00000047
const TUint32  KBrowserNGHttpOptBEnabled = 0x00000050
const TUint32  KFileManagerUid = 0x00000052
const TUint32  KBrowserNGDefaultSnapId = 0x00000053

Variable Documentation

const TUint32 KBrowserAccessPointSelectionMode = 0x0000001E
const TUint32 KBrowserConfirmDTMFSending = 0x00000017
const TUint32 KBrowserConfirmedDTMFOnce = 0x00000024
const TUint32 KBrowserCSSFetch = 0x00000003
const TUint32 KBrowserDefaultAccessPoint = 0x0000000E
const TUint32 KBrowserDefaultCharset = 0x00000009
const TUint32 KBrowserDrivePrefListForDownloadedContent = 0x00000021
const TUint32 KBrowserEngineFlags = 0x00000001
const TUint32 KBrowserIMEINotification = 0x00000018
const TUint32 KBrowserMediaVolumeControl = 0x0000001C
const TUint32 KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdating = 0x00000037
const TUint32 KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdatingAccessPoint = 0x00000043
const TUint32 KBrowserNGAutomaticUpdatingWhileRoaming = 0x00000047
const TUint32 KBrowserNGAutoRefresh = 0x00000034
const TUint32 KBrowserNGBackList = 0x00000033
const TUint32 KBrowserNGCookiesEnabled = 0x0000002B
const TUint32 KBrowserNGDefaultSnapId = 0x00000053
const TUint32 KBrowserNGECMAScriptSupport = 0x0000002C
const TUint32 KBrowserNGEncoding = 0x00000027
const TUint32 KBrowserNGFontSize = 0x00000026
const TUint32 KBrowserNGHttpOptBEnabled = 0x00000050
const TUint32 KBrowserNGImagesEnabled = 0x00000025

OSS Browser Keys.

const TUint32 KBrowserNGMimeTypes = 0x00000032
const TUint32 KBrowserNGOpenDownloads = 0x00000045
const TUint32 KBrowserNGPageOverview = 0x0000002E
const TUint32 KBrowserNGRotateDisplay = 0x00000044
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncBkMark = 0x0000003B
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncFindKeyWord = 0x0000003C
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncGoAddr = 0x00000040
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncHomePg = 0x0000003A
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncMiniImage = 0x0000003F
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncPrePage = 0x0000003D
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncSwitchWin = 0x0000003E
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncZoomIn = 0x00000041
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShortCutFuncZoomOut = 0x00000042
const TUint32 KBrowserNGShowSecurityWarnings = 0x0000002D
const TUint32 KBrowserNGSmartLink = 0x00000046
const TUint32 KBrowserNGUtf8Encoding = 0x00000036
const TUint32 KBrowserSecurityUI = 0x00000008
const TUint32 KBrowserSelfDownloadContentTypes = 0x0000001D
const TUint32 KBrowserSendReferrerHeader = 0x00000019
const TUint32 KBrowserTextWrapEnabled = 0x00000004
const TUint32 KBrowserUsBuild = 0x00000023
const TUid KCRUidBrowser = {0x10008D39}
const TUid KCRUidBrowserUiLV = {0x101F861B}
const TUint32 KFileManagerUid = 0x00000052

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