class TElfinLicenseData : public TProviderOperation { // Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved. public: //................................................................ // Constructors and destructor TElfinLicenseData(); virtual ~TElfinLicenseData(); //................................................................ // operator overloads. TElfinLicenseData& operator= (const TElfinLicenseData&); //................................................................ // MCollectible overrides. TStream& operator>>=(TStream& toWhere) const; TStream& operator<<= (TStream& fromWhere); //................................................................ // Required TProviderOperation overrides. virtual void GetOperationType(TStandardText& token) const; //................................................................ // Data available from elm_getinfo(). const TText& GetAlias() const; const TText& GetVendorData() const; const TTime& GetStartsOn() const; const TTime& GetExpiresOn() const; const TTime& GetInstalledOn() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetTotalUnits() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetSoftTotalUnits() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetTotalReserved() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetUsedFromReservePool() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetOtherUsed() const; const TLicenseUnit& GetAvailableToMe() const; Boolean GetNodeLocked() const; Boolean GetResourceAttached() const; char GetDomain() const; signed long GetStatus() const; protected: };
GetStatus returns the status returned by the underlying Elan License Manager code. If the returned status is less than zero, all other Elan License Manager information available from the object should be considered invalid.
The following Getters provide access to the underlying Elan License Manager information associated with a license activation key. For more detailed information about the semantics of this information, see the Elan License Manager documentation provided with the Elan License Manager ADK.
Member functions
GetOperationType returns the identifying information for the class. The passed token should be filled in so that it is equal to kElfinGetLicenseDataOperationType. Accessors for
Elan License Manager information
Deriving Classes
TElfinLicenseData is not designed for derivation. Concurrency
TElfinLicenseData is not designed for concurrent access.
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