- Preface
- Guide to Desktop Framework Concepts
- CommonPoint information set
- Getting started
- Taxonomy
- Developer guides
- Usage and tools guidelines
- Application documentation
- Documented
sample programs
and sample code
- Installation and
- Typographical conventions
- Reading notation diagrams
- Basic Document framework concepts
- Basic documents
- Elements of document management
- Cycle of document management
- Document session
- Document session responsibilities
- Document registry
- Functors and commands:
accessing and changing document data
- Functors
- Commands
- Command
state machine
- Characteristics
of commands
- Semantics
of commands
- Do
- Incremental Do
- DoEnd
- Undo
- Command bindings
- Storing information
- Filing vs. streaming
- Filing in a document
- Saving data
- Layering of the
storage classes
- Ownership of
- Accessing storage mechanism and
storage bins
- Handling exceptions
- Classes that define a document
- Document classes
- Classes derived
from TAbstractDocument
- Process control
classes within the document family
- Storage classes
- TStore class family
- TStorageMechanism class family
- TStorageBin
class family
- Command classes
- Place classes
- Presentation classes
- Input system
- General event mechanisms
- Creating and
deleting input
- How input
devices work
- The structure of
an event
- How an event
is sent
- Surrogate event
- How events are
- Event distribution
- Receiving events
- Writing your own
event receiver
- Mixin classes
- MEventTarget
- MEventDistributor
- MSimpleEventTarget
and TSimpleEventDistributor
- MEventReceiver
- Mouse Events
- MouseEventHandler
- Using MMouseEventHandler
- Tracking multiple
- Determining a
mouse event's
- Getting global or
relative coordinates
- Detecting mouse motion
- Detecting entry and
exit to a view
- Keyboard Events
- Handling input from
the keyboard
- Determining the state
of modifier keys
- Distributing
keyboard events
- Interactors
- Gestures
- TInteractors and
input devices
- Deriving a
- Activation and deactivation of TInteractors
- Event receiver
- Event receiver
- TInteractors and mouse and keyboard events
- Interactors and
keyboard event distribution
- Tracking mouse exits
and entries with TInteractors
- Tracking continuous mouse motion with TInteractors
- Notification framework
- Notification concepts
- Key actors in notification
- Senders and receivers
- A typical example
- Optimizing using batched notification
- Senders can share a notifier implementation
- Synchronous
versus asynchronous notification
- Remote notification
- Primary notification classes
- Notifier classes
- Connection classes
- Interest classes
- Notification classes
- Using simple notification
- Writing the sender
- Writing the receiver
- Sending custom notifications
- Custom notification
- Sender declares
its use of the notification and
issues it
- Receiver utilizes
the extra information
- Creating batched notifications
- Sender brackets notifications
- Receiver customizes for batching
- Using custom interests
- TShape identifies a portion of the data
- Deriving TShapeInterest
- TShapeList exports the protocol and notifies appropriately
- TSpecialShapeView responds to notifications on a single shape
- Notification across task boundaries
- Notification classes
for notification
across tasks
- Sample remote notification setup
- View System concepts
- Views and the View System
- Views
- View hierarchies
- The View System
- View roots
- Single-threaded concurrency model
- Requests, request queues, and
request handlers
- Handling user input
- Mouse events
- Keyboard events
- Drawing
- Drawing and Refreshing
- Drawing by invalidation
- View layout
- Bounds and
allocated area
- Managing multiple threads
- GUI Application
framework concepts
- Windows and frames
- Window groups
- Controls
- Control bounds
and color
- Visual states
- Control layout
- Control labelling
- Control states
- Control interactors
- Momentary controls
- Boolean controls
- Boolean control groups
- Floating-point controls
- Text entry controls
- List controls
- Spin buttons
- Drop down text controls
- Scrolling support
- Scrolling coordinator
- Scrolling requests
- Scroll bars
- Menus
- Menu controls
- Submenus
- Pop-up menus
- Action framework
- Action control
- Drag and Drop framework
- Drag source
- Drop acceptor
- Drag and drop items
- Layout Views
- Dialog Support
- Label View, Labels, and Decorations
- Labels
- Presentation and
Compound Document
framework concepts
- Compound documents
- Document components
- Document
as containers
- Separation of data
- Models
- Presenter states
- Embedding a component
- Embedding data--
both foreign and
- Models in detail
- Types of models
- Types of data
within a model
- Storing data
from a model
- Editing data
in a model
- Integrating document components with documents
- Objects for
managing and presenting data
- Embedding and presentation
- Embedding a model
- Adding a model
to the embedding hierarchy
- Persistence
of objects
- Concurrency and hierarchical locking
- Persistence
of lock
- Using selections
- Selection creation
and deletion
- Types of
- Accessing
component data
- Granularity of
- Selections and concurrency
- Mixins and command suites
- Using commands with selections
- MDataExchanger
- Data exchange command suite
- Two types of data exchange
- Examples of data exchange
- Anchor markers and links
- Anchor markers
- Operations on
anchor markers
- Anchor marker
creation and deletion
- Types of
anchor markers
- Links
- Link creation
- Link deletion
- Operations on links
- Commands on links
- Types of links
- Directionality of links
- Errors on links
- Document sharing--synchronous collaboration
- Publishing a collaboration
- Joining a
- Adding support for collaboration
- Notifications and interests
- Information flow
- Order of events
- Types of
- Time stamps
and models
- Attributes and styles
- Creation and deletion
- Attribute and style availability
- Base classes
- Saving data
- Where should
data reside?
- Streaming and
filing data
- Making streaming
- How does the operational mechanism work?
- Crash recovery
- Deleting the
command log
- Recovering from
a crash
- Data storage
- Storing the model
and presenter
state pair
- Class structure of the Compound Document framework
- Document classes
- Command and selection classes
- Data classes
- Storage classes
- Knowledge flow between the major class families
- Printing services
- Quick start
- Printing class summary
- Printing concepts
- Pages
- Folios
- Page iterators
- Paginated page folios
- Tiled page folios
- Compound page folios
- Printers
- Using printers
- Matching printers
- Page descriptions
- Print job descriptions
- Printing process
- Preprocessing
- Page composition
- Page compositors
- Resolving page description mismatches
- Scaling
- Tiling
- Clipping
- Centering
- Matching dissimilar
- Getting information about a printer
- Creating a print job description
- Creating a default job description
- Creating a custom
job description
- Printing a range of pages
- Using a page compositor to add adornments to a folio
- Setting page characteristics
- Setting the physical
page size
- Setting the printable rectangle
- Setting the active
- Setting page
- Setting the print
- Using compound page folios
- How to tell if a document is being printed
- Working with the print channel
- Workspace
developer tools
- Integrating a new data type with the Workspace
- Create classes for
your data type
- Start the CommonPoint application system
- Start the Workspace
- Create a new
- Set the Workspace
icon for the new document
- Make stationery
from your document
- Verify that the Workspace displays
the correct icons
- Creating icons for documents and stationery
- Designing icons
- Displaying icons
- Implementing drag and drop for Workspace entities
- Implementing a
drag source
- Deriving a document scrap item source for
a Workspace entity
- Overriding CopyAvailableTypesof
- Overriding CreateItemOfDocument
- Supporting streaming
and dynamic casting
- Attaching a TDocumentScrap-
ItemSource to a
Workspace entity
- Removing a scrap
item source from a Workspace entity
- Viewing the current
drag sources
- Implementing a
drop acceptor
- Deriving a document scrap item acceptor
for a Workspace entity
- Overriding ChoosePreferredType
- Overriding AcceptScrapItem
- Supporting streaming and dynamic casting
- Attaching a scrap
item acceptor to a Workspace entity
- Removing a drop
acceptor from a Workspace entity
- Viewing the current
drop acceptors
- Providing keyboard modifiers for drag
and drop operations
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