Creating a custom job description

To create a job description and override either the number of copies, the range of pages, or both:

  1. Create the client part of the print job description.
        TGenericClientJobDescription* clientPart = new TGenericClientJobDescription;
  2. Set the number of copies.
        clientPart->SetCopies(numberOfCopies);  // number of copies
  3. Specify a page range.
        clientPart->SetPageRange(TStandardPageRange(2,5)); // pages 2 through 5
  4. Add the client job component to a printer job component created by a printer.
    Usually the system passes you a printer when you make a request or when the end user specifies a print operation by dragging a document onto a printer. You can also resurrect one you've kept with the folio or flattened in some data dictionary somewhere; you cannot create one from scratch.
    Currently, you must construct the printer before you can use it. Future releases of the system will provide TPrinter objects. To instantiate a
    printer, use:
        TPrinterprinter(kSystemPrinter);   // This is temporary only
    This creates a printer object representative of the system default printer. To get a job description, just ask the printer to create one for you.
          // combine both client and printer job descriptions
    The TPrintJobDescription object adopts both job description components so the client has no more dealings with either of them.
  5. Use the print job to print a job.

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