CAiwGenericParamList Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 2

Link against: servicehandler.lib

#include <aiwgenericparam.h>

Detailed Description

Generic parameter list.

A list containing TAiwGenericParam objects. Used for passing parameters between consumers and providers.

Public Member Functions

virtual  ~CAiwGenericParamList ()
IMPORT_C TInt  Count () const
  Returns the number of parameters in the list.
IMPORT_C TInt  Count (TGenericParamId aSemanticId, TVariantTypeId aDataType=EVariantTypeAny) const
  Returns the number of the parameters in the list by semantic id and datatype.
IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam operator[] (TInt aIndex) const
  Returns a parameter from this list.
IMPORT_C void  AppendL (const TAiwGenericParam &aParam)
  Appends a parameter to this list.
IMPORT_C void  AppendL (const CAiwGenericParamList &aList)
  Copies the given list and appends it to end of this list.
IMPORT_C TBool  Remove (TInt aSemanticId)
  Removes the first found item with given semantic id from the list.
IMPORT_C void  Reset ()
  Deletes all parameters in the list and resets the list.
IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam FindFirst (TInt &aIndex, TGenericParamId aSemanticId, TVariantTypeId aDataType=EVariantTypeAny) const
  Returns the first item matching the given semantic ID.
IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam FindNext (TInt &aIndex, TGenericParamId aSemanticId, TVariantTypeId aDataType=EVariantTypeAny) const
  Returns the next item matching the given semantic ID.
IMPORT_C void  ExternalizeL (RWriteStream &aStream) const
  Externalizes this parameter list to a stream.
IMPORT_C TInt  Size () const
  Returns the externalized size of the parameter list in bytes.
IMPORT_C void  InternalizeL (RReadStream &aStream)
  Internalizes the parameter list from a stream.
IMPORT_C HBufC8 *  PackForServerL (TIpcArgs &aArgs)
  Packs the parameter list to TIpcArgs structure for passing the generic param list to server over process boundary.
IMPORT_C void  UnpackFromClientL (const RMessage2 &aArgs)
  Unpacks the list from client message structure.

Static Public Member Functions

static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList NewL ()
  Creates an instance of this class.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList NewL (RReadStream &aReadStream)
  Creates an instance of this class.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList NewLC ()
  Creates an instance of this class.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList NewLC (RReadStream &aReadStream)
  Creates an instance of this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CAiwGenericParamList::~CAiwGenericParamList  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::AppendL const CAiwGenericParamList aList  ) 

Copies the given list and appends it to end of this list.

aList  A list to be copied and appended.
IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::AppendL const TAiwGenericParam aParam  ) 

Appends a parameter to this list.

aParam  The parameter to append to this list. This object takes an own copy of the data in aParam.
IMPORT_C TInt CAiwGenericParamList::Count TGenericParamId  aSemanticId,
TVariantTypeId  aDataType = EVariantTypeAny

Returns the number of the parameters in the list by semantic id and datatype.

aSemanticId  The semantic ID of the parameter.
aDataType  The type id of data. Default is any type.
The number of parameters in the list by semantic id and datatype.
IMPORT_C TInt CAiwGenericParamList::Count  )  const

Returns the number of parameters in the list.

The number of parameters in the list.
IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::ExternalizeL RWriteStream &  aStream  )  const

Externalizes this parameter list to a stream.

aStream  The stream.
See also:
NewL(RReadStream& aStream)

NewLC(RReadStream& aStream)

IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam* CAiwGenericParamList::FindFirst TInt &  aIndex,
TGenericParamId  aSemanticId,
TVariantTypeId  aDataType = EVariantTypeAny

Returns the first item matching the given semantic ID.

aIndex  Position in which to start searching. On return it contains the position of the found parameter. It is set to KErrNotFound, if no matching items were found.
aSemanticId  The semantic ID of the parameter.
aDataType  The type id of data. Default is any type.
The first matching item.
IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam* CAiwGenericParamList::FindNext TInt &  aIndex,
TGenericParamId  aSemanticId,
TVariantTypeId  aDataType = EVariantTypeAny

Returns the next item matching the given semantic ID.

aIndex  Position after which to start searching. On return it contains the position of the found parameter. It is set to KErrNotFound, if no matching items were found.
aSemanticId  The semantic ID of the parameter.
aDataType  The type id of data. Default is any type.
The next matching item.
IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::InternalizeL RReadStream &  aStream  ) 

Internalizes the parameter list from a stream.

aStream  The stream.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList* CAiwGenericParamList::NewL RReadStream &  aReadStream  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class.

aReadStream  A stream to initialize this parameter list from.
A pointer to the new instance.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList* CAiwGenericParamList::NewL  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class.

A pointer to the new instance.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList* CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC RReadStream &  aReadStream  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class.

Leaves the created instance on the cleanup stack.

aReadStream  A stream to initialize this parameter list from.
A pointer to the new instance.
static IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList* CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class.

Leaves the created instance on the cleanup stack.

A pointer to the new instance.
IMPORT_C const TAiwGenericParam& CAiwGenericParamList::operator[] TInt  aIndex  )  const

Returns a parameter from this list.

aIndex  Index of the parameter.
The parameter at the aIndex position.
aIndex>=0 && aIndex<Count()
IMPORT_C HBufC8* CAiwGenericParamList::PackForServerL TIpcArgs &  aArgs  ) 

Packs the parameter list to TIpcArgs structure for passing the generic param list to server over process boundary.

Only one RFile handle parameter can be passed over process boundary.

aArgs  Inter process call arguments.
Packed parameter list.
IMPORT_C TBool CAiwGenericParamList::Remove TInt  aSemanticId  ) 

Removes the first found item with given semantic id from the list.

aSemanticId  Semantic id for the item to be removed.
ETrue if an item for the given semantic id was found and removed. EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::Reset  ) 

Deletes all parameters in the list and resets the list.

IMPORT_C TInt CAiwGenericParamList::Size  )  const

Returns the externalized size of the parameter list in bytes.

The size.
IMPORT_C void CAiwGenericParamList::UnpackFromClientL const RMessage2 &  aArgs  ) 

Unpacks the list from client message structure.

aArgs  The list to be unpacked.

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