CEikControlGroup Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: eikdlg.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <eikctgrp.h>

Inherits CEikBorderedControl.

Inherited by CEikCba, and CEikToolBar.

Public Types

enum   TStartCorner { EFromTopLeft = SLafControlGroup::EFromTopLeft, EFromTopRight = SLafControlGroup::EFromTopRight, EFromBottomLeft = SLafControlGroup::EFromBottomLeft, EFromBottomRight = SLafControlGroup::EFromBottomRight }
enum   TOrientation { ELayHorizontally = SLafControlGroup::ELayHorizontally, ELayVertically = SLafControlGroup::ELayVertically }

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C  CEikControlGroup ()
IMPORT_C  ~CEikControlGroup ()
IMPORT_C void  ConstructL (TStartCorner aStart, TOrientation aOrientation)
  ConstructL() constructs the CEikControlGroup.
virtual IMPORT_C void  AddControlL (CCoeControl *aControl, TInt aId)
  AddControlL() adds a new control to the controlgroup.
virtual IMPORT_C void  AddControlL (TEikGroupControl &aGroupControl)
  AddControlL() adds new control to the controlgroup.
IMPORT_C void  InsertControlL (TEikGroupControl &aGroupControl, TInt aIndex)
  InsertControlL() inserts a control to specific position.
IMPORT_C void  DeleteControl (TInt aIndex, TInt aCount)
  DeleteControl() removes control from the group.
IMPORT_C void  SetLengthInPixels (TInt aLength)
  SetLengthInPixels() sets length of the control group in pixels.
IMPORT_C void  SetBreadthInPixels (TInt aBreadth)
  SetBreadthInPixels() sets width of the control group.
IMPORT_C void  SetControlSpacing (TInt aHSpacing, TInt aVSpacing)
  SetControlSpacing sets horizontal and vertical spacing.
IMPORT_C void  SetControlLayout (TStartCorner aStart, TOrientation aOrientation)
  SetControlLayout sets control layout parameters.
IMPORT_C void  SetNumberOfLines (TInt aNumLines, TBool aDistributeEvenly)
  SetNumberOfLines() sets number of lines of the control group.
IMPORT_C void  SetControlsAllSameSize ()
  SetControlsAllSameSize() sets all controls to be the same size.
IMPORT_C void  LayoutControls ()
  LayoutControls layouts the controls.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  ControlById (TInt aId) const
  ControlById() fetches individual controls by id.
IMPORT_C TInt  IndexById (TInt aId) const
  IndexById() gets array index from id.
IMPORT_C void  Reset ()
  Reset() clears the control array.
IMPORT_C TInt  ControlId (CCoeControl *aControl) const
  ControlId() finds id of the control based on CCoeCOntrol pointer.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  Control (TInt aIndex) const
  Control() returns CCoeControl pointer based on array index.
IMPORT_C CArrayFix< TEikGroupControl > *  ControlArray () const
  ControlArray() access to the actual array representation.
IMPORT_C TOrientation  Orientation () const
  Orientation orientation of the control group.
IMPORT_C void  ControlSpacing (TInt &aHSpacing, TInt &aVSpacing) const
  ControlSpacing() gets control's spacing modifies variable to get horizontal spacing modifies variable to get vertical spacing.
IMPORT_C TSize  MinimumSize ()
  MinimumSize() gets minimumsize.
IMPORT_C TInt  CountComponentControls () const
  CountComponentControls returns component controls count.
virtual IMPORT_C void  GetColorUseListL (CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList) const
  GetColorUseListL() sets the color use list of the control group.
virtual IMPORT_C void  HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
  HandleResourceChange() handles resource change event.
IMPORT_C void  HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
  HandlePointerEventL() handles touch pointer events.

Protected Types

enum   { EDistributeEvenly = 0x40, EAllSameSize = 0x80, EDisableMSKDrawing = 0x100 }

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
IMPORT_C void  WriteInternalStateL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) const
  Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aWriteStream.
void  SetMSKVisibility (TBool aEnable)

Protected Attributes

CArrayFix< TEikGroupControl > *  iControlArray


class  CTestControlGroup
class  CEikCba

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [protected]
enum CEikControlGroup::TOrientation
enum CEikControlGroup::TStartCorner

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CEikControlGroup::CEikControlGroup  ) 


IMPORT_C CEikControlGroup::~CEikControlGroup  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::AddControlL TEikGroupControl aGroupControl  )  [virtual]

AddControlL() adds new control to the controlgroup.

aControlGroup  a control and it's id packed into TEikGroupControl struct

Reimplemented in CEikToolBar.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::AddControlL CCoeControl *  aControl,
TInt  aId

AddControlL() adds a new control to the controlgroup.

aControl  control to be added
aId  id of the control

Reimplemented in CEikToolBar.

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikControlGroup::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const [protected]
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::ConstructL TStartCorner  aStart,
TOrientation  aOrientation

ConstructL() constructs the CEikControlGroup.

aStart  corner to start
aOrientation  whether controlgroup is vertical or horizontal
IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikControlGroup::Control TInt  aIndex  )  const

Control() returns CCoeControl pointer based on array index.

aIndex  index to the internal array
control in that position of the array
IMPORT_C CArrayFix<TEikGroupControl>* CEikControlGroup::ControlArray  )  const

ControlArray() access to the actual array representation.

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikControlGroup::ControlById TInt  aId  )  const

ControlById() fetches individual controls by id.

aId  id of the control
IMPORT_C TInt CEikControlGroup::ControlId CCoeControl *  aControl  )  const

ControlId() finds id of the control based on CCoeCOntrol pointer.

aControl  control stored in a control group
id of the control
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::ControlSpacing TInt &  aHSpacing,
TInt &  aVSpacing

ControlSpacing() gets control's spacing modifies variable to get horizontal spacing modifies variable to get vertical spacing.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikControlGroup::CountComponentControls  )  const

CountComponentControls returns component controls count.

IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::DeleteControl TInt  aIndex,
TInt  aCount

DeleteControl() removes control from the group.

aIndex  at which position of the array to delete
aCount  how many controls to delete
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::GetColorUseListL CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &  aColorUseList  )  const [virtual]

GetColorUseListL() sets the color use list of the control group.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CEikCba, and CEikToolBar.

IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

HandlePointerEventL() handles touch pointer events.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CEikCba, and CEikToolBar.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  )  [virtual]

HandleResourceChange() handles resource change event.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CEikCba, and CEikToolBar.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikControlGroup::IndexById TInt  aId  )  const

IndexById() gets array index from id.

aId  id number of the control
index number to the array
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::InsertControlL TEikGroupControl aGroupControl,
TInt  aIndex

InsertControlL() inserts a control to specific position.

aGroupControl  control and its id packed to a struct
aIndex  index of the array where new control is to be inserted

Reimplemented in CEikCba.

IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::LayoutControls  ) 

LayoutControls layouts the controls.

IMPORT_C TSize CEikControlGroup::MinimumSize  ) 

MinimumSize() gets minimumsize.

Reimplemented in CEikCba.

IMPORT_C TOrientation CEikControlGroup::Orientation  )  const

Orientation orientation of the control group.

either horizontal or vertical orientation
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::Reset  ) 

Reset() clears the control array.

IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetBreadthInPixels TInt  aBreadth  ) 

SetBreadthInPixels() sets width of the control group.

aBreadth  width of the control group
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetControlLayout TStartCorner  aStart,
TOrientation  aOrientation

SetControlLayout sets control layout parameters.

aStart  start corner
aOrientation  vertical or horizontal orientation
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetControlsAllSameSize  ) 

SetControlsAllSameSize() sets all controls to be the same size.

IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetControlSpacing TInt  aHSpacing,
TInt  aVSpacing

SetControlSpacing sets horizontal and vertical spacing.

aHSpacing  horizontal spacing between controls
aVSpacing  vertical spacing between controls
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetLengthInPixels TInt  aLength  ) 

SetLengthInPixels() sets length of the control group in pixels.

aLength  length of the whole control group in pixels
void CEikControlGroup::SetMSKVisibility TBool  aEnable  )  [protected]
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::SetNumberOfLines TInt  aNumLines,
TBool  aDistributeEvenly

SetNumberOfLines() sets number of lines of the control group.

aNumLines  number of lines
aDistributeEvenly  whether controls distribute evenly to the group
IMPORT_C void CEikControlGroup::WriteInternalStateL RWriteStream &  aWriteStream  )  const [protected]

Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aWriteStream.

Does nothing in release mode.

Designed to be overridden and base called from subclasses.

From CCoeControl

[in,out]  aWriteStream  A connected write stream.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CEikToolBar.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CEikCba [friend]
friend class CTestControlGroup [friend]

Field Documentation

CArrayFix<TEikGroupControl>* CEikControlGroup::iControlArray [protected]

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