class TLicenseProviderSession: public MReferenceCounted { // Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. public: //................................................................. // Destructor. virtual ~TLicenseProviderSession() //................................................................. // TLicenseProviderSession specific operations. virtual void GetNumberOfUnits(TLicenseUnit& target) const; virtual void ConsumeUnits (TLicenseUnit unitsToConsume); virtual void Allocate (TLicenseUnit unitsRequested, TCollectionOf<TProviderOperation>& operations) = 0; virtual void ExecuteOperations( TCollectionOf<TProviderOperation>& operations); protected: //................................................................. // Constructors and restricted operations for abstract class. TLicenseProviderSession(); virtual void SetNumberOfUnits(const TLicenseUnit& units); private: };
ConsumeUnits consumes a number of licensing units. This function is called by the Licensing framework to inform the session that a number of units have been consumed by the licensed product.
Allocate is called by the Licensing framework to request licensing units from the license provider. The number of units requested is supplied by the Licensing framework, along with a collection containing TProviderOperation objects that the product requires the license provider to execute. For more information about provider operations, see Chapter 2, "Client API," and "Provider operation mechanism" on page 154.
The TLicenseProviderSession derived class must call SetNumberOfUnits to update the number of licensing units available to the session after Allocate succeeds. Allocate returns a value of Void and should throw a TLicenseException for all error conditions. For more information about licensing exceptions, see "Licensing exceptions" on page 162.
SetNumberOfUnits sets the number of licensing units available to the session. This function is called by the TLicenseProviderSession derived class to update the number of available licensing units as a result of an Allocate call.
ExecuteOperations is called by the Licensing framework to forward a set of operations from the licensed product for the license provider to execute. TLicenseUse::ExecuteOperations simply forwards these operations on to the provider's session. The session should execute as many of the operations as possible.
If the license provider does not want to support provider-specific extensions or out-of-band execution of standard operations, it can simply not implement the ExecuteOperations member function in its derived class of TLicenseProviderSession.
Member functions
GetNumberOfUnits gets the number of licensing units available in the session. This function is called by the Licensing framework to evaluate whether it is time to allocate additional units to the session.
In the current release, the only such operation is the TBasicChallenge.
Deriving classes
All license providers must derive this abstract base class and provide an implementation for their class. The Allocate function is a pure virtual function that must be implemented. Concurrency
All threads are synchronized inside the licensing framework so that the license provider need not worry about concurrency issues. Resource use
TLicenseProviderSession objects are created through a call to their associated TLicenseProvider::CreateSession function. The storage associated with an instance of TLicenseProviderSession becomes the responsibility of the caller.
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