Menu controls

A menu control is a view that adopts menu items and creates a menu interactor when the user presses the mouse button down while pointing at the menu view. Menus controls are simply containers, so they do not maintain any state value.

A menu item is one of the following:


You can build a hierarchy of submenus with submenu items. When the user presses the mouse button down while pointing at a submenu item or moves the mouse pointer onto a submenu item during a menu interaction, the submenu item displays its associated submenu. Figure 50 shows before and after clicking on the "Character Styles" submenu item.

Any submenu in the CommonPoint application system can be torn off for easy access when invoking commands repeatedly. A menu can be torn off by dragging it's parent submenu item or by dragging the title bar of the menu you want to tear off. Torn-off menus contain close boxes so that they can be closed when the user is finished with it. Figure 51 illustrates this process.

Pop-up menus

A pop-up menu is a special control that contains just one submenu of Boolean menu items where only one item in the submenu is set to true at any one time. When the user presses the mouse button down while pointing at a pop-up menu, the menu displays, or pops up, its sub-menu.

The sub-menu of a pop-up menu contains TPopUpItems which is a special derived class of TBooleanMenuItem.

When the user selects a pop-up menu item, the pop-up menu copies the label from the pop-up menu item so that the pop-up menu always indicates the last pop-up menu item that the user selected. Figure 52 illustrates this process.

NOTE When the user pops up a popup menu, the submenu is aligned so that the current selection is on top of the popup menu itself.

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