CEikDialogPage Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: eikcoctl.lib eikdlg.lib eikcore.lib eiksrv.lib eikcore.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <eikdpage.h>

Inherits CAknControl, MEikScrollBarObserver, MEikEdwinSizeObserver, MAknPopupFieldObserver, and MEikEdwinObserver.

Detailed Description

The CEikDialogPage class implements a scrollable dialog page control.

Public Types

enum   TFocusNavigationMode { ECyclic, ENonCyclic }
enum   TAScrollBarBreadthAllocationMode { ENone = 0x0000, EScrollBarBreadthPreAllocated = 0x1000 }
enum   TFormLayoutSelection { ESingle, EDouble }
  Enumeration to express what layout is currently being used. More...
enum   TDynamicFormFlags { EFormResizeOptimisationFlag = 0x100, EFormForceEdwinResizeFlag = 0x200 }
  Used with iFormFlags to indicate where optimisations may or may not occur. More...

Public Member Functions

  ~CEikDialogPage ()
void  SetDataPosition (TInt aPosition)
TSize  PreferredSize () const
void  SetActiveL ()
void  SetActiveAndFocusL ()
void  SetInactiveL ()
TInt  PageId () const
TInt  LineId (const CCoeControl &aControl) const
TBool  SetInitialFocus ()
CCoeControl *  CreateLineByTypeL (const TDesC &aCaption, TInt aLineId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue)
void  SetControlCaptionL (TInt aLineId, const TDesC &aText)
void  SetControlCaptionL (TInt aLineId, TInt aResourceId)
CCoeControl *  Control (TInt aLineId) const
CCoeControl *  ControlOrNull (TInt aLineId) const
TInt  ControlHeight (TInt aLineIndex) const
CEikCaptionedControl Line (TInt aLineId) const
CEikCaptionedControl LineOrNull (TInt aLineId) const
CEikCaptionedControl CurrentLine () const
void  SetDensePacking (TBool aDensePacking)
void  InsertLineL (TInt aPosition, TInt aResourceId)
void  DeleteLine (TInt aLineId, TBool aRedrawNow)
void  AdjustAllIds (TInt aControlIdDelta)
TInt  FocusLineL (TInt aLineId)
TInt  FocusedLineId () const
void  GetAutoValues ()
TKeyResponse  OfferUpDownKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType, TFocusNavigationMode aFocusNavigationMode)
TBool  OwnsLine (TInt aLineId) const
void  ResetLineMinimumSizes ()
TInt  FindLineIndex (const CCoeControl *aControl) const
TBool  RotateFocusByL (TInt aDelta)
TKeyResponse  OfferHotKeysKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
TBool  TakesEnterKey ()
TInt  LineIndex (TInt aLineId)
void  ReportPageChangedL ()
void  SetFlag (TInt aFlag)
TInt  GetFormFlags () const
void  SetFormFlag (TInt16 aFlag, TBool aEnable)
void  ConstructFormFromResourceL (TResourceReader &aReader)
void  SetEditableL (TBool aEditable, TBool aActivePage)
void  SetTipManager (CEikDlgToolTipMgr *aTipManager)
TBool  IsEditable () const
TBool  IsForm () const
void  SetDoubleQuery (TBool aIsDoubleQuery)
CEikFormAnim *  AcquireAnim (TBool aAcquire, MEikFormAnimObserver *aObserver) const
void  UpdateScrollBarL ()
TSize  MinimumSize ()
virtual void  GetColorUseListL (CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList) const
virtual void  HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
virtual void  PrepareForFocusLossL ()
virtual void  SetDimmed (TBool aDimmed)
virtual TKeyResponse  OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
virtual void  HandleControlEventL (CCoeControl *aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType)
virtual TBool  HandleEdwinSizeEventL (CEikEdwin *aEdwin, TEdwinSizeEvent aEventType, TSize aDesirableEdwinSize)
virtual void  HandleEdwinEventL (CEikEdwin *aEdwin, TEdwinEvent aEventType)
virtual void  HandlePopupFieldEventL (CAknPopupField *aPopupField, TAknPopupFieldEvent aEventType, TInt aHint)
void  SetPageContainer (const CEikDialogPageContainer *aPageContainer)
const CEikDialogPageContainer PageContainer () const
void  RedrawNecessaryDataNow (const TRect &aRect) const
IMPORT_C void  SetFormLayout (TFormLayoutSelection aLayout)
IMPORT_C TFormLayoutSelection  FormLayout () const
CEikCaptionedControl FindNextControlOnPageWithHeight (TBool aUpwards, const CEikCaptionedControl *aLineYouAreOn) const
TBool  IsAtOrOffTopOfPage (const CCoeControl *aControl) const
TBool  IsAtOrOffBottomOfPage (const CCoeControl *aControl) const
TBool  VisibleSizeOnPage (TInt &aHeightOfControlVisibleOnPage, const CCoeControl *aControl) const
TInt  TopLineIndex () const
TInt  BottomLineIndex () const
TInt  HiddenLines () const
TBool  AnythingToDisplay () const
void  DrawVerticalLine () const
CEikCaptionedControl LineOnPageOrNull (TInt aLine) const
TSize  RealDataSize () const
TInt  NumberOfLines () const
CEikCaptionedControl LineByIndex (TInt aIndex) const
virtual void  HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
  HandlePointerEventL Function notifys the pages observer that the page has been tapped.
void  SetScbState (TBool aExternal)
TBool  ScbState () const

Static Public Member Functions

static CEikDialogPage NewL (TInt aId, RWindow &aViewWin, CEikScrollBarFrame &aSBFrame, const CEikDialogPageContainer &aParent, MEikDialogPageObserver *aPageObserver)
static CEikDialogPage NewLC (TInt aId, RWindow &aViewWin, CEikScrollBarFrame &aSBFrame, const CEikDialogPageContainer &aParent, MEikDialogPageObserver *aPageObserver)
static CEikDialogPage NewL (TInt aId, RWindow &aViewWin, CEikScrollBarFrame &aSBFrame, const CEikDialogPageContainer &aParent, MEikDialogPageObserver *aPageObserver, TResourceReader &aReader)
static CEikDialogPage NewLC (TInt aId, RWindow &aViewWin, CEikScrollBarFrame &aSBFrame, const CEikDialogPageContainer &aParent, MEikDialogPageObserver *aPageObserver, TResourceReader &aReader)

Data Fields

CEikEdwin iIgnoreFurtherEdwinResizeEvents

Protected Member Functions

void  WriteInternalStateL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) const
void  SizeChanged ()
TInt  CountComponentControls () const
CCoeControl *  ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
void  FocusChanged (TDrawNow aDrawNow)
void  Draw (const TRect &aRect) const
virtual void  HandleScrollEventL (CEikScrollBar *aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType)
  Callback method for scroll bar events.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CEikDialogPage::TAScrollBarBreadthAllocationMode
enum CEikDialogPage::TDynamicFormFlags

Used with iFormFlags to indicate where optimisations may or may not occur.

Uses bits above 0x100 as those below are used as static form flags for configuration by resource file.

enum CEikDialogPage::TFocusNavigationMode
enum CEikDialogPage::TFormLayoutSelection

Enumeration to express what layout is currently being used.

Note that the use of bitmaps on the left is controlled by D


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEikDialogPage::~CEikDialogPage  ) 

Member Function Documentation

CEikFormAnim* CEikDialogPage::AcquireAnim TBool  aAcquire,
MEikFormAnimObserver *  aObserver
void CEikDialogPage::AdjustAllIds TInt  aControlIdDelta  ) 
TBool CEikDialogPage::AnythingToDisplay  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::BottomLineIndex  )  const
CCoeControl* CEikDialogPage::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const [protected]
void CEikDialogPage::ConstructFormFromResourceL TResourceReader &  aReader  ) 
CCoeControl* CEikDialogPage::Control TInt  aLineId  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::ControlHeight TInt  aLineIndex  )  const
CCoeControl* CEikDialogPage::ControlOrNull TInt  aLineId  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::CountComponentControls  )  const [protected]
CCoeControl* CEikDialogPage::CreateLineByTypeL const TDesC &  aCaption,
TInt  aLineId,
TInt  aControlType,
TAny *  aReturnValue
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::CurrentLine  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::DeleteLine TInt  aLineId,
TBool  aRedrawNow
void CEikDialogPage::Draw const TRect &  aRect  )  const [protected]
void CEikDialogPage::DrawVerticalLine  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::FindLineIndex const CCoeControl *  aControl  )  const
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::FindNextControlOnPageWithHeight TBool  aUpwards,
const CEikCaptionedControl aLineYouAreOn
void CEikDialogPage::FocusChanged TDrawNow  aDrawNow  )  [protected]
TInt CEikDialogPage::FocusedLineId  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::FocusLineL TInt  aLineId  ) 
IMPORT_C TFormLayoutSelection CEikDialogPage::FormLayout  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::GetAutoValues  ) 
virtual void CEikDialogPage::GetColorUseListL CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &  aColorUseList  )  const [virtual]
TInt CEikDialogPage::GetFormFlags  )  const
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandleControlEventL CCoeControl *  aControl,
TCoeEvent  aEventType
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandleEdwinEventL CEikEdwin aEdwin,
TEdwinEvent  aEventType
virtual TBool CEikDialogPage::HandleEdwinSizeEventL CEikEdwin aEdwin,
TEdwinSizeEvent  aEventType,
TSize  aDesirableEdwinSize
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  )  [virtual]

HandlePointerEventL Function notifys the pages observer that the page has been tapped.

(stylus down&up)

aPointerEvent  the pointer event.
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandlePopupFieldEventL CAknPopupField aPopupField,
TAknPopupFieldEvent  aEventType,
TInt  aHint
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  )  [virtual]
virtual void CEikDialogPage::HandleScrollEventL CEikScrollBar aScrollBar,
TEikScrollEvent  aEventType
[protected, virtual]

Callback method for scroll bar events.

Scroll bar observer should implement this method to get scroll bar events.

aScrollBar  A pointer to scrollbar which created the event
aEventType  The event occured on the scroll bar

Implements MEikScrollBarObserver.

TInt CEikDialogPage::HiddenLines  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::InsertLineL TInt  aPosition,
TInt  aResourceId
TBool CEikDialogPage::IsAtOrOffBottomOfPage const CCoeControl *  aControl  )  const
TBool CEikDialogPage::IsAtOrOffTopOfPage const CCoeControl *  aControl  )  const
TBool CEikDialogPage::IsEditable  )  const
TBool CEikDialogPage::IsForm  )  const
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::Line TInt  aLineId  )  const
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::LineByIndex TInt  aIndex  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::LineId const CCoeControl &  aControl  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::LineIndex TInt  aLineId  ) 
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::LineOnPageOrNull TInt  aLine  )  const
CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialogPage::LineOrNull TInt  aLineId  )  const
TSize CEikDialogPage::MinimumSize  ) 
static CEikDialogPage* CEikDialogPage::NewL TInt  aId,
RWindow &  aViewWin,
CEikScrollBarFrame aSBFrame,
const CEikDialogPageContainer aParent,
MEikDialogPageObserver aPageObserver,
TResourceReader &  aReader
static CEikDialogPage* CEikDialogPage::NewL TInt  aId,
RWindow &  aViewWin,
CEikScrollBarFrame aSBFrame,
const CEikDialogPageContainer aParent,
MEikDialogPageObserver aPageObserver
static CEikDialogPage* CEikDialogPage::NewLC TInt  aId,
RWindow &  aViewWin,
CEikScrollBarFrame aSBFrame,
const CEikDialogPageContainer aParent,
MEikDialogPageObserver aPageObserver,
TResourceReader &  aReader
static CEikDialogPage* CEikDialogPage::NewLC TInt  aId,
RWindow &  aViewWin,
CEikScrollBarFrame aSBFrame,
const CEikDialogPageContainer aParent,
MEikDialogPageObserver aPageObserver
TInt CEikDialogPage::NumberOfLines  )  const
TKeyResponse CEikDialogPage::OfferHotKeysKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType
virtual TKeyResponse CEikDialogPage::OfferKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType
TKeyResponse CEikDialogPage::OfferUpDownKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType,
TFocusNavigationMode  aFocusNavigationMode
TBool CEikDialogPage::OwnsLine TInt  aLineId  )  const
const CEikDialogPageContainer* CEikDialogPage::PageContainer  )  const
TInt CEikDialogPage::PageId  )  const
TSize CEikDialogPage::PreferredSize  )  const
virtual void CEikDialogPage::PrepareForFocusLossL  )  [virtual]
TSize CEikDialogPage::RealDataSize  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::RedrawNecessaryDataNow const TRect &  aRect  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::ReportPageChangedL  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::ResetLineMinimumSizes  ) 
TBool CEikDialogPage::RotateFocusByL TInt  aDelta  ) 
TBool CEikDialogPage::ScbState  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::SetActiveAndFocusL  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetActiveL  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetControlCaptionL TInt  aLineId,
TInt  aResourceId
void CEikDialogPage::SetControlCaptionL TInt  aLineId,
const TDesC &  aText
void CEikDialogPage::SetDataPosition TInt  aPosition  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetDensePacking TBool  aDensePacking  ) 
virtual void CEikDialogPage::SetDimmed TBool  aDimmed  )  [virtual]
void CEikDialogPage::SetDoubleQuery TBool  aIsDoubleQuery  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetEditableL TBool  aEditable,
TBool  aActivePage
void CEikDialogPage::SetFlag TInt  aFlag  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetFormFlag TInt16  aFlag,
TBool  aEnable
IMPORT_C void CEikDialogPage::SetFormLayout TFormLayoutSelection  aLayout  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetInactiveL  ) 
TBool CEikDialogPage::SetInitialFocus  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetPageContainer const CEikDialogPageContainer aPageContainer  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetScbState TBool  aExternal  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SetTipManager CEikDlgToolTipMgr *  aTipManager  ) 
void CEikDialogPage::SizeChanged  )  [protected]
TBool CEikDialogPage::TakesEnterKey  ) 
TInt CEikDialogPage::TopLineIndex  )  const
void CEikDialogPage::UpdateScrollBarL  ) 
TBool CEikDialogPage::VisibleSizeOnPage TInt &  aHeightOfControlVisibleOnPage,
const CCoeControl *  aControl
void CEikDialogPage::WriteInternalStateL RWriteStream &  aWriteStream  )  const [protected]

Field Documentation

CEikEdwin* CEikDialogPage::iIgnoreFurtherEdwinResizeEvents [mutable]

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