Input system

The input system lies between the low-level frameworks and the hardware. It provides a standard interface to control the hardware, managing interactions between applications and input devices.

The input system has two distinct sets of clients: input devices and applications. Input devices are event producers. They package their interactions with the operating system into events that are distributed to applications which consume them.

These events contain information about where and when the user interaction occurred. In addition, they often contain information about the state of the physical input device that generated them.

The input system is the protocol defining this event creation, distribution, and consumption. The base class of the input system (TInputDevice) is deliberately general, enabling a wide variety of physical devices to be supported by a single class.

TIP Application developers should derive a subclass from TInputDevice to support either specific devices or behaviors specific to a given device.

General event mechanisms
Mixin classes
Mouse Events
Keyboard Events

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