time.h File Reference

API published in:
API deprecated in:

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/_null.h>
#include <sys/_types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct   tm


#define  CLOCKS_PER_SEC   128


typedef __clock_t  clock_t
typedef __time_t  time_t
typedef __size_t  size_t


__BEGIN_DECLS IMPORT_C char *  asctime (const struct tm *)
IMPORT_C clock_t  clock (void)
IMPORT_C char *  ctime (const time_t *)
IMPORT_C double  difftime (time_t, time_t)
IMPORT_C struct tm gmtime (const time_t *)
IMPORT_C struct tm localtime (const time_t *)
IMPORT_C time_t  mktime (struct tm *)
IMPORT_C size_t  strftime (char *__restrict, size_t, const char *__restrict, const struct tm *__restrict)
IMPORT_C time_t  time (time_t *)

Define Documentation

#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC   128

Typedef Documentation

typedef __clock_t clock_t
typedef __size_t size_t
typedef __time_t time_t

Function Documentation

__BEGIN_DECLS IMPORT_C char* asctime const struct tm  ) 
IMPORT_C clock_t clock void   ) 
IMPORT_C char* ctime const time_t  ) 
IMPORT_C double difftime time_t  ,
IMPORT_C struct tm* gmtime const time_t  ) 
IMPORT_C struct tm* localtime const time_t  ) 
IMPORT_C time_t mktime struct tm  ) 
IMPORT_C size_t strftime char *  __restrict,
size_t  ,
const char *  __restrict,
const struct tm __restrict
IMPORT_C time_t time time_t  ) 

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