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00001 /*
00002 * ==============================================================================
00003 *  Name        : SenServiceConnection.h
00004 *  Part of     : Web Services Connection
00005 *  Interface   : 
00006 *  Description : CSenServiceConnection offers public API for
00007 *                service consumers to access invocable services, 
00008 *                as a part of the Web Services Framework (WSF).
00009 *  Version     : 
00010 *
00011 *  Copyright © 2002-2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
00012 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
00013 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
00014 *  Nokia. All rights are reserved. Copying, including 
00015 *  reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any 
00016 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
00017 *  Nokia. This material also contains confidential 
00018 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
00019 *  prior written consent of Nokia.
00020 * ==============================================================================
00021 */
00026 //  INCLUDES
00027 #include <e32base.h> // for CActive
00029 #include <MSenServiceConsumer.h>
00030 #include <MSenServiceDescription.h>
00031 #include <SenSoapEnvelope.h>
00032 #include <SenFragment.h>
00034 // CONSTANTS
00035 const TInt KErrSenNotInitialized                        =       -30291;
00036 const TInt KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy                 =       -30292;
00037 const TInt KErrConnectionInitializing                   =       -30293;
00038 const TInt KErrConnectionExpired                        =       -30294;
00039 const TInt KErrSubmitting                               =       -30295;
00040 const TInt KErrSenSoapFault                             =       -30296; 
00041 const TInt KErrSenInternal                              =       -30297;
00042 const TInt KErrSenNoEndpoint                            =       -30298;
00043 const TInt KErrSenNoContract                            =       -30299;
00044 const TInt KErrSenProviderIdInUseByAnotherEndpoint      =       -30305; 
00045 const TInt KErrSenNoContractNoEndPoint                          =       -30306;
00046 const TInt KSenConnectionStatusNew                      =       0;
00047 const TInt KSenConnectionStatusReady                    =       1;
00048 const TInt KSenConnectionStatusExpired                  =       2;
00050 _LIT8(KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID,              "WS-I");
00052 _LIT8(KDefaultIdWsfFrameworkID,                         "ID-WSF"); 
00055 class CSenServicePattern;
00112 class CSenServiceConnection : public CActive, public MSenFragment
00113     {
00114         public: // Constructors and destructor
00151         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
00152                                                         const TDesC8& aContract);
00188         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
00189                                                          const TDesC8& aContract);
00210         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
00211                                                                                 MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
00234         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
00235                                                                                 MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
00237         /*
00238                 * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
00239                 * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
00240                 * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
00241                 * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
00242                 * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
00243                 * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
00244                 * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
00245                 * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
00246                 * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
00247                 * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
00248                 * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
00249                 * interface.
00250             * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
00251                 * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
00252                 * HandleErrorL() functions.
00253             * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
00254                 * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
00255             * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
00256                 * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
00257                 * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
00258                 * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
00259                 * has to provided in the SD.
00260             * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
00261                 * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
00262             * @param    aObserver connection observer.
00263             * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
00264                 *                               obtain a service connection. 
00265             * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
00266             */
00267         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewL(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
00268                                                                                                 CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern);
00270         /*
00271                 * The ServicePattern version of two phased constructor. 
00272             * Note, that this method is intended to be used by service consumers
00273                 * wishing to initialize connection in specific context called
00274                 * consumer policy. In consumer policy, certain properties 
00275                 * can be set to further define what kind of connection is acceptable
00276                 * and how the connection interacts with transport (for example, which
00277                 * Internet Access Point (IAP) will be used).
00278             * However, any ConsumerPolicy feature is applicable in 
00279                 * one-policy-per-client scope and not used as a common policy.
00280             * To set permanent information about known WSP, please use the
00281             * CSenXmlServiceDescription, which implements MSenProviderPolicy
00282                 * interface.
00283             * This constructor is ASYNCHRONOUS and the actual state of
00284                 * created connection has to be observed from SetStatus() and
00285                 * HandleErrorL() functions.
00286             * If service is found, the SetStatus() call-back is executed
00287                 * with a status value KSenConnectionStatusReady (1)
00288             * For ID-WSF connections, the authentication for the Web Service
00289                 * Provider (WSP) connection is resolved using one of the identity 
00290                 * providers which have been associated with the contract found in 
00291                 * the SD. At minimum, the contract of the service (typically some URN)
00292                 * has to provided in the SD.
00293             * Basic Web Service consumers instantiate a SD where an endpoint
00294                 * and framework ID KDefaultBasicWebServicesFrameworkID are defined.
00295             * @param    aObserver connection observer.
00296             * @param    aServiceDescription is the description used to
00297                 *                               obtain a service connection. 
00298             * @return   a pointer to a CSenServiceConnection instance.
00299                 *                               The pointer is left on the cleanup stack.
00300                 */
00301         IMPORT_C static CSenServiceConnection* NewLC(MSenServiceConsumer& aObserver,
00302                                                                                                 CSenServicePattern& aServicePattern);
00304                 // New functions
00334         virtual TInt SendL(const TDesC8& aRequest) = 0;
00368         virtual TInt SubmitL(const TDesC8& aRequest, HBufC8*& aResponse) = 0;
00381         virtual TInt IsReady(TBool& aReady) = 0;
00416         virtual TInt HasFacetL(const TDesC8& aURI, TBool& aHasFacet) = 0;
00448         virtual TInt CompleteServerMessagesOnOff(const TBool& aCompleteOnOff) = 0;
00450                 /*
00451                 * Sends a SOAP message to the service. The SOAP envelope may contain
00452                 * proprietary headers. The system will augment the message with the
00453                 * appropriate headers specified in the service invocation framework,
00454                 * so a client application should add only non-standard headers; and
00455                 * if it doesn't need to set such headers it is strongly recommended
00456                 * to use SendL(TDesC8&), which is meant for this.
00457                 * This is an asynchronous function, that returns immediately.
00458                 * When the service responds, the SOAP envelope content will
00459                 * be received via HandleMessageL() callback. In case of an
00460                 * error - like a SOAP fault - HandleErrorL() will be called
00461                 * with appropriate error code.
00462             * There are two default frameworks available -
00463                 * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
00464                 * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
00465             * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
00466             * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using 
00467                 * SendL(const TDesC8&).
00468             * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
00469             * @param    aMessage  The service specific message - a full SOAP envelope 
00470             * @return status/error code.
00471             * Status codes:
00472         * KErrNone                                                      ok
00473             * Error codes:
00474         * KErrSenNotInitialized                         Connection has not been initialized.
00475         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy          Connection is already busy with another
00476                 *                                                                       request.
00477                 * KErrConnectionInitializing            Connection is still initializing and
00478                 *                                                                       cannot yet process commands.
00479                 * KErrConnectionExpired                         Connection is expired and needs to be
00480                 *                                                                       renewed.
00481                 * KErrSubmitting                                        An internal error has occurred.
00482                 * KErrNoMemory                                          Not enough memory to process the 
00483                 *                                                                       message.
00484                 * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
00485         */
00486                 virtual TInt SendL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage) = 0;
00488                 /*
00489                 * Submits a SOAP message to the service. This is a synchronous call,
00490                 * returning  a SOAP envelope that was received from the service.
00491                 * There are two default frameworks available:
00492                 * the Identity Based Web Service Framework (which ID is "ID-WSF") 
00493                 * and the Basic Web Services Framework (which ID is "WS-I"). 
00494                 * Please note, that ID-WSF does NOT support this method. 
00495                 * Instead, one should send SOAP envelope Bodies using SendL(const TDesC8&).
00496             * So, currently this method is supported only in Basic Web Services framework.
00497             * @param    aMessage SOAPEnvelope with the service specific message
00498                 *                                        without any framework wrapping
00499             * @param    aResponseTo  This is a ref-to-pointer where response 
00500                 *                        from the service will be allocated. If the
00501                 *                        complete server messages mode is set to OFF,
00502                 *                        then only <Body> element will be returned, 
00503                 *                        otherwise a complete SOAP envelope.
00504                 *                        The ownership of aResponse is transfered to 
00505                 *                        the caller.
00506             * @return status/error code
00507             * Status codes:
00508         * KErrNone                                                      ok
00509             * Error codes:
00510         * KErrSenNotInitialized                         Connection has not been initialized.
00511         * KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy          Connection is already busy with another
00512                 *                                                                       request.
00513                 * KErrConnectionInitializing            Connection is still initializing and
00514                 *                                                                       cannot yet process commands.
00515                 * KErrConnectionExpired                         Connection is expired and needs to be
00516                 *                                                                       renewed.
00517                 * KErrSubmitting                                        An internal error has occurred.
00518                 * KErrNoMemory                                          Not enough memory to process the 
00519                 *                                                                       message.
00520                 * KErrSenInternal                                       Internal state is invalid.
00521             * Other error codes are system-wide Symbian error codes.
00522         */
00523                 virtual TInt SubmitL(CSenSoapEnvelope& aMessage, HBufC8*& aResponseTo) = 0;
00544         virtual TInt ServiceDescriptionL(HBufC8*& aServiceDescription) = 0;
00555                 virtual TInt StartTransaction() = 0;
00564                 virtual TInt TransactionCompleted() = 0;
00566         protected:
00571                 CSenServiceConnection();
00573     };
00576 #endif
00578 // End of File

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