Configuring ELFIN

ELFIN inherits the Elan License Manager notion of developer configuration. For security of licensing operations, every developer has an Elan License Manager licensing server configured to respond only to that developer's licensing requests. However, rather than force every Elan License Manager customer to build a pre-configured Licensing Framework implementation, ELFIN allows the developer to pass the necessary configuration information via a provider-specific TProviderOperation derived class: TElfinConfiguration.

      class TElfinConfiguration : public TProviderOperation {
      //    Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
          //    Constructors and destructor
                                  const TText&        feature,
                                  const unsigned long option,
                                  TText&              host,
                                  const int           port,
                                  const TText&        service,
                                  const char *        salt);
          virtual         ~TElfinConfiguration();
          //    operator overloads.
          TElfinConfiguration& operator=(const TElfinConfiguration&);
          //    MCollectible overrides.
          //    Required TProviderOperation overrides.
          virtual void    GetOperationType(TStandardText& token) const;
          //    TElfinConfiguration specific operations.
          virtual void    SetOption(const unsigned long option);
          virtual TText&  GetHost();


TElfinConfiguration allows allocation on the heap or the stack. If an object of this class is added to the collection supplied to the GetOperations member function of the licensed product's TLicenseUse derived class, the object should be allocated on the heap.

TElfinConfiguration has two constructors. The default constructor should not be used in normal operation. The arguments to the other constructor are as follows:

Member functions

GetOperationType returns the identifying information for the class. The passed token should be filled in so that it is equal to kElfinConfigureOperationType.

SetOption allows the previously specified option value to be changed. The argument is the Elan License Manager option as described above.

GetHost allows the licensed product to determine which Elan License Manager licensing server responded to the licensing request. The returned reference is to storage belonging to the operation object.

Deriving Classes

TElfinConfiguration is not designed for derivation.


TElfinConfiguration is not designed for concurrent access.

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