eiklbm.h File Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib eikctl.lib eikcoctl.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <e32base.h>
#include <bamdesca.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class   MListBoxModel
  Description List box data model interface. More...
class   MTextListBoxModel
  Text list box model interface. More...


#define  __EIKLBM_H__


enum   TListBoxModelItemArrayOwnership { ELbmOwnsItemArray, ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray }
  List box item array ownership flags. More...

Define Documentation

#define __EIKLBM_H__

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TListBoxModelItemArrayOwnership

List box item array ownership flags.

These values are used to describe whether or not a list box model owns an item array.

ELbmOwnsItemArray  The list box model owns the item array, and will delete it in its destructor.
ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray  The model does not own the item array.

You must maintain a pointer to it and free it explicitly before your program exits.

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