CMManager Namespace Reference


enum   TCmSettingSelectionMode { EAlwaysAsk, EDestination, EConnectionMethod, EDefaultConnection }
  The selection type of a list item in application settings UI. More...
enum   TCmSelectionDialogItems { EShowAlwaysAsk = 0x01, EShowDefaultConnection = 0x02, EShowDestinations = 0x04, EShowConnectionMethods = 0x08 }
  These bitmasks controls what items does the selection UI containes. More...
enum   TNamingMethod { ENamingNothing, ENamingUnique, ENamingNotAccept }
  Naming method options. More...
enum   TIPv6Types { EIPv6Unspecified, EIPv6WellKnown, EIPv6UserDefined }
enum   TSeamlessnessValue { ESeamlessnessNotRoamedTo, ESeamlessnessConfirmFirst, ESeamlessnessShowprogress, ESeamlessnessFullySeamless }
enum   TConnectionMethodCommonAttributes {
  ECmCoverage, ECmDefaultPriority, ECmDestination, ECmBearerHasUi,
  ECmIPv6Supported, ECmDefaultUiPriority, ECmBearerIcon = 100, ECmBearerAvailableIcon,
  ECmBearerAvailableName = 200, ECmBearerSupportedName, ECmBearerAvailableText, ECmBearerNamePopupNote,
  ECmCommsDBBearerType, ECmBearerSettingName, ECmVirtual, ECmInvalidAttribute = 400,
  ECmAddToAvailableList, ECmLoadResult, ECmBearerType = 500, ECmName,
  ECmIapId, ECmStartPage, ECmHidden, ECmProtected,
  ECmNamingMethod, ECmSeamlessnessLevel, ECmElementID, ECmNetworkId,
  ECmConnected, ECmId, ECmWapId, ECmIapServiceId,
  ECmMetaHighlight = 600, ECmMetaHiddenAgent, ECmNextLayerIapId, ECmNextLayerSNAPId,
  ECmProxyUsageEnabled = 1000, ECmProxyServerName, ECmProxyProtocolName, ECmProxyPortNumber,
  ECmProxyExceptions, ECmProxyRangeMax = 1999, ECmChargeCardUsageEnabled = 2000, ECmChargeCardAccountNumber,
  ECmChargeCardPIN, ECmChargeCardLocalRule, ECmChargeCardNatRule, ECmChargeCardIntlRule,
  ECmChargeCardRangeMax = 2999, ECmLocationUsageEnabled = 3000, ECmLocationIntlPrefixCode, ECmLocationNatPrefixCode,
  ECmLocationNatCode, ECmLocationAreaCode, ECmLocationDialOutCode, ECmLocationDisableCallWaitingCode,
  ECmLocationMobile, ECmLocationUsePulseDial, ECmLocationWaitForDialTone, ECmLocationPauseAfterDialOut,
  ECmLocationRangeMax = 3999, ECmWapIPGatewayAddress = 4000, ECmWapIPWSPOption, ECmWapIPSecurity,
  ECmWapIPProxyPort, ECmWapIPProxyLoginName, ECmWapIPProxyLoginPass, ECmWapRangeMax = 4099,
  ECmCommonAttributesStart = 5000, ECmIFName, ECmIFParams, ECmIFNetworks,
  ECmIFPromptForAuth, ECmIFAuthName, ECmIFAuthPass, ECmIFAuthRetries,
  ECmIPNetmask = 5050, ECmIPGateway, ECmIPAddFromServer, ECmIPAddress,
  ECmIPDNSAddrFromServer, ECmIPNameServer1, ECmIPNameServer2, ECmIP6DNSAddrFromServer,
  ECmIP6NameServer1, ECmIP6NameServer2, ECmIPAddrLeaseValidFrom, ECmIPAddrLeaseValidTo,
  ECmConfigDaemonManagerName = 5100, ECmConfigDaemonName, ECmEnableLPCExtension = 5110, ECmDisablePlainTextAuth,
  ECmCommonAttributesEnd = 5999, ECmSpecialAttributes = 6000, ECmIsLinked, ECmSpecialAttributesEnd = 8999
  This enum lists all the common attributes of Connection Methods. More...
enum   TWapWSPOption { ECmWapWspOptionConnectionless, ECmWapWspOptionConnectionOriented }
  WAP WSP options. More...
enum   TSnapMetadataField {
  ESnapMetadataInternet = 0x00000001, ESnapMetadataHighlight = 0x00000002, ESnapMetadataHiddenAgent = 0x00000004, ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised = 0x000000F0,
  ESnapMetadataPurpose = 0x00000F00
  Metadata items. More...
enum   TLocalisedDestinations { ENotLocalisedDest = 0x00000000, ELocalisedDestInternet = 0x00000001, ELocalisedDestWap = 0x00000002, ELocalisedDestMMS = 0x00000003 }
  This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised. More...
enum   TSnapPurpose {
  ESnapPurposeUnknown = 0x00000000, ESnapPurposeInternet = 0x00000001, ESnapPurposeOperator = 0x00000002, ESnapPurposeMMS = 0x00000003,
  ESnapPurposeIntranet = 0x00000004
  This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataPurpose. More...
enum   TProtectionLevel { EProtLevel0 = 0, EProtLevel1 = 1, EProtLevel2 = 2, EProtLevel3 = 3 }
  Protection Levels. More...
enum   TCmCallType { ECmCallTypeAnalogue, ECmCallTypeISDNv110, ECmCallTypeISDNv120 }
  These enums are used to represent the conn. More...
enum   TCmCallSpeed {
  ECmSpeedAutobaud = 0x00000000, ECmSpeed9600 = 0x00000001, ECmSpeed14400 = 0x00000002, ECmSpeed19200 = 0x00000003,
  ECmSpeed28800 = 0x00000004, ECmSpeed38400 = 0x00000005, ECmSpeed43200 = 0x00000006, ECmSpeed56000 = 0x00000007
  These enums are used to represent the connection speed. More...
enum   TConnectionMethodCsdHscsdCommonAttributes {
  EPluginDialAttribStart = 10000, EDialOut = 10001, EDialCallType = 10002, EDialMaxConnSpeed = 10003,
  EDialDescription = 10100, EDialType = 10101, EDialDefaultTelNum = 10102, EDialDialResolution = 10103,
  EDialChargeCard = 10104, EDialUseLoginScript = 10105, EDialLoginScript = 10106, EDialAuthentication = 10107,
  EDialPromptForLogin = 10108, EDialLoginName = 10109, EDialLoginPassword = 10110, EDialDisplayPCT = 10111,
  EDialIFParams = 10112, EDialIFNetworks = 10113, EDialIFPromptForAuth = 10114, EDialIFAuthName = 10115,
  EDialIFAuthPass = 10116, EDialIFAuthRetries = 10117, EDialIFCallbackEnabled = 10118, EDialIFCallbackType = 10119,
  EDialIFCallbackInfo = 10120, EDialCallbackTimeout = 10121, EDialIFServerMode = 10122, EDialIPAddressFromServer = 10123,
  EDialIPAddress = 10124, EDialIPNetmask = 10125, EDialIPGateway = 10126, EDialIPDNSAddressFromServer = 10127,
  EDialIPNameServer1 = 10128, EDialIPNameServer2 = 10129, EDialIP6DNSAddressFromServer = 10130, EDialIP6NameServer1 = 10131,
  EDialIP6NameServer2 = 10132, EDialIPAddressLeaseValidFrom = 10133, EDialIPAddressLeaseValidTo = 10134, EDialConfigDaemonManagerName = 10135,
  EDialConfigDaemonName = 10136, EDialEnableIPHeaderComp = 10137, EDialEnableLCPExtension = 10138, EDialDisablePlainTextAuth = 10139,
  EDialEnableSWComp = 10140, EDialBearerName = 10141, EDialBearerSpeed = 10142, EDialBearerCE = 10143,
  EDialInitString = 10144, EDialBearerService = 10145, EDialBearerProtocol = 10146, EDialRLPVersion = 10147,
  EDialIWFtoMS = 10148, EDialMStoIWF = 10149, EDialAckTimer = 10150, EDialRetransmissionAttempts = 10151,
  EDialResequencePeriod = 10152, EDialV42Compression = 10153, EDialV42CodeWords = 10154, EDialV42MaxLength = 10155,
  EDialUseEdge = 10156, EPluginDialAttribRangeMax = 19999
  These are the common attribute of every dial in/out bearer types. More...
enum   TConnectionMethodHscsdSpecificAttributes {
  EPluginHSCSDAttribStart = 20000, EHscsdChannelCoding = 20100, EHscsdAiur = 20101, EHscsdRequestedTimeSlots = 20102,
  EHscsdMaximumTimeSlots = 20103, EHscsdAsymmetry = 20104, EHscsdUserInitUpgrade = 20105, EPluginHSCSDAttribRangeMax = 29999
  Enumeration for the HSCSD specific attributes. More...
enum   TConnectionMethodPacketDataSpecificAttributes {
  EPacketDataSpecificAttributes = 10000, EPacketDataOutGoing, EPacketDataAPName = 10100, EPacketDataPDPType,
  EPacketDataPDPAddress, EPacketDataReqPrecedence, EPacketDataReqDelay, EPacketDataReliability,
  EPacketDataPeakThroughput, EPacketDataMeanThroughput, EPacketDataMinPrecedence, EPacketDataMinDelay,
  EPacketDataMinReliability, EPacketDataMinPeakThroughput, EPacketDataMinMeanThroughput, EPacketDataDataCompression,
  EPacketDataHeaderCompression, EPacketDataUseEdge, EPacketDataAnonymousAccess, EPacketDataIFParams,
  EPacketDataIFNetworks, EPacketDataIFPromptForAuth, EPacketDataIFAuthName, EPacketDataIFAuthPass,
  EPacketDataIFAuthRetries, EPacketDataIPNetmask, EPacketDataIPGateway, EPacketDataIPAddrFromServer,
  EPacketDataIPAddr, EPacketDataIPDNSAddrFromServer, EPacketDataIPNameServer1, EPacketDataIPNameServer2,
  EPacketDataIPIP6DNSAddrFromServer, EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer1, EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer2, EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidFrom,
  EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidTo, EPacketDataConfigDaemonManagerName, EPacketDataConfigDaemonName, EPacketDataEnableLcpExtension,
  EPacketDataDisablePlainTextAuth, EPacketDataApType, EPacketDataQoSWarningTimeOut, EPacketDataServiceEnableLLMNR,
  EPacketDataRangeMax = 19999
  Packet Data specific connection method attributes. More...
enum   TPacketDataApType { EPacketDataInternetOnly, EPacketDataWAPOnly, EPacketDataBoth }
  Enumeration for packet data AP types. More...
enum   TConnectionMethodVpnSpecificAttributes {
  EPluginVpnAttribStart = 30000, EVpnServicePolicyName = 30100, EVpnServicePolicy, EVpnIapId,
  EVpnNetworkId, EVpnServiceEnableLLMNR, EPluginVpnAttribRangeMax = 39999
  VPN specific attributes. More...
enum   TWlanNetMode { EAdhoc = 0, EInfra = 1 }
  enumerations for WLAN network modes More...
enum   TWlanSecMode {
  EWlanSecModeOpen = 1, EWlanSecModeWep = 2, EWlanSecMode802_1x = 4, EWlanSecModeWpa = 8,
  EWlanSecModeWpa2 = 16
  enumerations for WLAN security modes More...
enum   TConnectionMethodWlanSpecificAttributes {
  EWlanIfNetworks = KLanBaseIfNetworks, EWlanIpNetMask, EWlanIpGateway, EWlanIpAddrFromServer,
  EWlanIpAddr, EWlanIpDNSAddrFromServer, EWlanIpNameServer1, EWlanIpNameServer2,
  EWlanIp6DNSAddrFromServer, EWlanIp6NameServer1, EWlanIp6NameServer2, EWlanIpAddrLeaseValidFrom,
  EWlanIpAddrLeaseValidTo, EWlanConfigDaemonManagerName, EWlanConfigDaemonName, EWlanServiceExtensionTableName,
  EWlanServiceExtensionTableRecordId, EWlanSpecificAttributes = 30000, EWlanServiceId = 30100, EWlanConnectionMode,
  EWlanSSID, EWlanUsedSSID, EWlanSecurityMode, EWlanAuthenticationMode,
  EWlanScanSSID, EWlanChannelID, EWlanAllowSSIDRoaming, EWlanRangeInternal = 35000,
  EWlanSecuritySettings, EWlanRangeMax = 39999
  Wlan specific connection method attributes. More...


  _LIT (KUnspecifiedIPv4,"")
  Unspecified IPv4 address.
  _LIT (KKnownIp6NameServer1,"fec0:000:0000:ffff::1")
  Known IPv6 name server 1.
  _LIT (KKnownIp6NameServer2,"fec0:000:0000:ffff::2")
  Known IPv6 name server 2.
  _LIT (KDynamicIpv6Address,"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0")
  Dynamic IPv6 address.
  _LIT (KDefProxyProtocolName,"http")
  Default proxy protocol name.
  _LIT (KDefaultProxyPortNumber,"0")
  Default proxy port number.
  _LIT (KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4,"ip")
  IPv4 network protocol.
  _LIT (KDefIspIfNetworksIPv6,"ip6")
  IPv6 network protocol.
  _LIT (KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6,"ip,ip6")
  IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols.
  _LIT (KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6LAN,"ip")
  IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols for LAN bearers.
  _LIT (KDaemonManagerName,"NetCfgExtnDhcp")
  _LIT (KConfigDaemonName,"!DhcpServ")


const TInt  KErrConnectionNotFound = -32700
  CCmApplicationSettingsUi::RunApplicationSettingsL leaves with this error code if the selection dialog would have zero elements caused by filtering out all the Connection Methods with the aFilterArray and not requesting other list elements by the aListItems bitfield.
const TInt  KDataMobilitySelectionPolicyPriorityWildCard = 256
const TUint32  KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000
  callback timeout in microseconds
const TInt  KEndOfArray = -1
  indicated the end of the array in the following max speed array sets
const TInt  KCsdAnalogue []
  the set of max speeds available for CSD analogue
const TInt  KCsdAnalogueWcdma []
  the set of speeds available for CSD wcdma analogue
const TInt  KCsdIsdn110 []
  the set of speeds available for CSD idsn 110
const TInt  KCsdIsdn110Wcdma []
  the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 110 wcdma
const TInt  KCsdIsdn120 []
  the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120
const TInt  KCsdIsdn120Wcdma []
  the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120 wcdma
const TInt  KHcsdAnal []
  the set of speeds available for HSCSD analogue
const TInt  KHcsdIsdn110 []
  the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 110
const TInt  KHcsdIsdn120 []
  the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 120

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum CMManager::TCmCallSpeed

These enums are used to represent the connection speed.

ECmSpeedAutobaud  Autodetect.
ECmSpeed9600  9600
ECmSpeed14400  14400
ECmSpeed19200  19200
ECmSpeed28800  28800
ECmSpeed38400  38400
ECmSpeed43200  43200
ECmSpeed56000  56000

enum CMManager::TCmCallType

These enums are used to represent the conn.

type Analogue/ISDNv110/ISDNv120

ECmCallTypeAnalogue  Analogue.
ECmCallTypeISDNv110  ISDN v. 110.
ECmCallTypeISDNv120  ISDN v. 120.

enum CMManager::TCmSelectionDialogItems

These bitmasks controls what items does the selection UI containes.

Bitmasks not listed in the enum are reserved for future usage and they are disabled by default. So extending these bitmasks does not cause BC break later.

EShowAlwaysAsk  AlwaysAsk is added to the selection UI.
EShowDefaultConnection  DefaultConnection is added to the selection UI.
EShowDestinations  The following enumerations controls how destinations and Connection Methods are presented in the selection UI. Destination list is added to the selection UI.

EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is set: Destination list is added to the selection UI and a Connection Method can be selected inside a Destination. EShowDestinations is set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set: Destination list is added to the selection UI and no Connection Method can be selected inside a Destination. EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is set: Connection Method list is added to the selection UI. Connection Methods are ordered according to the global bearer type priorities. Destination cannot be selected. EShowDestinations is not set and EShowConnectionMethods is not set: The selection UI will not contain any Destination or Connection Method. E.g. If EShowAlwaysAsk and EShowDefaultConnection was set then the selection UI will contain two entries (AlwaysAsk and DefaultConnection). Destinations which does not contain any Connection Methods are not shown.

EShowConnectionMethods  If EShowDestinations is set: Connection Method can be selected inside a destination.

If EShowDestinations is not set: Connection Method list is added to the selection UI.

enum CMManager::TCmSettingSelectionMode

The selection type of a list item in application settings UI.

EAlwaysAsk  The user selected Always ask.
EDestination  The user selected a destination.
EConnectionMethod  The user selected a connection method.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodCommonAttributes

This enum lists all the common attributes of Connection Methods.

ECmCoverage  The following attributes can be queried via both the manager interface's and connection method interface's Get functions. Checks if there's coverage for this bearer.

(TBool - default: none - read only)

ECmDefaultPriority  Default global priority of the CM's bearer type.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmDestination  ETrue if this connection method is an embedded destination.

(TBool - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerHasUi  Indicates whether the bearer has any UI.

(TBool - default: none - read only)

ECmIPv6Supported  Returns ETrue if IPv6 is supported.

(TBool - default: none - read only)

ECmDefaultUiPriority  Priority of this bearer type when shown in UI for configuring a new IAP.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerIcon  Return the bearer specific icon.

Assumes that there's an existing EEikEnv in the client. Type cast return value from TUint32 to CGuiIcon*. Return value 0 means bearer has no icon. (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerAvailableIcon  Return the bearer available specific icon.

Assumes that there's an existing EEikEnv in the client. Type cast return value from TUint32 to CGuiIcon*. Return value 0 means bearer has no icon. (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerAvailableName  Name of the bearer.

Can be used in layout list_double_large_graphic_popup_menu_pane. (String - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerSupportedName  Name of the bearer.

Can be used in layout list_single_popup_menu_pane_1. (String - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerAvailableText  Localized text 'Available'.

Can be used in layout list_double_large_graphic_popup_menu_pane. (String - default: none - read only)

ECmBearerNamePopupNote  Localized text of the bearer type name.

Can be used in layout popup note. (String - default: none - read only)

ECmCommsDBBearerType  For backward compatibility, connection method can return its CommsDB specific bearer type.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only) Leaves with KErrUnknown if no associated bearer type exists in CommsDat.

ECmBearerSettingName  Name of the data bearer used when accessing external network.

(String - default: none - read only)

ECmVirtual  Is the given connection method virtual? (TBool - default: none - read only).
ECmInvalidAttribute  These are not bearer specific, but controling attributes. Client application can check which attribute was incorrect in UpdateL().

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmAddToAvailableList  Bearer type has to be added to the avaialable bearer type list.

(TBool - default: EFalse - read only)

ECmLoadResult  Result of the load process.

KErrNone if there was no error. Otherwise a system wide error code. (TUint32 - default: KErrNone - read only)

ECmBearerType  Attributes the can be queried only via
  • connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()
  • connection manager's function GetConnectionMethodInfoXXXL() functions

Bearer type of the CM (TUint - default: none - read only).

ECmName  Name of the CM (String - default: none).
ECmIapId  IAP id (TUint32 - default: none - read only).
ECmStartPage  Start page of the connection method (String - default: empty string).
ECmHidden  Connection method is hidden.

(not supported yet) (TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmProtected  This connection method is protected.

Modifying it needs NetworkControl capability. (TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmNamingMethod  See acceptable values in TNamingControl.

(TUint32 - default: ENamingUnique)

ECmSeamlessnessLevel  Defines whether an IAP can be roamed to.

See details in TSeamlessnessValue. (TUint32 - default: ESeamlessnessConfirmFirst )

ECmElementID  Element id of the connection method in IAP table.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmNetworkId  Network id of the connection method.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmConnected  Is network connection created with connection method? (TBool - default: none - read only).
ECmId  ID to uniquely identify the connection methods It is guaranteed that every connection method has an ECmId (TUint32 - default: none - read only).
ECmIapServiceId  Provided for backwards compatibility only.

The record ID of the connection methods' corresponding WAP_ACCESS_POINT record, which use had been deprecated as the main ID should now be ECmIapId, ECmElementID or ECmId. (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

ECmMetaHighlight  The following attributes are stored in the connection method's meta data record. Set to indicate that this connection method is highlighted in Agent dialog.

Only one connection method can have this flag set. (TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmMetaHiddenAgent  Set to hide this connection method in Agent dialog.

(TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmNextLayerIapId  Returns the linked connection method's IAP id.

(TUint32 - default: None)

ECmNextLayerSNAPId  Returns the linked connection method's SNAP id.

(TUint32 - default: None)

ECmProxyUsageEnabled  Set to enable/disable proxy setting of connection method.

Disabling: record is deleted from proxy when UpdateL() is called. Proxy record is deleted on UpdateL() if ECmProxyServerName is an empty string. It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool: default: EFalse)

ECmProxyServerName  Name of the host.

It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none)

ECmProxyProtocolName  Name of the protocol for which this proxy can be used.

It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none)

ECmProxyPortNumber  Port number It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TUint32 - default: none).
ECmProxyExceptions  ";" separated list of the addresses for which the proxy server should not be used.

It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none)

ECmProxyRangeMax  Marks the end of the proxy range.
ECmChargeCardUsageEnabled  Same as in ECmProxyUsageEnabled but for charge card.

(TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmChargeCardAccountNumber  Account number (String - default: none).
ECmChargeCardPIN  PIN number (String - default: none).
ECmChargeCardLocalRule  Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for local calls.

(String - default: none)

ECmChargeCardNatRule  Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for national calls.

(String - default: none)

ECmChargeCardIntlRule  Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for international calls.

(String - default: none)

ECmChargeCardRangeMax  Marks the end of the chargecard range.
ECmLocationUsageEnabled  Same as in ECmProxyUsageEnabled but for location.

(TBool - default: EFalse)

ECmLocationIntlPrefixCode  International prefix code.

(String - default: none)

ECmLocationNatPrefixCode  National prefix code.

(String - default: none)

ECmLocationNatCode  National code (String - default: none).
ECmLocationAreaCode  Area code.

(String - default: none)

ECmLocationDialOutCode  Number to dial for an outside line.

(String - default: none)

ECmLocationDisableCallWaitingCode  Code to dial to disable call waiting facility.

(String - default: none)

ECmLocationMobile  Mobile phone? (TBool - default: none).
ECmLocationUsePulseDial  Use pulse dialling? (TBool - default: none).
ECmLocationWaitForDialTone  Wait for the dial tone? (TBool - default: none).
ECmLocationPauseAfterDialOut  Pause time after dial out.

(TUint32 - default: none)

ECmLocationRangeMax  Marks the end of the location range.
ECmWapIPGatewayAddress  WAP Gateway address, in this case an IP address.

(String - default: none)

ECmWapIPWSPOption  Enum value indicating whether connection-oriented or connectionless API should be used.

See valid values in TWapWSPOption. (TUint32 - default: ECmWapWspOptionConnectionless)

ECmWapIPSecurity  Attempt secure WTLS connection to the gateway (TBool - default: EFalse).
ECmWapIPProxyPort  Proxy port number.

Required for WAP2.0 only. (TUint32 - default: none)

ECmWapIPProxyLoginName  Proxy login name.

Required for WAP2.0 only. (String - default: none)

ECmWapIPProxyLoginPass  Proxy login password.

Required for WAP2.0 only. (String - default: none)

ECmWapRangeMax  Marks the end of the WAP specific range.
ECmCommonAttributesStart  The following attributes are common for many bearer types. Marks the beginning of the common attributes.

It's not sure that every IF or IP attribute is supported by all bearer types. It's not possible to query these attributes via GetConnectionInfoXXX() functions.

ECmIFName  Interface name It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIFParams  Interface parameter string It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIFNetworks  List of network protocols It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIFPromptForAuth  Prompt user for authentication It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmIFAuthName  Authentication user name used by PPP It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIFAuthPass  Authentication password used by PPP It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIFAuthRetries  Number of times for retrying authentication if it fails It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TUint32 - default: none).
ECmIPNetmask  IP net mask of interface It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPGateway  IP address of gateway It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPAddFromServer  Get IP address from server? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmIPAddress  IP address of interface It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPDNSAddrFromServer  Get DNS addresses from server? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmIPNameServer1  IP address of primary name server It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPNameServer2  IP address of secondary name server It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIP6DNSAddrFromServer  Get IP6 DNS addresses from server? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmIP6NameServer1  IP6 address of primary name server It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIP6NameServer2  IP6 address of secondary name server It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPAddrLeaseValidFrom  IP address valid from this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmIPAddrLeaseValidTo  IP address valid for use until this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none).
ECmConfigDaemonManagerName  Name of the ECom configuration daemon manager component.

This component interfaces with the server identified in ECmConfigDaemonName. If specified, ECmConfigDaemonName should also be specified. It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none)

ECmConfigDaemonName  Name of the configuration daemon server.

This server is used to provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP address assignment. If specified, ECmConfigDaemonManagerName should also be specified. It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (String - default: none)

ECmEnableLPCExtension  Enable LCP extensions? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmDisablePlainTextAuth  Disable plaintext authentication? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmCommonAttributesEnd  Marks the end of common attributes.
ECmSpecialAttributes  The following methods can be queried only via connection method's GetXXXAttributeL()

Marks the beginning of special attributes.

ECmIsLinked  Is connection method linked to any virtual connection method? It can be queried only via the connection method's GetXXXAttributeL() (TBool - default: none).
ECmSpecialAttributesEnd  Marks the end of special attributes.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodCsdHscsdCommonAttributes

These are the common attribute of every dial in/out bearer types.

EPluginDialAttribStart  Marks the beginning of common dial in/out attributes.
EDialOut  Dial out or in.

ETrue means dial out. (TBool - default: ETrue)

EDialCallType  Call type.

See acceptable values in TCmCallType. (TUint32 - default: ECmCallTypeAnalogue )

EDialMaxConnSpeed  Maximum speed.

See acceptable values in TCmCallSpeed. (TUint32 - default: ECmSpeedAutobaud )

EDialDescription  Application's description of ISP.

(String - default: none)

EDialType  Enum value indicating ISP type, e.g.

Internet ISP, WAP ISP. Selected from TCommsDbIspType (TUint32 - default: EIspTypeInternetAndWap)

EDialDefaultTelNum  Default phone number.

(Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialDialResolution  Perform dialling resolution for default phone number? (Only for dial out) (TBool - default: none).
EDialChargeCard  Identifier of the chargecard in this ISP.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialUseLoginScript  Use login script? (TBool - default: EFalse).
EDialLoginScript  Login script (used if Use Login Script is ETrue) (String - default: none).
EDialAuthentication  UNUSED (will eventually point to some authentication table/group) (Only for dial in) (TUint32 - default: none).
EDialPromptForLogin  Prompt user for username and password? (Only for dial out) (TBool - default: EFalse).
EDialLoginName  Login name.

(Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialLoginPassword  Login password.

(Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialDisplayPCT  Display PCT (without scanning script for READ command)? (Only for dial out) (TBool - default: none).
EDialIFParams  Interface parameter string.

(String - default: none)

EDialIFNetworks  Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g.

"PPP" (String - default: none)

EDialIFPromptForAuth  Prompt user for authentication username and password? (Only for dial out) (TBool - default: EFalse).
EDialIFAuthName  Authentication username used by PPP (Only for dial out) (String - default: none).
EDialIFAuthPass  Authentication password used by PPP (Only for dial out) (String - default: none).
EDialIFAuthRetries  Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.

(TUint32 - default: none)

EDialIFCallbackEnabled  Callback enabled? (Only for dial out) (TBool - default: none).
EDialIFCallbackType  Enum value indicating type of callback (if enabled).

Selected from TCallbackAction. (Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialIFCallbackInfo  Info for callback request (if enabled) This is an 8-bit string! (Only for dial out) (String - default: none).
EDialCallbackTimeout  Time to wait for callback in microseconds (if enabled) (Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none).
EDialIFServerMode  When PPP is configured as a server.

(Only for dial out) (TBool - default: none)

EDialIPAddressFromServer  Get IP address from server? (TBool - default: none).
EDialIPAddress  IP address of interface (String - default: none).
EDialIPNetmask  IP net mask of interface (String - default: none).
EDialIPGateway  IP address of gateway.

(String - default: none)

EDialIPDNSAddressFromServer  Get DNS addresses from server? (TBool - default: none).
EDialIPNameServer1  IP Address of primary name server.

(String - default: none)

EDialIPNameServer2  IP Address of secondary name server.

(String - default: none)

EDialIP6DNSAddressFromServer  Get IP6 DNS addresses from server? (TBool - default: none).
EDialIP6NameServer1  IP6 Address of primary name server (String - default: none).
EDialIP6NameServer2  IP6 Address of secondary name server (String - default: none).
EDialIPAddressLeaseValidFrom  IP address valid from this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

(Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialIPAddressLeaseValidTo  IP address valid for use until this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

(Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialConfigDaemonManagerName  Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.

This component interfaces with the server identified in ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified. (Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialConfigDaemonName  Name of the configuration daemon server.

This server is used to provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP address assignment. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME should also be specified. (Only for dial out) (String - default: none)

EDialEnableIPHeaderComp  Enable IP header compression? (TBool - default: none).
EDialEnableLCPExtension  Enable LCP extension? (TBool - default: none).
EDialDisablePlainTextAuth  Disable plain text authentication? (TBool - default: none).
EDialEnableSWComp  Enable software compression (e.g.

Microsoft, STAC or Predictor compression)? (TBool - default: none)

EDialBearerName  Enum value specifying the name of the bearer, e.g.

Asynchronous Modem. Selected from RBasicGsmCall::TBearerName (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialBearerSpeed  Enum value specifying the bearer speed from RBasicGsmCall::TBearerSpeed (TUint32 - default: none).
EDialBearerCE  Enum value specifying the bearer CE, e.g.

non-transparent. Selected from RbasicGsmCall::TBearerCE (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialInitString  Modem initialisation string to be used when this ISP is in use.

This string is copied into the MODEM_ISP_INIT_STRING field by NetDial. 8bit string! (String- default: none)

EDialBearerService  Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialBearerProtocol  Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialRLPVersion  Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataRLPVersion.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialIWFtoMS  Integer specifying network to MS window size.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialMStoIWF  Integer specifying MS to network window size.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialAckTimer  Integer specifying rlp ack timeout in microseconds.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialRetransmissionAttempts  Integer specifying rlp retransmission attempts.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialResequencePeriod  Integer specifying resequencing period.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialV42Compression  Enum of type TMobileCallDataV42bis.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialV42CodeWords  Integer specifying V42bis codewords.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialV42MaxLength  Integer specifying V42bis maximum string length.

(Only for dial out) (TUint32 - default: none)

EDialUseEdge  EDGE parameter used by GSM.

(TBool - default: none)

EPluginDialAttribRangeMax  Marks the end of common dial in/out attributes.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodHscsdSpecificAttributes

Enumeration for the HSCSD specific attributes.

EPluginHSCSDAttribStart  Marks the beginning of HSCSD attributes.
EHscsdChannelCoding  Enum value specifying HSCSD channel coding.

Selected from RMobileCall::TMobileCallTchCoding. (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

EHscsdAiur  Enum value specifying AIUR for HSCSD.

Selected from RMobileCall::TMobileCallAiur. (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

EHscsdRequestedTimeSlots  Requested number of time slots for HSCSD.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

EHscsdMaximumTimeSlots  Maximum number of time slots for HSCSD which could be requested during this connection.

(TUint32 - default: none - read only)

EHscsdAsymmetry  Enum of type TMobileCallAsymmetry for HSCSD.

(TUint32 - default: none)

EHscsdUserInitUpgrade  HSCSD parameter - user init upgrade.

(TBool - default: none)

EPluginHSCSDAttribRangeMax  Marks the end of HSCSD attributes.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodPacketDataSpecificAttributes

Packet Data specific connection method attributes.

EPacketDataSpecificAttributes  Marks the beginning of packet data specific attributes.
EPacketDataOutGoing  Indicates the direction of this connection method.

Value ETrue means outgoing, EFalse is incoming. Can be changed dynamically, but every packet data specific data is lost then. (TBool - default: ETrue)

EPacketDataAPName  Access point name.

(String - default: None)

EPacketDataPDPType  PDP type.

Values can be one (RPacketContext::TProtocolType):

  • EPdpTypeIPv4 or
  • EPdpTypeIPv6 (TUint32 - default: EPdpTypeIPv4 if IPv4 only EPdpTypeIPv6 if IPv6 supported )
EPacketDataPDPAddress  PDP address of phone.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataReqPrecedence  Requested quality of service precedence class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataReqDelay  Requested quality of service delay class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataReliability  Requested quality of service reliability class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataPeakThroughput  Requested quality of service peak throughput class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMeanThroughput  Requested quality of service mean throughput class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMinPrecedence  Minimum quality of service precedence class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMinDelay  Minimum quality of service delay class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMinReliability  Minimum quality of service reliability class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMinPeakThroughput  Minimum quality of service peak throughput class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataMinMeanThroughput  Minimum quality of service mean throughput class.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataDataCompression  Data compression on? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataHeaderCompression  IP header compression on? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataUseEdge  EDGE parameter.

( TBool - default: None)

EPacketDataAnonymousAccess  Use anonymous access on? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataIFParams  Interface parameter string.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIFNetworks  Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g.

"PPP". ( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIFPromptForAuth  Prompt user for authentication username and password? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataIFAuthName  Authentication username used by PPP.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIFAuthPass  Authentication password used by PPP.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIFAuthRetries  Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataIPNetmask  IP net mask of interface.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPGateway  IP address of gateway ( String - default: None).
EPacketDataIPAddrFromServer  Get IP addresses (for EPOC) from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataIPAddr  IP address of EPOC.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPDNSAddrFromServer  Get DNS addresses from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataIPNameServer1  IP Address of primary name server.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPNameServer2  IP Address of secondary name server.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPIP6DNSAddrFromServer  Get IP6 DNS addresses from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer1  IP6 Address of primary name server.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer2  IP6 Address of secondary name server.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidFrom  IP address valid from this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidTo  IP address valid for use until this time, used to store.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataConfigDaemonManagerName  IP address valid for use until this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

( String - default: None)

EPacketDataConfigDaemonName  Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.

This component interfaces with the server identified in ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified. Name of the configuration daemon server. This server is used to provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP address assignment. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME should also be specified. ( String - default: None)

EPacketDataEnableLcpExtension  Enable LCP extensions? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataDisablePlainTextAuth  Disable plain text authentication? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataApType  Service supports Internet only, WAP only or both.

Values can be any of TPacketDataType. ( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataQoSWarningTimeOut  If the requested QOS can not be satisfied warn the user after this time in microseconds.

Set to 0xffffffff to disable. ( TUint32 - default: None)

EPacketDataServiceEnableLLMNR  Enable LLMNR? ( TBool - default: None).
EPacketDataRangeMax  Marks the end of packet data specific attributes.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodVpnSpecificAttributes

VPN specific attributes.

Note: ECmProxyPortNumber is a common bearer attribute, but its default value varies in the VPN plug-in, where it is 80

Note2: VPN, as it is a virtual plugin, does not supports the following common attributes (these are valid only for real bearers): ECmIFName, ECmIFParams, ECmIFNetworks, ECmIFPromptForAuth, ECmIFAuthName, ECmIFAuthPass, ECmIFAuthRetries, ECmIPNetmask, ECmIPGateway, ECmIPAddFromServer, ECmIPAddress, ECmIPDNSAddrFromServer, ECmIPNameServer1, ECmIPNameServer2, ECmIP6DNSAddrFromServer, ECmIP6NameServer1, ECmIP6NameServer2, ECmIPAddrLeaseValidFrom, ECmIPAddrLeaseValidTo, ECmConfigDaemonManagerName, ECmConfigDaemonName, ECmEnableLPCExtension, ECmDisablePlainTextAuth Querying these will leave with KErrNotSupported.

EPluginVpnAttribStart  Marks the beginning of the VPN attributes.
EVpnServicePolicyName  Policy name.

(String - default: None)

EVpnServicePolicy  Policy.

(String - default: None)

EVpnIapId  Home IAP Id.

(TUint32 - default: None)

EVpnNetworkId  Network Id.

(TUint32 - default: None - read only)

EVpnServiceEnableLLMNR  LLMNR (TBool - default: EFalse).
EPluginVpnAttribRangeMax  Marks the end of the VPN attributes.

enum CMManager::TConnectionMethodWlanSpecificAttributes

Wlan specific connection method attributes.

EWlanIfNetworks  Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g.

"PPP". ( String - default: None)

EWlanIpNetMask  IP net mask of interface.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIpGateway  IP address of gateway ( String - default: None).
EWlanIpAddrFromServer  Get IP addresses (for EPOC) from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EWlanIpAddr  IP address of EPOC.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIpDNSAddrFromServer  Get DNS addresses from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EWlanIpNameServer1  IP Address of primary name server.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIpNameServer2  IP Address of secondary name server.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIp6DNSAddrFromServer  Get IP6 DNS addresses from server? ( TBool - default: None).
EWlanIp6NameServer1  IP6 Address of primary name server.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIp6NameServer2  IP6 Address of secondary name server.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIpAddrLeaseValidFrom  IP address valid from this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

( String - default: None)

EWlanIpAddrLeaseValidTo  IP address valid for use until this time, used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.

( String - default: None)

EWlanConfigDaemonManagerName  Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.

This component interfaces with the server identified in ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified. ( String - default: None)

EWlanConfigDaemonName  Name of the configuration daemon server.

This server is used to provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP address assignment. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME should also be specified. ( String - default: None)

EWlanServiceExtensionTableName  Name of the WLAN Service Extension table.

( String - default: None)

EWlanServiceExtensionTableRecordId  The record ID of the linked WLAN Service Extension record in the WLAN Service Extension table.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EWlanSpecificAttributes  Marks the beginning of WLAN specific attributes.
EWlanServiceId  The record ID to which IAP record these settings belong to.

( TUint32 - default: None)

EWlanConnectionMode  The connection mode.

This can be either Ad-hoc or infrastructure. TWlanNetMode enum is to be used. ( TUint32 - default: EInfra )

EWlanSSID  The SSID of this WLAN connection.

( String - default: None)

EWlanUsedSSID  Used SSID.

( String - default: None)

EWlanSecurityMode  The security mode of this WLAN connection.

It is a TWlanSecMode enum. ( TUint32 - default: EWlanSecModeOpen )

EWlanAuthenticationMode  Authentication type: none, wep, wpa, wpapresharedkey ( TUint32 - default: None ).
EWlanScanSSID  Gives whether it should scan for the SSID.

(TBool - default: EFalse )

EWlanChannelID  This is the channel ID in ad-hoc network mode ( TUint32 - default: EAdhocAutomatic, if set to EAdhocUserDefined default = 7 ).
EWlanAllowSSIDRoaming  Gives whether it is allowed to roam inside one SSID or not.

(TBool - default: determined through variation )

EWlanRangeInternal  Internal limiter.
EWlanSecuritySettings  Internal, used for the security settings.
EWlanRangeMax  Marks the end of WLAN attributes.

enum CMManager::TIPv6Types

EIPv6Unspecified  Unspecified IPv6 type.
EIPv6WellKnown  Well known IPv6 type.
EIPv6UserDefined  User defined IPv6 type.

enum CMManager::TLocalisedDestinations

This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised.

ENotLocalisedDest  Used to sign that the destination is not localised at all.
ELocalisedDestInternet  Used to sign that the destination is localised as 'Internet'.
ELocalisedDestWap  Used to sign that the destination is localised as 'Wap'.
ELocalisedDestMMS  Used to sign that the destination is localised as 'MMS'.

enum CMManager::TNamingMethod

Naming method options.

ENamingNothing  Do nothing with name set via ECmName.
ENamingUnique  Make name unique when ECmName is set.
ENamingNotAccept  Do not accept duplication.

It will leave with KErrArgument.

enum CMManager::TPacketDataApType

Enumeration for packet data AP types.

EPacketDataInternetOnly  Internet-only connection method.
EPacketDataWAPOnly  WAP-only connection method.
EPacketDataBoth  Connection method supports both WAP and Internet.

enum CMManager::TProtectionLevel

Protection Levels.

EProtLevel0  No protection.
EProtLevel1  A destination and its contents.
EProtLevel2  A destination.
EProtLevel3  Note: Level 3 - Set the ECmProtected attr on connection method.

enum CMManager::TSeamlessnessValue


enum CMManager::TSnapMetadataField

Metadata items.

ESnapMetadataInternet  If set this destination is for internet usage.

There can be only one such destination. (TBool - default: EFalse)

ESnapMetadataHighlight  If set this destination is highlighted by default in the Agent dialog.

(TBool - default: EFalse)

ESnapMetadataHiddenAgent  If set this destination is hidden in the Agent dialog.

(TBool - default: EFalse)

ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised  This set of flags identifies the fixed destinations which have localised names.

The possible values for this flag-set are the enums of TLocalisedDestinations.

ESnapMetadataPurpose  This set of flags identifies the fixed destinations for fixed purposes.

The possible values for this flag-set are the enums of TSnapPurpose.

enum CMManager::TSnapPurpose

This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataPurpose.

ESnapPurposeInternet  Used to sign that the destination is identified as 'Internet'.
ESnapPurposeOperator  Used to sign that the destination is identified as 'Operator'.
ESnapPurposeMMS  Used to sign that the destination is identified as 'MMS'.
ESnapPurposeIntranet  Used to sign that the destination is identified as 'Intranet'.

enum CMManager::TWapWSPOption

WAP WSP options.

ECmWapWspOptionConnectionless  Indicates that connectionless APIs should be used.
ECmWapWspOptionConnectionOriented  Indicates that connection oriented APIs should be used.

enum CMManager::TWlanNetMode

enumerations for WLAN network modes

EAdhoc  Ad-Hoc mode.
EInfra  Infrastructure mode.

enum CMManager::TWlanSecMode

enumerations for WLAN security modes

EWlanSecModeOpen  Open security mode.
EWlanSecModeWep  WEP security mode.
EWlanSecMode802_1x  802.1x security mode
EWlanSecModeWpa  WPA security mode.
EWlanSecModeWpa2  [email protected] security mode.

Function Documentation

CMManager::_LIT KConfigDaemonName  ,

CMManager::_LIT KDaemonManagerName  ,

CMManager::_LIT KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6LAN  ,

IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols for LAN bearers.

CMManager::_LIT KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4IPv6  ,

IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols.

CMManager::_LIT KDefIspIfNetworksIPv6  ,

IPv6 network protocol.

CMManager::_LIT KDefIspIfNetworksIPv4  ,

IPv4 network protocol.

CMManager::_LIT KDefaultProxyPortNumber  ,

Default proxy port number.

CMManager::_LIT KDefProxyProtocolName  ,

Default proxy protocol name.

CMManager::_LIT KDynamicIpv6Address  ,

Dynamic IPv6 address.

CMManager::_LIT KKnownIp6NameServer2  ,

Known IPv6 name server 2.

CMManager::_LIT KKnownIp6NameServer1  ,

Known IPv6 name server 1.

CMManager::_LIT KUnspecifiedIPv4  ,

Unspecified IPv4 address.

Variable Documentation

const TUint32 CMManager::KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000

callback timeout in microseconds

const TInt CMManager::KCsdAnalogue[]

Initial value:

the set of max speeds available for CSD analogue

const TInt CMManager::KCsdAnalogueWcdma[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for CSD wcdma analogue

const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn110[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for CSD idsn 110

const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn110Wcdma[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 110 wcdma

const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn120[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120

const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn120Wcdma[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120 wcdma

const TInt CMManager::KDataMobilitySelectionPolicyPriorityWildCard = 256

const TInt CMManager::KEndOfArray = -1

indicated the end of the array in the following max speed array sets

const TInt CMManager::KErrConnectionNotFound = -32700

CCmApplicationSettingsUi::RunApplicationSettingsL leaves with this error code if the selection dialog would have zero elements caused by filtering out all the Connection Methods with the aFilterArray and not requesting other list elements by the aListItems bitfield.

See the comment of the RunApplicationSettingsL method for more detailes. This error code is supported by the error resolver.

const TInt CMManager::KHcsdAnal[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for HSCSD analogue

const TInt CMManager::KHcsdIsdn110[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 110

const TInt CMManager::KHcsdIsdn120[]

Initial value:

the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 120

Copyright © Nokia Corporation 2001-2008
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