TPositionModuleStatusEventBase Class Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 2

Link against: lbs.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



The capability Location is required in:

TInt RPositionServer::GetDefaultModuleId(TPositionModuleId& aModuleId) const;

TInt RPositionServer::GetNumModules(TUint& aNumModules) const;

TInt RPositionServer::GetModuleInfoByIndex(TInt aModuleIndex, TPositionModuleInfoBase& aModuleInfo) const;

TInt RPositionServer::GetModuleInfoById(TPositionModuleId aModuleId, TPositionModuleInfoBase& aModuleInfo) const;

TInt RPositionServer::GetModuleStatus(TPositionModuleStatusBase& aPosModuleStatus, TPositionModuleId aModuleId) const;

void RPositionServer::NotifyModuleStatusEvent(TPositionModuleStatusEventBase& aStatusEvent,TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TPositionModuleId aModuleId = KPositionNullModuleId) const;

TInt RPositioner::SetRequestor(CRequestor::TRequestorType aType,CRequestor::TRequestorFormat aFormat,const TDesC& aData);

TInt RPositioner::SetRequestor(const RRequestorStack& aRequestorStack);

TInt RPositioner::SetUpdateOptions(const TPositionUpdateOptionsBase& aPosOption);

TInt RPositioner::GetUpdateOptions(TPositionUpdateOptionsBase& aPosOption) const;

void RPositioner::GetLastKnownPosition(TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo,TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;

void RPositioner::NotifyPositionUpdate(TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo,TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;

#include <lbscommon.h>

Inherits TPositionClassTypeBase.

Inherited by TPositionModuleStatusEvent.

Detailed Description

The base class for classes storing position module status events.

Public Types

typedef TUint32  TSystemModuleEvent
  Defines the system wide events for a positioning module like installation/uninstalltion of a positioning module.
typedef TUint32  TModuleEvent
  Defines the type of event for by a positioning module.
enum   _TSystemModuleEvent { ESystemUnknown = 0, ESystemError, ESystemModuleInstalled, ESystemModuleRemoved }
  Module events. More...
enum   _TModuleEvent {
  EEventNone = 0, EEventDeviceStatus = 0x01, EEventDataQualityStatus = 0x02, EEventSystemModuleEvent = 0x04,
  Module events. More...

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C void  SetRequestedEvents (TModuleEvent aRequestedEventMask)
  Set the events for which notification is requested.
IMPORT_C TModuleEvent  RequestedEvents () const
  Get the events for which notification is requested.
IMPORT_C void  SetOccurredEvents (TModuleEvent aOccurredEventMask)
  This method is not intended for the client's usage.
IMPORT_C TModuleEvent  OccurredEvents () const
  Get the events which have Occurred.
IMPORT_C TPositionModuleId  ModuleId () const
  Get the unique identifier for the positioning module.
IMPORT_C void  SetModuleId (TPositionModuleId aModuleId)
  This method is not intended for the client's usage.
IMPORT_C void  SetSystemModuleEvent (TSystemModuleEvent aSystemModuleEvent)
  This method is not intended for the client's usage.
IMPORT_C TSystemModuleEvent  SystemModuleEvent () const
  Get the type of module system event that has occurred.

Protected Member Functions

IMPORT_C  TPositionModuleStatusEventBase ()
  Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEventBase.
IMPORT_C  TPositionModuleStatusEventBase (TModuleEvent aRequestedEventMask)
virtual IMPORT_C void  DoReset (TInt aSizeOfClass)

Protected Attributes

TModuleEvent  iRequestedEvents
  A bitmask of the requested events.
TModuleEvent  iOccurredEvents
  A bitmask of the events which occurred.
TSystemModuleEvent  iSystemModuleEvent
  System level module status events.
TPositionModuleId  iModuleId
  The module ID causing the event.


class  RPositionServer

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef TUint32 TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TModuleEvent

Defines the type of event for by a positioning module.

The events could be either system wide events or positioning related events. The values are defined by the enumerator _TModuleEvent.

typedef TUint32 TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TSystemModuleEvent

Defines the system wide events for a positioning module like installation/uninstalltion of a positioning module.

The values are defined by the enumerator _TSystemModuleEvent.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::_TModuleEvent

Module events.

EEventNone  This is an unassigned value and should not be reported or used.
EEventDeviceStatus  Events about the general status of the device.
EEventDataQualityStatus  Events about the quality of the data a positioning module is able to return.
EEventSystemModuleEvent  System level events about the status of modules.
EEventAll  indicates any one of the above mentioned events
enum TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::_TSystemModuleEvent

Module events.

ESystemUnknown  This is not a valid state and should never be reported.
ESystemError  indicates that there are problems using the module.

For example, the module may have terminated abnormally

ESystemModuleInstalled  indicates that a new positioning module has been dynamically added to the system
ESystemModuleRemoved  indicates that a positioning module has been uninstalled

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TPositionModuleStatusEventBase  )  [protected]

Default constructor for TPositionModuleStatusEventBase.

IMPORT_C TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::TPositionModuleStatusEventBase TModuleEvent  aRequestedEventMask  )  [protected]


aRequestedEventMask  a bit mask that indicates the type of status change events on which notification is requested
See also:
RPositionServer::NotifyModuleStatusEvent() to request for event notification

Member Function Documentation

virtual IMPORT_C void TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::DoReset TInt  aSizeOfClass  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in TPositionModuleStatusEvent.

IMPORT_C TPositionModuleId TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::ModuleId  )  const

Get the unique identifier for the positioning module.

The module ID
IMPORT_C TModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::OccurredEvents  )  const

Get the events which have Occurred.

The events which have occurred

EEventSystemModuleEvent In this case the client should use SystemModuleEvent() to determine the type of system event.

EEventDeviceStatus the client should call TPositionModuleStatusEvent::GetModuleStatus() to find the type of event.

EEventDataQualityStatus the client should call TPositionModuleStatusEvent::GetModuleStatus() to find the type of event.

IMPORT_C TModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::RequestedEvents  )  const

Get the events for which notification is requested.

The requested events
IMPORT_C void TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetModuleId TPositionModuleId  aModuleId  ) 

This method is not intended for the client's usage.

The Location framework uses this method to set the unique identifier for the positioning module for which this event has occured.

aModuleId  The module ID to set
IMPORT_C void TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetOccurredEvents TModuleEvent  aOccurredEventMask  ) 

This method is not intended for the client's usage.

The Location framework uses this method to set the module event that has occured for this positioning module.

aOccurredEventMask  The occurred events to set
IMPORT_C void TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetRequestedEvents TModuleEvent  aRequestedEventMask  ) 

Set the events for which notification is requested.

aRequestedEventMask  The requested events to set
See also:
RPositionServer::NotifyModuleStatusEvent() to request for event notification
IMPORT_C void TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SetSystemModuleEvent TSystemModuleEvent  aSystemModuleEvent  ) 

This method is not intended for the client's usage.

The Location framework uses this method to set the system event that has occured for this positioning module.

aSystemModuleEvent  The system event to set.
IMPORT_C TSystemModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::SystemModuleEvent  )  const

Get the type of module system event that has occurred.

The system event type.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class RPositionServer [friend]

Field Documentation

TPositionModuleId TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::iModuleId [protected]

The module ID causing the event.

TModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::iOccurredEvents [protected]

A bitmask of the events which occurred.

TModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::iRequestedEvents [protected]

A bitmask of the requested events.

TSystemModuleEvent TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::iSystemModuleEvent [protected]

System level module status events.

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