Extensions to the cookbook

The CoolSoftCAD example shown in "Developer cookbook" on page 128 lists only the minimal steps required to use the Licensing framework. To implement a more sophisticated licensing scheme, consider the following extensions:

    If default values are not acceptable, set appropriate request information. The following code example shows how request information is set for CoolSoftCAD:
          gCoolSoftCADLicenseUse.SetRequestSize(const TLicenseUnit count);
          gCoolSoftCADLicenseUse.SetConsumptionRate(const TTime& timePerUnit); 
    This step should be performed after step 3 in "Developer cookbook" on page 128. For a full example of the code required to perform this function, see "Example licensed product implementation" on page 129.
    Periodically call Check() to implement and, or review policies. For information about possible variations in licensing policies, see "TLicenseUse" on page 135.
    This step should be performed after step 4 in "Developer cookbook" on page 128. For a full example of the code required to perform this function, see "Example licensed product implementation" on page 129.
    The Licensing Service licenses software, not data. If data is to be licensed, the software that accesses that data should be licensed.

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