The exact algorithms for generating the product identifier and product version are left up to the vendor. For the identifier, the following choices are appropriate:
class TLicenseProduct : public MCollectible { // Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. public: //................................................................. // Constructors and destructor TLicenseProduct(); TLicenseProduct(const TLicenseProduct& source); TLicenseProduct(const TLicenseVendorIdentifier& vendorIdentifier, const TLicenseProductIdentifier& productIdentifier, const TLicenseVersion productVersion const TText& productName); virtual ~TLicenseProduct(); //................................................................. // operator overloads. TLicenseProduct& operator= (const TLicenseProduct& source); //................................................................. // MCollectible overrides. virtual TStream& operator<<= (TStream& fromWhere); virtual TStream& operator>>=(TStream& toWhere) const; //................................................................. // TLicenseProduct specific operations. virtual void GetVendorIdentifier(TLicenseVendorIdentifier& target) const; virtual void GetProductIdentifier(TLicenseProductIdentifier& target) const; virtual void GetProductVersion(TLicenseVersion& target) const; virtual void GetProductName (TText& target) const; private: };
GetProductIdentifier gets the licensed product's unique identifier.
GetProductVersion gets the licensed product's version.
GetProductName gets the human readable and localized name of the licensed product.
Member functions
GetVendorIdentifier gets the licensed product vendor's unique identifier. Deriving classes
TLicenseProduct is not designed for deriving classes. Concurrency
TLicenseProduct is not designed for concurrent access. Resource use
No special requirements. Supporting Classes
The following basic types are supported by TLicenseProduct:
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