
TLicenseVendor is a concrete class that represents a software vendor. A vendor is identified by its unique identifier, an object of class TLicenseVendorIdentifier. Its value must be constructed using an algorithm guaranteed to make the identifier refer uniquely to one vendor. The currently supported algorithm follows:

Other algorithms (not currently supported) use other naming authorities. Because many of those authorities reassign identifiers, the algorithms must include a date stamp.

For the supported algorithm, the unique identifier for Taligent is:

The fundamental purpose of an EOI is to register an organization-specific Management Information Base (MIB). Because this EOI is the basis for other systems management functions in the CommonPoint application system, including network management of licensed products, it is also used as a convenient unique identifier for the Licensing Service. However, in future CommonPoint application system releases it will be used as an organization's MIB identifier.

The EOI might already be assigned for a developer's organization. If an EOI is not yet assigned for a developer's organization, it can be obtained by contacting:

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
USC - Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA. 90292-6695
Phone: +1 310- 822-1511
Fax: +1 310-823-6714
Electronic mail: IANA-MIB@ISI.EDU

Information about IANA-MIB administration can be obtained by contacting:

Joe Kemp +1 310-822-1511 x171
Joyce K. Reynolds+1 310-822-1511 x263

For developers with Internet access, the easiest procedure is:

  1. Get the current Enterprise OID assignment list via anonymous FTP to host, directory mib, file snmp-vendors-contacts. If the developer's organization is already listed, simply use the assigned number.
    For multi-site software developers (for example, large corporations or universities), the various development sites must coordinate assigning unique licensed product identifiers, but can share the EOI. See
    "TLicenseProduct" on page 143.
  2. If a number must be assigned, send e-mail to IANA-MIB@ISI.EDU. The body of the message should include the following information:
For developers without Internet access, it might be easiest to interface with their CommonPoint application system Technical Support personnel.

NOTE It is extremely important that a developer not pick a random number. Doing so might cause a collision with a legitimately-assigned number at some future time; in such a case, the number in question will be considered to belong to its legitimately registered organization.

The TLicenseVendor object also maintains vendor contact information meant to be human readable and localizable so that it can be presented to the user when required.

      class TLicenseVendor : public MCollectible {
      //    Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
          //  Constructors and destructors
                              TLicenseVendor(const TLicenseVendor&);
                              TLicenseVendor(const TLicenseVendorIdentifier, vendorId, const TText& contactInfo);
          virtual             ~TLicenseVendor();
          //  operator overloads.
          TLicenseVendor&     operator=   (const TLicenseVendor& source);
          //  MCollectible overrides.
          virtual TStream&    operator<<= (TStream& fromWhere);
          virtual TStream&    operator>>=(TStream& toWhere) const;
          //  TLicenseVendor specific operations.
          virtual void        GetIdentifier(TLicenseVendorIdentifier& target) const;
          virtual void        GetContactInfo(TText& contactInfo);


Allocate on the heap or stack.
TLicenseVendor is safe to allocate at static constructor time as long as TStandardText remains safe as well.

Member functions

GetIdentifier gets the unique identifier for the vendor that is represented by the object.

GetContactInfo gets the contact information from the vendor object. The contact information is the human-readable vendor description that the vendor would like presented to the user. This information should be localized because it is intended for presentation to the user. To enable this localization, the contact information is not used as part of the equality comparators for the class.

Deriving classes

TLicenseVendor is not designed for deriving classes.


TLicenseVendor is not designed for concurrent access.

Resource use

No special requirements.

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