Order of events
A typical order of events in the process of managing interests and notifications would be:
- During development, you design Model A to export an interest (for example, AddedAnchor).
- The client fetches the interest and adds it to the connection object.
- The connection object connects to the Notifier (a TNotifier object) to establish a connection for notification. The connection object passes on the interest it received from the model to specify the notifications it will receive.
- A change occurs in the model (an anchor marker is added) and the model creates a notification object (for example, a TAnchorNotification). This notification object contains a reference to the model (contained in the interest) in which the change took place, a copy of the interest (AddAnchorInterest), and a reference to the anchor marker added (AnchorReference).
- The model sends this notification object to the notifier.
- The notifier sends this notification object to all the connection objects that have registered with it as having an interest in this particular type of notification (AddAnchorInterest).
- Each connection object takes the notification object and looks up the member function that it should call to handle the notification (for example, HandleAddedAnchor).
- The connection object then passes the notification object to the member function of the appropriate client.
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