stdio.h File Reference

API published in:
API deprecated in:

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/_null.h>
#include <sys/_types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct   __sbuf
struct   __sFILE


#define  _FSTDIO
#define  __SLBF   0x0001
#define  __SNBF   0x0002
#define  __SRD   0x0004
#define  __SWR   0x0008
#define  __SRW   0x0010
#define  __SEOF   0x0020
#define  __SERR   0x0040
#define  __SMBF   0x0080
#define  __SAPP   0x0100
#define  __SSTR   0x0200
#define  __SOPT   0x0400
#define  __SNPT   0x0800
#define  __SOFF   0x1000
#define  __SMOD   0x2000
#define  __SALC   0x4000
#define  __SIGN   0x8000
#define  _IOFBF   0
#define  _IOLBF   1
#define  _IONBF   2
#define  BUFSIZ   1024
#define  EOF   (-1)
#define  FOPEN_MAX   20
#define  FILENAME_MAX   1024
#define  L_tmpnam   1024
#define  TMP_MAX   308915776
#define  SEEK_SET   0
#define  SEEK_CUR   1
#define  SEEK_END   2
#define  stdin   __stdinp
#define  stdout   __stdoutp
#define  stderr   __stderrp
#define  L_cuserid   17
#define  __sgetc(p)   (--(p)->_r < 0 ? __srget(p) : (int)(*(p)->_p++))
#define  __sputc(c, p)
#define  __sfeof(p)   (((p)->_flags & __SEOF) != 0)
#define  __sferror(p)   (((p)->_flags & __SERR) != 0)
#define  __sclearerr(p)   ((void)((p)->_flags &= ~(__SERR|__SEOF)))
#define  __sfileno(p)   ((p)->_file)
#define  feof(p)   (!__isthreaded ? __sfeof(p) : (feof)(p))
#define  ferror(p)   (!__isthreaded ? __sferror(p) : (ferror)(p))
#define  clearerr(p)   (!__isthreaded ? __sclearerr(p) : (clearerr)(p))
#define  getc(fp)   (!__isthreaded ? __sgetc(fp) : (getc)(fp))
#define  putc(x, fp)   (!__isthreaded ? __sputc(x, fp) : (putc)(x, fp))
#define  getchar()   getc(stdin)
#define  putchar(x)   putc(x, stdout)


typedef __off_t  fpos_t
typedef __size_t  size_t
typedef __sFILE  FILE


__BEGIN_DECLS IMPORT_C void  clearerr (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  fclose (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  feof (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  ferror (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  fflush (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  fgetc (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  fgetpos (FILE *__restrict, fpos_t *__restrict)
IMPORT_C char *  fgets (char *__restrict, int, FILE *__restrict)
IMPORT_C FILE fopen (const char *__restrict, const char *__restrict)
IMPORT_C int  fprintf (FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C int  fputc (int, FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  fputs (const char *__restrict, FILE *__restrict)
IMPORT_C size_t  fread (void *__restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *__restrict)
IMPORT_C FILE freopen (const char *__restrict, const char *__restrict, FILE *__restrict)
IMPORT_C int  fscanf (FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C int  fseek (FILE *, long, int)
IMPORT_C int  fsetpos (FILE *, const fpos_t *)
IMPORT_C long  ftell (FILE *)
IMPORT_C size_t  fwrite (const void *__restrict, size_t, size_t, FILE *__restrict)
IMPORT_C int  getc (FILE *)
IMPORT_C char *  gets (char *)
IMPORT_C void  perror (const char *)
IMPORT_C int  printf (const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C int  putc (int, FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  putchar (int)
IMPORT_C int  puts (const char *)
IMPORT_C int  remove (const char *)
IMPORT_C int  rename (const char *, const char *)
IMPORT_C void  rewind (FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  scanf (const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C void  setbuf (FILE *__restrict, char *__restrict)
IMPORT_C int  setvbuf (FILE *__restrict, char *__restrict, int, size_t)
IMPORT_C int  sprintf (char *__restrict, const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C int  sscanf (const char *__restrict, const char *__restrict,...)
IMPORT_C FILE tmpfile (void)
IMPORT_C char *  tmpnam (char *)
IMPORT_C int  ungetc (int, FILE *)
IMPORT_C int  vfprintf (FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict, va_list)
IMPORT_C int  vprintf (const char *__restrict, va_list)
IMPORT_C int  vsprintf (char *__restrict, const char *__restrict, va_list)
int  __srget (FILE *)
int  __swbuf (int, FILE *)


FILE __stdoutp
FILE __stderrp
char *  __tmpdirptr
int  __isthreaded

Define Documentation

#define __SALC   0x4000
#define __SAPP   0x0100
#define __sclearerr  )     ((void)((p)->_flags &= ~(__SERR|__SEOF)))
#define __SEOF   0x0020
#define __SERR   0x0040
#define __sfeof  )     (((p)->_flags & __SEOF) != 0)
#define __sferror  )     (((p)->_flags & __SERR) != 0)
#define __sfileno  )     ((p)->_file)
#define __sgetc  )     (--(p)->_r < 0 ? __srget(p) : (int)(*(p)->_p++))
#define __SIGN   0x8000
#define __SLBF   0x0001
#define __SMBF   0x0080
#define __SMOD   0x2000
#define __SNBF   0x0002
#define __SNPT   0x0800
#define __SOFF   0x1000
#define __SOPT   0x0400
#define __sputc c,


(--(p)->_w < 0 ? \
                (p)->_w >= (p)->_lbfsize ? \
                        (*(p)->_p = (c)), *(p)->_p != '\n' ? \
                                (int)*(p)->_p++ : \
                                __swbuf('\n', p) : \
                        __swbuf((int)(c), p) : \
                (*(p)->_p = (c), (int)*(p)->_p++))
#define __SRD   0x0004
#define __SRW   0x0010
#define __SSTR   0x0200
#define __SWR   0x0008
#define _FSTDIO
#define _IOFBF   0
#define _IOLBF   1
#define _IONBF   2
#define BUFSIZ   1024
#define clearerr  )     (!__isthreaded ? __sclearerr(p) : (clearerr)(p))
#define EOF   (-1)
#define feof  )     (!__isthreaded ? __sfeof(p) : (feof)(p))
#define ferror  )     (!__isthreaded ? __sferror(p) : (ferror)(p))
#define FILENAME_MAX   1024
#define FOPEN_MAX   20
#define getc fp   )     (!__isthreaded ? __sgetc(fp) : (getc)(fp))
IMPORT_C int getchar void   )     getc(stdin)
#define L_cuserid   17
#define L_tmpnam   1024
#define putc x,
fp   )     (!__isthreaded ? __sputc(x, fp) : (putc)(x, fp))
#define putchar  )     putc(x, stdout)
#define SEEK_CUR   1
#define SEEK_END   2
#define SEEK_SET   0
#define stderr   __stderrp
#define stdin   __stdinp
#define stdout   __stdoutp
#define TMP_MAX   308915776

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct __sFILE FILE
typedef __off_t fpos_t
typedef __size_t size_t

Function Documentation

int __srget FILE  ) 
int __swbuf int  ,
__BEGIN_DECLS IMPORT_C void clearerr FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int fclose FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int feof FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int ferror FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int fflush FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int fgetc FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int fgetpos FILE __restrict,
fpos_t __restrict
IMPORT_C char* fgets char *  __restrict,
int  ,
FILE __restrict
IMPORT_C FILE* fopen const char *  __restrict,
const char *  __restrict
IMPORT_C int fprintf FILE __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int fputc int  ,
IMPORT_C int fputs const char *  __restrict,
FILE __restrict
IMPORT_C size_t fread void *  __restrict,
size_t  ,
size_t  ,
FILE __restrict
IMPORT_C FILE* freopen const char *  __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
FILE __restrict
IMPORT_C int fscanf FILE __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int fseek FILE ,
long  ,
IMPORT_C int fsetpos FILE ,
const fpos_t
IMPORT_C long ftell FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C size_t fwrite const void *  __restrict,
size_t  ,
size_t  ,
FILE __restrict
IMPORT_C int getc FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C char* gets char *   ) 
IMPORT_C void perror const char *   ) 
IMPORT_C int printf const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int putc int  ,
IMPORT_C int putchar int   ) 
IMPORT_C int puts const char *   ) 
IMPORT_C int remove const char *   ) 
IMPORT_C int rename const char *  ,
const char * 
IMPORT_C void rewind FILE  ) 
IMPORT_C int scanf const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C void setbuf FILE __restrict,
char *  __restrict
IMPORT_C int setvbuf FILE __restrict,
char *  __restrict,
int  ,
IMPORT_C int sprintf char *  __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int sscanf const char *  __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C FILE* tmpfile void   ) 
IMPORT_C char* tmpnam char *   ) 
IMPORT_C int ungetc int  ,
IMPORT_C int vfprintf FILE __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int vprintf const char *  __restrict,
IMPORT_C int vsprintf char *  __restrict,
const char *  __restrict,

Variable Documentation

int __isthreaded
FILE* __stderrp
__BEGIN_DECLS FILE* __stdinp
FILE* __stdoutp
char* __tmpdirptr

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