CListItemDrawer Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib eikctl.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <eiklbi.h>

Inherited by CTextListItemDrawer.

Detailed Description

The CListItemDrawer class is the base class for the list box item drawers which handle drawing of the contents of list box items.

The items may optionally be markable.

Public Types

enum   TFlags { EDrawMarkSelection = 0x0001, EPaintedSelection = 0x0002, EDrawOnlyActiveSelection = 0x0004, EDisableHighlight = 0x0008 }
  Provides list box attributes for handling multiple selections. More...
enum   TListItemAttribute { ECurrent = 0x0001, EEmphasized = 0x0002, ESelected = 0x0004, EMask = 0x0007 }
  Provides attributes for list items. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C  ~CListItemDrawer ()
virtual IMPORT_C void  DrawItem (TInt aItemIndex, TPoint aItemRectPos, TBool aItemIsSelected, TBool aItemIsCurrent, TBool aViewIsEmphasized, TBool aViewIsDimmed) const
  Draws the entire item.
virtual IMPORT_C void  ClearRect (const TRect &aRect) const
  Clears the specified rectangle of this object's graphics context.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  ItemWidthInPixels (TInt aItemIndex) const
  Gets the width of the specified item.
virtual IMPORT_C TSize  MinimumCellSize () const
  Gets the minimum cell size.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetGc (CWindowGc *aGc)
  Sets the graphics context which this object uses for drawing.
IMPORT_C CWindowGc *  Gc () const
  Gets graphics context which is used for drawing.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetMarkColumnWidth (TInt aWidthInPixels)
  Sets the width of the column containing the mark.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetMarkGutter (TInt aGapInPixels)
  Sets the width of the gap between the column containing the lists item marks and the text column.
IMPORT_C TInt  MarkColumn () const
  Gets mark column width.
IMPORT_C TInt  MarkGutter () const
  Gets the width of the gap between the column containig the lists item marks and the text column.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetItemCellSize (const TSize &aSizeInPixels)
  Sets the item cell size.
IMPORT_C TSize  ItemCellSize () const
  Gets current item cell size.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetViewRect (const TRect &aRect)
  Sets the viewing rectangle for this item drawer.
IMPORT_C void  SetDrawMark (TBool aDrawMark)
  Sets whether item tick marks are drawn.
virtual IMPORT_C TRect  MatcherCursorRect (const TDesC &aMatchableText, TInt aCharPos, TInt aItemCellYPos, TInt aCurrentItemIndex) const
  Gets a rectangle describing where the matcher cursor should be drawn.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  MatcherCursorAscent (TInt aCurrentItemIndex) const
  Gets the ascent of the matcher cursor.
virtual IMPORT_C void  DrawItemMark (TBool aItemIsSelected, TBool aViewIsDimmed, const TPoint &aMarkPos) const
  Not Used in S60.
IMPORT_C void  SetSymbolFont (const CFont *aFont)
  Sets symbol font for the item drawer.
IMPORT_C void  SetVerticalInterItemGap (TInt aGapInPixels)
  Sets the vertical gap between items in the list.
IMPORT_C void  SetData (CListBoxData *aData)
  Sets the font storage data for the item drawer and transfer ownership of that data.
IMPORT_C CFont *  Font (TInt aItemIndex) const
  Gets the font for the specified item.
virtual IMPORT_C TListItemProperties  Properties (TInt aItemIndex) const
  Gets the colour and style properties of the specified item.
IMPORT_C void  DrawFrame (CWindowGc &aGc, const TRect &aRect, TInt aFlags) const
  Draws the frame.
void  SetTextColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw non-highlighted text.
void  SetBackColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw the background for non-highlighted items.
void  SetHighlightedTextColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw highlighted text.
void  SetHighlightedBackColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw the background for highlighted items.
void  SetDimmedTextColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw dimmed text.
void  SetDimmedBackColor (TRgb aColor)
  Sets the colour used to draw the background for dimmed items.
TRgb  TextColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw non-highlighted text.
TRgb  BackColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw the background for non-highlighted items.
TRgb  HighlightedTextColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw highlighted text.
TRgb  HighlightedBackColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw the background for highlighted items.
TRgb  DimmedTextColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw dimmed text.
TRgb  DimmedBackColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw the background for dimmed items.
TInt  Flags () const
  Gets the item drawer flags.
IMPORT_C void  SetFlags (TInt aFlags)
  Sets the item drawer flags.
IMPORT_C void  ClearFlags (TInt aFlags)
  Sets the item drawer flags.
IMPORT_C MAknsControlContext SkinBackgroundControlContext () const
  Access to skin contexts.
IMPORT_C void  SetSkinEnabledL (TBool aEnabled)
  Ability to enable skins in listboxes.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C  CListItemDrawer ()
  C++ default constructor.
virtual void  DrawActualItem (TInt aItemIndex, const TRect &aActualItemRect, TBool aItemIsCurrent, TBool aViewIsEmphasized, TBool aViewIsDimmed, TBool aItemIsSelected) const =0
  Draws item text.
virtual IMPORT_C void  ResetGc () const
  Resets the pen style, brush style, brush colour etc.
TRgb  MarkColor () const
  Gets the colour used to draw tick marks.
IMPORT_C TInt  VerticalInterItemGap () const
  Gets the vertical gap between items in pixels.
IMPORT_C void  SetupGc (TInt aItemIndex) const
  Sets up the graphics context for the specified item.

Protected Attributes

TSize  iItemCellSize
  Item's cell size.
TInt  iMarkGutter
  Mark gutter.
TInt  iMarkColumnWidth
  Mark column width.
TRect  iViewRect
  View area.
TBool  iDrawMark
  Draw mark.
CWindowGc *  iGc
  Graphics context controller.
TRgb  iTextColor
  Color of text.
TRgb  iBackColor
  Background color.
TRgb  iHighlightedTextColor
  Color of highlighted text.
TRgb  iHighlightedBackColor
  Highlighted background color.
TRgb  iDimmedTextColor
  Color of dimmed text.
TRgb  iDimmedBackColor
  Color of dimmed background.
TRgb  iMarkColor
  Mark color.
CListBoxData iData
  Data model.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CListItemDrawer::TFlags

Provides list box attributes for handling multiple selections.

These flags can be set using the CListItemDrawer::SetFlags function.

EDrawMarkSelection  If set, specifies the inclusion of a gap into which a tick mark can be drawn if the item is selected.

This is used in the following CListItemDrawer class functions: DrawItem(), DrawItemMark(), SetDrawMark()

EPaintedSelection  If set, draws a highlight over a selected list item.

This is used in the CTextListItemDrawer::DoDrawItemText() function.

EDrawOnlyActiveSelection  This flag is not supported.
EDisableHighlight  If set highlight is disabled.
enum CListItemDrawer::TListItemAttribute

Provides attributes for list items.

ECurrent  Highlight for current text.
EEmphasized  Highlight for text when the listbox view is emphasized.

This is used in the following CListBoxView class functions: DrawItem(), DrawMatcherCursor(), SetEmphasized().

ESelected  Highlight for text that is selected.

This is used in the following functions: CColumnListBoxItemDrawer::DrawItemText(), CHierarchicalListItemDrawer::DrawActualItem(), CDirContentsListItemDrawer::DrawActualItem().

EMask  Sum of all the above attributes.

This last attribute is used to control that one can use only valid attributes above. So do not use it at all.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CListItemDrawer::~CListItemDrawer  ) 


IMPORT_C CListItemDrawer::CListItemDrawer  )  [protected]

C++ default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

TRgb CListItemDrawer::BackColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw the background for non-highlighted items.

Background colour.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::ClearFlags TInt  aFlags  ) 

Sets the item drawer flags.

aFlags  The new item drawer flags.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::ClearRect const TRect &  aRect  )  const [virtual]

Clears the specified rectangle of this object's graphics context.

aRect  Rectangle to clear.
TRgb CListItemDrawer::DimmedBackColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw the background for dimmed items.

The background colour for dimmed items.
TRgb CListItemDrawer::DimmedTextColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw dimmed text.

The dimmed text colour.
virtual void CListItemDrawer::DrawActualItem TInt  aItemIndex,
const TRect &  aActualItemRect,
TBool  aItemIsCurrent,
TBool  aViewIsEmphasized,
TBool  aViewIsDimmed,
TBool  aItemIsSelected
const [protected, pure virtual]

Draws item text.

This function is called by CListItemDrawer::DrawItem() with appropriate arguments. Its purpose is to draw the actual item

  • everything other than the item mark - into the graphics context.
aItemIndex  Which item to draw.
aActualItemRect  Where the item should be drawn.
aItemIsCurrent  Whether the item is current.
aViewIsEmphasized  Whether the list box view is emphasised.
aViewIsDimmed  Whether the list box view is dimmed.
aItemIsSelected  Whether the list box item is selected.

Implemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::DrawFrame CWindowGc &  aGc,
const TRect &  aRect,
TInt  aFlags

Draws the frame.

Uses the colours set with the fonts and colour functions described above.

aGc  The graphics context used to draw the frame.
aRect  The frame's rectangle.
aFlags  The item drawer flags.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::DrawItem TInt  aItemIndex,
TPoint  aItemRectPos,
TBool  aItemIsSelected,
TBool  aItemIsCurrent,
TBool  aViewIsEmphasized,
TBool  aViewIsDimmed
const [virtual]

Draws the entire item.

This function is called by the list box view. As implemented in CListItemDrawer, this function draws the item text using DrawActualItem(), and an item mark using DrawItemMark().

aItemIndex  Index of the item to draw.
aItemRectPos  Position of the rectangle to draw.
aItemIsSelected  Whether the item is selected.
aItemIsCurrent  Whether the item is current.
aViewIsEmphasized  Whether the list box view has the emphasised flag set (see CListBoxView::SetEmphasized()).
aViewIsDimmed  Whether the list box view has its dimmed flag set (see CListBoxView::SetDimmed()).

Reimplemented in CSingleHeadingStyleItemDrawer, CDoubleLargeStyleItemDrawer, and CWordWrappedFormattedCellItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::DrawItemMark TBool  aItemIsSelected,
TBool  aViewIsDimmed,
const TPoint &  aMarkPos
const [virtual]

Not Used in S60.

Reimplemented in CColumnListBoxItemDrawer, and CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer.

TInt CListItemDrawer::Flags  )  const [inline]

Gets the item drawer flags.

The item drawer flags.
IMPORT_C CFont* CListItemDrawer::Font TInt  aItemIndex  )  const

Gets the font for the specified item.

The function returns NULL if no font storage data has been set.

aItemIndex  The index of the item for which the font is returned.
The item's font.

Reimplemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

IMPORT_C CWindowGc* CListItemDrawer::Gc  )  const

Gets graphics context which is used for drawing.

Pointer to the graphics context used for drawing.
TRgb CListItemDrawer::HighlightedBackColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw the background for highlighted items.

The highlighted background colour.
TRgb CListItemDrawer::HighlightedTextColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw highlighted text.

The highlighted text colour.
IMPORT_C TSize CListItemDrawer::ItemCellSize  )  const

Gets current item cell size.

Item cell size
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CListItemDrawer::ItemWidthInPixels TInt  aItemIndex  )  const [virtual]

Gets the width of the specified item.

aItemIndex  The index of the item whose width is to be returned.
The width of the item. This is 0 in CListItemDrawer

Reimplemented in CColumnListBoxItemDrawer, CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer, and CTextListItemDrawer.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::MarkColor  )  const [inline, protected]

Gets the colour used to draw tick marks.

A tick mark usually indicates that an item is selected.

The tick mark colour.
IMPORT_C TInt CListItemDrawer::MarkColumn  )  const

Gets mark column width.

Mark column width.
IMPORT_C TInt CListItemDrawer::MarkGutter  )  const

Gets the width of the gap between the column containig the lists item marks and the text column.

Size of the inter-column gutter.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CListItemDrawer::MatcherCursorAscent TInt  aCurrentItemIndex  )  const [virtual]

Gets the ascent of the matcher cursor.

This is obtained for the item at index aCurrentItemIndex. The function returns 0 by default.

aCurrentItemIndex  Item index of the target item.
The height of the matcher cursor.

Reimplemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C TRect CListItemDrawer::MatcherCursorRect const TDesC &  aMatchableText,
TInt  aCharPos,
TInt  aItemCellYPos,
TInt  aCurrentItemIndex
const [virtual]

Gets a rectangle describing where the matcher cursor should be drawn.

The default behavious is to return uninitialised TRect.

aMatchableText  The text of the currently matched string.
aCharPos  The position in the string of the character just matched in the current incremental match.
aItemCellYPos  Y position of the item cell.
aCurrentItemIndex  Item index for the current item.
Where the cursor should be drawn.

Reimplemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C TSize CListItemDrawer::MinimumCellSize  )  const [virtual]

Gets the minimum cell size.

The minimum size for a cell. This is TSize(0, 0) in CListItemDrawer.

Reimplemented in CColumnListBoxItemDrawer, CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer, and CTextListItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C TListItemProperties CListItemDrawer::Properties TInt  aItemIndex  )  const [virtual]

Gets the colour and style properties of the specified item.

aItemIndex  The index of the item for which properties are obtained (Not Used).
The item's properties.

Reimplemented in CColumnListBoxItemDrawer, and CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::ResetGc  )  const [protected, virtual]

Resets the pen style, brush style, brush colour etc.

to suitable starting values for this class.

This function is called after every drawing operation.

Reimplemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

void CListItemDrawer::SetBackColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw the background for non-highlighted items.

aColor  The background colour.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetData CListBoxData aData  ) 

Sets the font storage data for the item drawer and transfer ownership of that data.

aData  Font storage data .
void CListItemDrawer::SetDimmedBackColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw the background for dimmed items.

aColor  The background colour for dimmed items.
void CListItemDrawer::SetDimmedTextColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw dimmed text.

aColor  The dimmed text colour.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetDrawMark TBool  aDrawMark  ) 

Sets whether item tick marks are drawn.

If the draw mark flag iDrawMark is set, DrawItem() leaves space for the marks column to the left of the text column, and DrawItemMark() draws the item marks.

aDrawMark  New value for iDrawMark.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetFlags TInt  aFlags  ) 

Sets the item drawer flags.

aFlags  The new item drawer flags.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetGc CWindowGc *  aGc  )  [virtual]

Sets the graphics context which this object uses for drawing.

aGc  Pointer to the context to use.

Reimplemented in CTextListItemDrawer.

void CListItemDrawer::SetHighlightedBackColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw the background for highlighted items.

aColor  The highlighted background colour.
void CListItemDrawer::SetHighlightedTextColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw highlighted text.

aColor  The highlighted text colour.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetItemCellSize const TSize &  aSizeInPixels  )  [virtual]

Sets the item cell size.

The cell size is the on-screen size of the entire item, including its text and its item mark.

aSizeInPixels  New size for the item cell.

Reimplemented in CColumnListBoxItemDrawer, and CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer.

virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetMarkColumnWidth TInt  aWidthInPixels  )  [virtual]

Sets the width of the column containing the mark.

aWidthInPixels  New width for the mark column.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetMarkGutter TInt  aGapInPixels  )  [virtual]

Sets the width of the gap between the column containing the lists item marks and the text column.

aGapInPixels  New gap size.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetSkinEnabledL TBool  aEnabled  ) 

Ability to enable skins in listboxes.

aEnabled  parameter for enabling/disabling skin. ETrue enables skin, EFalse disables skin
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetSymbolFont const CFont *  aFont  ) 

Sets symbol font for the item drawer.

The symbol font is used to draw the standard tick item marks.

aFont  The font to be used.
void CListItemDrawer::SetTextColor TRgb  aColor  )  [inline]

Sets the colour used to draw non-highlighted text.

aColor  The text colour.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetupGc TInt  aItemIndex  )  const [protected]

Sets up the graphics context for the specified item.

aItemIndex  The item for which the graphics context will be set up.
IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetVerticalInterItemGap TInt  aGapInPixels  ) 

Sets the vertical gap between items in the list.

aGapInPixels  New value for the vertical gap between items in pixels.
virtual IMPORT_C void CListItemDrawer::SetViewRect const TRect &  aRect  )  [virtual]

Sets the viewing rectangle for this item drawer.

This value is not used by the CListItemViewer, but may be used by its derived classes.

aRect  New value for iViewRect.
IMPORT_C MAknsControlContext* CListItemDrawer::SkinBackgroundControlContext  )  const

Access to skin contexts.

Pointer to skin background control context.
TRgb CListItemDrawer::TextColor  )  const [inline]

Gets the colour used to draw non-highlighted text.

The text colour.
IMPORT_C TInt CListItemDrawer::VerticalInterItemGap  )  const [protected]

Gets the vertical gap between items in pixels.

The vertical gap between items in pixels.

Field Documentation

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iBackColor [protected]

Background color.

CListBoxData* CListItemDrawer::iData [protected]

Data model.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iDimmedBackColor [protected]

Color of dimmed background.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iDimmedTextColor [protected]

Color of dimmed text.

TBool CListItemDrawer::iDrawMark [protected]

Draw mark.

CWindowGc* CListItemDrawer::iGc [protected]

Graphics context controller.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iHighlightedBackColor [protected]

Highlighted background color.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iHighlightedTextColor [protected]

Color of highlighted text.

TSize CListItemDrawer::iItemCellSize [protected]

Item's cell size.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iMarkColor [protected]

Mark color.

TInt CListItemDrawer::iMarkColumnWidth [protected]

Mark column width.

TInt CListItemDrawer::iMarkGutter [protected]

Mark gutter.

TRgb CListItemDrawer::iTextColor [protected]

Color of text.

TRect CListItemDrawer::iViewRect [protected]

View area.

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