RAknAppServiceBase Class Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: avkon.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <aknserverapp.h>

Detailed Description

Allows a server app client to connect to a new server app, which will be chained from the client app, giving it the appearance of being embedded within the client.

Series 60 client-side service IPC implementations should be derived from this class.

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C void  ConnectChainedAppL (TUid aAppUid)
  Launch a new server app instance, which will be chained from the current application.
IMPORT_C void  Close ()
  Close the server app session.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void RAknAppServiceBase::Close  ) 

Close the server app session.

IMPORT_C void RAknAppServiceBase::ConnectChainedAppL TUid  aAppUid  ) 

Launch a new server app instance, which will be chained from the current application.

Note, this function can only be used from the context of an application thread, as it depends on the existence of a CEikonEnv object. If you want to launch a chained server app in a situation where a CEikonEnv does not exist, use REikAppServiceBase::ConnectNewChildAppL() instead.

aAppUid  The UID of the server app which you wish to launch.

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